Italo Calvino Palomar

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Transcript Italo Calvino Palomar

Italo Calvino
Title: Palomar
Author: Italo Calvino
Format: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Pages: 121
Publisher: Siruela, 1004598000
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9 MB
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«Rileggendo il tutto, m'accorgo che la storia di Palomar si può riassumere in due frasi: "Un
uomo si mette in marcia per raggiungere, passo a passo, la saggezza. Non è ancora arrivato".»
(Dalla presentazione scritta da Calvino nel 1983)
Insightful reviews
Emily O: I don't usually like blurbs. I find that they often misrepresent the books that they are
supposed to be describing. That said, I don't know that there is any better way to describe Mr.
Palomar than "a vision of a world familiar by consensus, fragmented by the burden of individual
perception. This books isn't plot driven, or even character driven, so much as it is a book of
images, thoughts, moods, and ideas. Contemplative and deliberately paced, Mr. Palomar is
different from almost anything else I've read.
Mr. Palomar is a series of scenes or vignettes, grouped into three large categories, that are
based on things that our main character, the middle-aged Mr. Palomar, sees and thinks about.
From the waves on a beach to an albino gorilla in a zoo, from the stars and galaxies to the inner
workings of his own mind, Mr. Palomar, like his telescope namesake, is always looking at
something, and trying to divine from those individual moments the laws of the universe. Many of
his musings are about perception and how we should look at things. Is a cheese shop really a
museum of human civilization? What to turtles think about while mating? Is the most important
part of speech actually silence? How much can we interpret the past, or physical objects, or
other people, without distorting them? These sound like big weighty questions, but Mr.
Palomar's thoughts are so rooted in observation and imagery that this book never becomes too
abstract or loses its connection with the reader. Instead, it connects with that part of all of us
that stays detached, thinking about ourselves and our place in the world.
For people who want a books with a plot, I would not recommend this book. Though Mr.
Palomar is very relatable in some ways, he is also a very introverted and detached character,
and though the entire book is composed of his perceptions, I wouldn't say this is really characterdriven novel either. Mr. Palomar is, if nothing else, a novel of mood, images, and thoughts. It is
a book that rewards rereading, with shades of meaning and beauty in everything from the
overall organization all the way down to individual sentences and word choices. Bathed in the
feeling of detachment and isolation so common in modern society, Mr. Palomar is about trying
to make sense of the world in which we somehow find ourselves.
Rating:5 stars
Recommendation:Read this if you like contemplative novels built on mood, images, and ideas.
For more reviews, visit my blog: Reading While Female
Víctor Sampayo: El libro más conmovedor que he leído de Italo Calvino, quien, a través de una
galería de detalles nimios de la existencia, muestra una serie de contenedores que albergan
una profunda e inesperada sabiduría.
Ben Winch: I came to Calvino late. As a curious/voracious young adult I read If on a winter’s
night a traveller, thought it pointless, and aside from fragments didn’t try him again for twenty
years. The density, the language, the playful intellectualness – none of that was the problem.
But I was a Borges fan and I demanded some heartshock with my mindgames – some dizzying
vertigo or glimpse of the abyss. Whether, in other works, Calvino offers this I can’t say: since
my two-decades hiatus I’ve read only Mr Palomar and a few stories from his much earlier Adam,
One Afternoon (which seemed empty and over-slick and almost put me off all over again). But,
perhaps owing to my mellowing with middle-age, I realise the fear and trembling stemming from
Poe through Kafka to Borges is not the be-all and end-all – that, in light of my more recent love
affair with his younger countryman Antonio Tabucchi, Calvino’s – at least in Mr Palomar – is in
some ways a perfect temperament for me, so long as he’s balanced with grittier writers to offset
his arch impersonality.
Reasons Mr Palomar suits my current state of mind:
1. It’s a travel-book, by an author who isn’t travelling. Or let’s say he’s travelling – to
and from the shops, to the zoo, to the beach – but with the gaze of a visitor, a stranger,
which makes of even his stepping outside to the garden a minor revelation.
2. It’s a meditation. It tempts us not (like Poe/Kafka/Borges) to search in dreams and
fantasy for paradox, but to find it here, in the everyday: “‘It is only after you have come
to know the surface of things,’ he concludes, ‘that you venture to seak what is
underneath. But the surface is inexhaustible.’”
3. It’s a writing-guide, a series of exercises, a catalogue. It bears testament to no
extraordinary life of any kind, save the special skill in looking and describing of its
author. Like the late works of Beckett, it shows what can be cultivated in a void, at least
as that term “void” applies to common forms of inspiration. Characters? Barely. Plot?
None. “Drama” stemming from “experience” in the histrionic/melodramatic sense? Not
at all. It makes of growing old, of “losing the fire”, of pottering in the garden – of all these
things, a virtue.
All of this I need to hear and see and believe right now, when my young man’s wander- and
experience-lust is no longer something I can integrate into my chosen lifestyle. That Mr Palomar
is also episodic, discontinuous, made of 20+ (27, to be exact – 9x3) miniature fragments which
speak to and enhance each other but are nevertheless self-contained – that too suits my current
state of mind. With 12 (never more than 12 – that way lies madness) part-finished books piled
by my bedside, Mr Palomar is a powerful anchor, always reliable, its 27 prongs gripping deep
into what is actual. To inhabit only its world might be a trial, even suffocating. This is a book for
in-between states, for “also” moments. I’m reading Emma Tennant, Danilo Kis,
Karapanou’s The Sleepwalker and also Mr Palomar. But in that “also” is the distinction of
the other. In the world of books, too, Mr Palomar is a stranger. One of a kind.
MJ Nicholls: i am not one in all your starry-eyed prose-droolers who appreciates attractive
writing by itself terms. i would like formal innovation or structural complexity or extraordinary
discussion or knee-snapping humour to maintain me amused amid the lexical contortionism.
This makes Calvino an infuriating bedfellow: his Oulipo-era prose is developed with tight
mathematical rigidity, but what comes via during this paintings is the glossy artifice of his prose,
the sparkly poetics of the Cosmicomics. now not good.Well . . . i do not understand even if it is
exhaustion from studying the dizzingly obsessive The Mezzanine, yet this reflective novel did
not movement me particularly. Hats off to the rigorous structure, though, and that ultimate
chapter: beautiful. (I'm no longer averse to a bit attractiveness by itself terms).
Raffaella Foresti: Cari alieni,il nostro viaggio alla scoperta della letteratura postmoderna e delle
sue origini, guardando alla nostra Italia, non poteva che passare da Italo Calvino, grande
innovatore della narrazione – e non solo – del secondo ‘900.Tra le molte sue opere qui si tratta,
in particolare, di Palomar, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Einaudi nel 1983. Un romanzo che è
anche un’esperienza, il viaggio avventuroso di un uomo ossessionato dalla ricerca di una
chiave di pensiero, potremmo chiamarla, che gli consenta di svelare l’ordine che lega il mondo
ai suoi elementi, e i suoi elementi tra loro.L’opera presenta indubbiamente i caratteri del
romanzo filosofico e tuttavia tradisce, nelle sue intenzioni e nella sua perfetta riuscita, quello
che viene ormai da molti citato come uno dei tratti peculiari del postmodernismo: l. a. rinuncia
divertita-e-per-niente-ingenua a qualsiasi pretesa di comprensione sistematica della realtà.Il
Telescopio PalomarLa trama è molto semplice. Il signor Palomar è un uomo taciturno e
solitario. Moglie, figlia, casa con giardino e vacanze al mare. Forse anche un cane, e l. a.
familiare nel box. Dal luogo di villeggiatura alla città, Palomar trascorre le sue giornate in
osservazione, impegnato com’è a scrutare con maniacale precisione i fenomeni che los
angeles natura manifesta ai suoi occhi, advert intuirne gli schemi, le connessioni. Non a caso il
nome del protagonista coincide con quello del celebre Mount Palomar, dov’è situato uno dei
più importanti osservatori astronomici degli Stati Uniti: l. a. rilevanza paradossale dell’omonimia
è presto colta, se si considera che il nostro uomo, affetto da miopia, non riesce a mettere a
fuoco gli oggetti che si trovano in lontananza e dedica tutto sé stesso alla minuta osservazione
del dettaglio.La struttura del romanzo, che si presenta in forma di brevi racconti, ci viene
illustrata dallo stesso Calvino in una nota esplicativa. Si tratta un’opera divisa in tre parti di
nove racconti ciascuna, a loro volta suddivisi in tre capitoli, according to un totale di ventisette
brevi “esperienze” che vedono il signor Palomar protagonista osservatore e pensatore. l. a.
tripartizione illustra i diversi approcci al conoscere dell’uomo: quello sensoriale, e nella specie
visivo; quello antropologico, cioè mediato dall’inserimento di fattori culturali e linguistici, e
quello puramente speculativo. Anche lo stile, l. a. lingua dei racconti, varia a seconda della
modalità conoscitiva in questione: dalle descrizioni consistent with le esperienze visive, alle
narrazioni consistent with le esperienze conoscitive che abbiamo definito antropologiche, fino
alle astrazioni più pure, in step with le speculazioni di sapore metafisico.E così, giorno dopo
giorno, il nostro Palomar osserva e medita, medita e osserva. Dal gorilla albino dello zoo alla
volta celeste si susseguono le sue molteplici disavventure intellettuali, con effetti comici a tratti
esilaranti. Ogni racconto si finish con un fallimento ma, consistent with nulla scoraggiato – solo
un po’ innervosito – Palomar ricomincia los angeles sua indagine, alla ricerca perenne di un
punto di vista che gli darà los angeles comprensione del tutto.Nel suo incedere advert
excludendum il nostro eroe, e di seguito Calvino, arriveranno advert una conclusione… che non
vi svelo. in keeping with non togliervi, qualora non l’abbiate ancora provato, il piacere di questa
immensa lettura.
Yehia Nasser: If time has to end, it may be described, immediate via instant,” Palomar thinks,
“and every one instant, whilst described, expands in order that its finish can now not be seen.”
He comes to a decision that he'll set himself to describing each rapid of his life, and till he has
defined all of them he'll now not examine being dead. At that second he dies
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