Michael Ende Momo

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Transcript Michael Ende Momo

Michael Ende
Title: Momo
Author: Michael Ende
Format: Paperback
Language: German
Pages: 304
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 3522168577
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.5 MB
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Eine gespenstische Gesellschaft "grauer Herren" ist am Werk und veranlasst immer mehr
Menschen, Zeit zu sparen. Aber in Wirklichkeit betrügen sie die Menschen um diese ersparte
Zeit. Als die Not am größten ist und die Welt ihnen schon endgültig zu gehören scheint,
entschließt sich Meister Hora, der geheimnisvolle "Verwalter der Zeit", zum Eingreifen. Doch
dazu braucht er die Hilfe eines Menschenkindes. Die Welt steht still und Momo, die struppige
kleine Heldin der Geschichte, kämpft ganz allein, mit nichts als einer Blume in der Hand und
einer Schildkröte unter dem Arm, gegen das riesige Heer der "grauen Herren".
Insightful reviews
Frahorus: Che dire, strabiliante! Non ho ancora letto la storia infinita, ma se tutti i romanzi di
Ende sono come Momo, non vedo l'ora di divorarli... La storia è fiabesca, piena di simbologie
morali sul fare il bene ed evitare il male, la protagonista è una bambina di dieci anni che ascolta
gli altri ed è saggia come un santone anziano, come dimenticare la mitica Cassiopea, la
tartaruga che prevede il futuro di mezz'ora o come scordare i minacciosi uomini grigi (il male)
che si impossessano del tempo degli uomini? Storia favolosa, così bella che mi sembra strano
che ancora non vi abbiano fatto un film o una serie di cartoni animati... Da non perdere!
Anja: Ich weiß nicht, ob zu dem Buch noch was gesagt werden muss (und falls es jemanden
geben sollte, der es blöd fand: shame on you ^^). Es war toll, einfach nur toll. Gibt nix zu
meckern. Klar, am Ende sind zwei oder drei Fragen offen geblieben, aber mit den "Erklärungen"
dazu in seinem Pseudonachwort, hat sich der Autor geschickt aus der Affäre gezogen :D
Und noch erwähnenswert: Der Hörbuchsprecher hat großartige Arbeit abgeliefert.
Jetzt frage ich mich, ob ich mir mal den Film ansehen sollte...
Steve: I owe a debt of gratitude to a good friend for persuading me to read this novel. It is one
that I would not have otherwise read, given the general premise and genre. A magical fable. I
have one main point of information for you concerning this work that I will pass along right away
so that you need not read the remainder of this review to have it. This is an extended fable of
extraordinary charm that will captivate a reader of any age level. I can imagine an adult reading
this book to a child and both of them deriving so much from it simultaneously. It is a German
Wizard of Oz.
A bit past the halfway point of the novel, we encounter this riddle:
All dwelling in one house are strange brothers three,
as unlike as any three brothers could be,
yet try as you may to tell brother from brother,
you'll find that the trio resemble each other.
The first isn't there, though he'll come beyond doubt.
The second's departed, so he's not about.
The third and the smallest is right on the spot,
and manage without him the others could not.
Yet the third is a factor with which to be reckoned
because the first brother turns into the second.
You cannot stand back and observe number three,
for one of the others is all you will see.
So tell me, my child, are the three of them one?
Or are there but two? Or could there be none?
Just name them, and you will at once realize
that each rules a kingdom of infinite size.
They rule it together and are it as well.
In that, they're alike, so where do they dwell?
The brothers described are the past, the present, and the future. Both the subject and theme of
the novel is Time. Time is being surreptitiously stolen from the inhabitants of this indeterminate
place by humorless men dressed in gray. As the general supply of time dwindles, the citizenry
become more rushed and work harder for longer hours, slowly losing the capacity to enjoy any
of the intangible pleasures of life let alone their material accumulations.
The heroine is a child, Momo. When even her two trusty sidekicks, Guido and Beppo, succumb
to the theft of time, all appears hopeless. The central image of this novel, which is rife with
imagery, is the hour-lily, the source of time itself. They are cultivated by a Professor Hora. The
tour we take of Professor Hora's headquarters and garden at the midpoint of this novel is a tour
de force of imagination and imagery on the part of the author, Michael Ende. A magical delight.
My translation is by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. My usual word concerning translations. I spend nary
a bit of time anymore worrying about whether my translation is a faithful one. If a translated
novel works in English, I accept it without question and care not a whit whether it bears any
relationship whatsoever to the original. This is a beautiful novel in English.
In any event and in the end, it is incumbent upon little Momo under the instruction of Professor
Horo to do battle alone against the men in gray, the thieves of time. The novel is paced well,
and the denouement is exciting.
Perhaps you should attempt to get around any preconceptions or biases concerning books of
this sort and give it a try.
Bunny: steered to me by means of Meltha, one of many smartest humans I know, who has a
superb love for many of the issues I love. How may possibly I resist?10/9 - Why? Why is not this
required interpreting in colleges all around the rattling place? Why have not I heard of this? Why
hasn't it been made right into a motion picture like NES? WHY?????::ahem::This booklet is
WONDERFUL! And for the 1st time considering the fact that i began preserving my nostril in a
publication 14 hours an afternoon (a girl's gotta sleep), humans requested what i used to be
reading, and that i had a lot enjoyable telling them concerning the publication and the way they
had to learn it.It's so sweet, and simply smart. tremendous clever, with stunning visuals that
didn't go away me skimming as another books of overdue have done. simply wonderful.
everybody must learn this.
Anastasia: 4.5/5Questa è una storia che bisognerà raccontare ai propri figli. Primo esperimento
con Michael Endel ben riuscito, los angeles storia infinita entra ufficialmente nella lunga lista dei
libri da leggere. Il messaggio che racchiude Momo non è una scoperta in keeping with me, anzi,
è un concetto ormai ben radicato nella testolina, però è stata un'avventura piacevolissima
comunque. Ed è comunque un messaggio importante da trasmettere ai bambini, che
sicuramente adorerebbero questa storia. Ende sicuramente è perfetto in line with incantare i
bambini, che dopotutto non richiedono altre dalle storie: l'incanto.La penna di Ende è quindi
capacissima, gli ambienti e i personaggi non sono according to niente vuoti o noiosi, anzi. In
qualche modo stimolano il sogno e coinvolgono appieno il lettore. Mi sono sentita protetta a
casa di Mastro Hora, mi pareva di intravedere il sole sulla rotonda durante le chiacchiere di
Momo e amici e mi sono un tantino depressa davanti alle determine dei Signori Grigi.
Personaggio preferito? Cassiopea. 8D Voglio anche io una tartaruga così, mannaggia!
Gebanuzo: Al leer a Momo recordé algo que aprendí a principios de año sobre los angeles
terapia cognitiva, sobre el tiempo, el aburrimiento y l. a. necesidad de estar siempre ocupado, lo
insano que parece no poder "no hacer nada", los angeles vida es un va y viene, un constante
ajetreo de compromisos y actividades que al ultimate del día puede que ni sean útiles para
nuestra vida, pero que tenemos que realizar para llenar los espacios de tiempo; es agotador.
Esto suele pasarnos hasta en vacaciones, no podemos estar haciendo nada, porque parece
que somos nada productivos, entonces nos llenamos de actividades y al ultimate terminamos
nunca tomando un descanso.Vamos a visitar a Momo, a que nos cuente unos cuantos cuentos
y a jugar con ella, es totalmente sencillo, aunque lamentablemente los niños parecen ya no
querer jugar, están envueltos en compromisos; clases de gymnasia, ballet, natación, etc... y
todo se vuelve competencia infinita, lo sé, el mundo es así ¡HORRIBLE! pero también supongo
se necesitan niños que aprendan a utilizar su intelecto e imagiación juntas, que sepan
socializar, y que encuentren en las personas algo más que un elemento que te saque de algún
apuro. Momo, ¡rescata el mundo y devuelve los angeles paz al andar!
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