Guy de Maupassant Bel-Ami

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Transcript Guy de Maupassant Bel-Ami

Guy de Maupassant
Title: Bel-Ami
Author: Guy de Maupassant
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 416
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0140443150
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8 MB
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De Maupassant's second novel, Bel-Ami (1885) is the story of a ruthlessly ambitious young man
(Georges Duroy, christened ''Bel-Ami'' by his female admirers) making it to the top in fin-desiecle Paris. It is a novel about money, sex, and power, set against the background of the
politics of the French colonization of North Africa. It explores the dynamics of an urban society
uncomfortably close to our own and is a devastating satire of the sleaziness of contemporary
journalism. Bel-Ami enjoys the status of an authentic record of the apotheosis of bourgeois
capitalism under the Third Republic. The creative tension between its analysis of modern
behavior and its identifiably late nineteenth-century fabric is one of the reasons Bel-Ami remains
one of the finest French novels of its time and is recognized as de Maupassant's greatest
Insightful reviews
Eric: I got my clammy adolescent hands on this just months before my parents mustered the
courage to give me The Talk. Oops. "But Mom, I already know about all that stuff...Who told
me? Umm, my friend, Gee...Who's he? Umm, he's this, like, syphilitic roué I met at Barnes and
Manny: On the surface, the moral of the book is simple: be a complete bastard, treat all the
women you meet like dirt and exploit them as much as possible, and you'll be a stunning
success. The author stays deadpan thoughout; it's impossible to tell for sure whether he's being
ironic, though one strongly suspects he is. Fans of the Flashman series will probably enjoy this
Isaiah's comment highlighted for me why the book is so fascinating. Most people don't want to
admit to themselves how important the connection is between sex and power, but Maupassant
puts it center stage. Another work that does the same thing is the musical Evita. I was reminded
of the chorus from "Goodnight and thank you", a duet between Eva and Ché:
There is no one, no one at all
Never has been, and never will be a lover
Male or female
Who hasn't an eye on
In fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on
Their partner
They're hoping their lover will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them, don't blame them
You're the same
Martin: I don't usually feel angry on reaching the final page of a book, but after this one I was
incensed. I read it chiefly because 1) it was free on my Kindle and 2) I remember liking Une Vie
when I read it in college. If you would fancy a fictional movie where Bernie Madoff, instead of
going to jail, gets away with it all, maybe this book is for you. Page after page I was waiting,
desperately hoping for Georges Duroy to get his comeuppance, and of course it never came.
Did de Maupassant actually believe the maxim that Georges kept repeating that "Only the
strong succeed in life" and whatever a man wants is rightfully his so long as he as the nerve to
take it? Or were people in 19th-century Paris really so stupid that they couldn't defend
themselves or punish Duroy for his outrages?
If I was inclined to be generous I would say that de Maupassant wrote a deliberately cynical
social critique in which he is saying, "you see what a debased society we have become since
we've allowed the old courtly ways to disappear and created a world where a disgusting
parvenu like this can rise to the top. This, mon vieux, is the future."
But instead I have to align myself with Roger Ebert who, in condemning the recent film
adaptation, was really chiding de Maupassant himself: "The women are all elegant and
intelligent, they know the ways of the world, and they know Georges' history. Why do they find
him attractive? We don't, and that failure is the downfall of the film (novel!).
And lastly: enough about the moustache already!
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Jane: i've been to nineteenth century Paris, yet I slightly knew it. simply because i've got learn a
e-book with a style, with themes, with a story, that felt so very, very contemporary.This is a
narrative of newshounds with doubtful ethics, of politicians who use their place for private gain,
of fellows and ladies stuck up within the quest for power, cash and social status.And on the
centre of all of it is Georges Duroy. He was once a standard man, a former soldier, who rose
from the ground of society to the very top. An previous good friend gave him a foot within the
door, discovering him a place as a journalist, and introducing him to society. after which Duroy,
who used to be either good-looking and charming, used to be capable of seduce prosperous
women, the bored other halves of strong men, and use their money, their connections, the
issues they advised him to upward push more and more up the ladder.But he was once by no
means satisfied. there has been continually an individual who had a bit greater than he did,
anyone whose place he needed to emulate. Or usurp.He used to be now not a pleasant man,
yet he was once a desirable character. at the start it was once effortless to empathise with a
guy who had served within the military and had for this reason struggled. effortless to be happy
whilst fortune seemed, finally, to be favouring him. yet that changed, because it turned
transparent that he by no means preferred what he had, that he used to be ready to do virtually
whatever to extra his personal ends.He reflected the society round him. each man, and each
woman, was once influenced through a similar things. each one of them might have performed
the exact same in his position, and never considered one of them might have even concept that
perhaps there has been a unique method they can live.That made the tale horrifying,
fascinating, and greater than a bit sad.The tale is particularly a lot the focus. the fashion was
once particularly neutral, and intensely readable. in basic terms the scenes that movement the
tale ahead have been performed out. discussion was once constantly to the point. Descriptions
have been scarce. And there have been no characters that didn’t have major roles to play.But
there has been sufficient version to maintain issues interesting. Drama, and a bit humour, whilst
the time got here for a duel. Upset, and a bit self-interest, while there has been a death. And a
fascinating range of outlooks and responses one of several mistresses.All of which could make
it the vintage for those that don’t like classics. The nineteenth century novel that isn’t tied to its
era. It relatively used to be timeless. i believe that the writer realised that, simply because he did
not anything to pinpoint his setting.The ultimate scene was once perfect. Then, as now, it's the
formidable and never inevitably the righteous who prosper. now not an ending, yet a becoming
Simona Bartolotta: «Eppure eccola qui l'unica cosa bella della vita: l'amore! Stringere fra le
braccia los angeles donna amata! Questo è il limite ultimo della felicità umana.»Come spesso
accade, quando ho preso Bel-ami tra le mani ero assai scettica. Da qualsiasi parte mi girassi,
trovavo qualcuno che me lo consigliava, perché c'era il movie in uscita e allora sì, se fanno il
movie lo devi leggere assolutamente. Se poi c'è Pattinson. Insomma, l'affare mi puzzava. A
tutt'oggi, non ho visto l. a. versione cinematografica e non so se lo farò. Il libro mi è piaciuto così
tanto che temo mi si sfati un mito.Trama ben sviluppata, prosa deliziosa, personaggi coi
controfiocchi, banalità zero. Coinvolge sin dalla prima pagina e non esiste una parola in
sovrappiù. Maupassant sa quando accelerare e quando rallentare, sa cosa tacere e su cosa
rimarcare. Il protagonista è talmente bastardo (passatemi il francesismo!) che ha conquistato
natural me. Ci sono cascata come una dilettante, giuro. Le sue dichiarazioni, specialmente
quelle a Madeleine, suonano così appassionate, così sincere, che mi sono sorpresa a pensare
"Questa qui los angeles ama davvero". Quando poi forse l'unica che ha realmente amato è
stata l. a. de Marelle. Ma è anche più probabile che io sia una illusa romanticona e che se uno
nasce tondo, di certo non muore quadrato.Che Bel-Ami abbia mai amato davvero o no, una
cosa è certa: è riuscito, infine, a conquistare l. a. vetta del bel mondo. Che in line with
raggiungere los angeles sua meta si sia impunemente servito dei cuori di qualche paio di
donzelle, poco importa. D'altronde, chi penserebbe all'amore quando può avere il potere? Io
non mi affretterei tanto a rispondere.
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