Chuck Palahniuk Diary

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Transcript Chuck Palahniuk Diary

Chuck Palahniuk
Title: Diary
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Format: Brossura
Language: Italian
Pages: 287
Publisher: Mondadori, 1209600000
ISBN: 8804577304
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.6 MB
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Da quando ha sposato Peter, enigmatico compagno di corso alla scuola d'arte, Misty è venuta
ad abitare sull'idilliaca Waytansea Island. Ora Peter, dopo un oscuro tentativo di suicidio, giace
in coma all'ospedale. E Misty tiene un diario per quando (semmai) tornerà alla coscienza. Ma trattandosi di un'opera di Chuck Palahniuk - è inevitabile che il contenuto del diario sia molto
bizzarro: misteriosamente cominciano a sparire una dopo l'altra alcune stanze dalle case per le
vacanze della zona che Peter aveva ristrutturato. Misty, con l'aiuto di un grafologo, scopre che
sulle pareti delle stanze (in realtà murate) sono stati scribacchiati dei messaggi terribili e
minacciosi che a poco a poco svelano verità sconvolgenti su di lei e sul suo destino.
Insightful reviews
Amanda: I'm always struck by just how weird Palahniuk's novels are. In the case of this one, I
really thought I had it figured out. Turns out, I didn't. I should probably just give up trying and
enjoy the story. Which I usually do.
Misty lives on Waytansea Island with a husband in a coma and a mother in law who seems bent
on pushing her to be the famous artist everyone seems to think she is. While Misty went to
school for art, she takes it as an insult that everyone thinks she, a poor white trash girl, should
be producing great works of art.
After her husband fails an attempt at suicide, she begins a diary that she writes to him in his
vegatative state. As she chronicles her everyday life, she tells of meeting Angel, a man who
seems to appreciate her work too much. She tells of people that her husband did work for
calling and threatening to sue for disappearing rooms and strange writing underneath the dry
wall and wallpaper work. Misty's story gets stranger as her mother in law and those around her
all seem to be conspiring and pushing for the art they "know" she can produce.
Through most of this book, I was trying to see if I could figure out the "secret." I never did. Parts
of it dragged, and parts of it had to be re-read just because his style of writing isn't always
standard. But by the end, I was completely into the story and, like always, completely surprised.
Definitely a good read for Palahniuk fans or anyone who likes novels that don't follow anything
relatively normal.
anarki: Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. This. Fucking. Book. Is. Shit. I am having a hard time finding
the fitting words to say about this. To write a something like "This is Fucking Great!" or "This
book is GOOD!" or even "This book is perfect!" to do so is going to be a crime. Even giving five
stars wouldn't be enough. I would even say that this is even better than Fight Club.
A dark gripping tale of an artist doomed because of her oozing lava of talents. Misty Kleinman
Wilmot, you are cursed with that gift that you have for—eternity. As a girl, being raised by a
hippie mother, Misty never experienced what world is like outside the trailer park in Tecumseh
Lake. That dream of being an artist is what Misty was living for. She weny to art school. In there,
she met Peter Wilmot. The biggest mistake of all the mistakes she ever made in her life. Poor
Misty. Gifted. Cursed. Inspiring.
Peter Wilmot was on a mission to find that woman cursed with talent that will provide salvation
to Waytansea Island. Yes, he was successful. The name "Misty Kleinman" was hyphenated with
Wilmot. He soon tried to get Misty to Waytansea Island—the island populated with lunatics. The
island trapped with traditions. In order to get Misty to the Island, he impregnated her. Tabbi
Wilmot was the result, and Misty staying in the island. I meant trapped. Better word—wrapped.
Being promised that her dreams of being an artist would be made into reality, she lived in that
island as a waitress at a hotel the Wilmots owned. A mother. A queen of fucking slaves. For
some reason, Peter attempted to kill himself. He failed. Peter had become a living dead in the
hospital. A vegetable waiting to rot—was slow rotting. Then, together with Grace Wilmot, Misty
raised Tabii.
Suffering. Suffering. Suffering.
A daily overdose of it brings her talent back from the dead. The
sleeping volcano exploded. She started to paint like a schizophrenic overdosed with talents.
With her eyes closed and Tabbi as her inspiration, she painted masterpieces of art that were
known to be impossible. Misty had lost everything. Now, Tabbi and that dream of being an artist
were the only things left for her—what was left for her to do. And oblivious to almost everything,
what awaited Misty was a conspiracy that happens every four generations that would kill
hundreds of people. An event that would make the island filthy rich for generations at a price of
hundreds of lives. Misty Kleinman Wilmot. A queen of fucking slaves. A hostage who was
destined to save the island from running out of money for the next four generations. A tool to
use. The island that trapped itself with its own cycle. Once you are born, you're already doomed
to fulfill your fate. You're doomed at being you. How can not being you and being you be curse
at the same time? ... Life perhaps is... A cursed gift.
A fucked-up life is the main reason why we great art ever existed. How stupid would be a
painting of two unicorns kissing each other compared to a painting of a sky burning like hell with
angels crying and screaming from wounds inflicted by demons, winged beings falling down from
the great red sky. How stupid would that be if you call Justin Beiber's songs “Art.” Ok. Ok. I'll
stop making fun of her.
Suffering ... is the key in creating exceptional art. What hurts us the most awakes the artist
inside of us. Brings out the genius out of our brains, out of our souls. Scars and wounds are the
best source inspiration. You art shows your wounds your scars your life—it shows everything
about you. Art and Suffering—they're almost synonymous.
Do you know that the best artists are not the finest and perfect human beings?
Chuck Palahniuk's Angsty Nihilistic Existential Voice was never this loud. Cynical and in some
sense, optimistic. The plot build-up flares with excitement and disgust. Not to mention that this
book has the best plot twists ever. Whoever the narrator was (probably it's Misty), it still
continues to be a puzzle. Which is one the things I liked best about this novel. One of the best
reads I ever had. To not read this would be a crime against yourself. You don't know what
you're missing. And just for the record, you've already missed enough things in your life.
Maria Pallozzi: Il miglior libro di Palahniuk che io abbia letto.
E diciamo che li ho letti quasi tutti, ormai.
Misty vive su un'isola di cui ha sognato e ritratto le case e i luoghi per tutta la vita, prima di
vederli. Ha un marito, una figlia, pensava di poter vivere felice rinunciando al sogno di diventare
un'artista, solo grazie alla gioia domestica della famiglia che aveva creato.
Ma c'è qualcuno che non la pensa così: Misty deve diventare un'artista, e sarà una grande
artista, e chiunque attorno a lei la invita a tentare, a non desistere.
Suo marito nel frattempo ha tentato in suicidio ed è in coma, e la loro bambina viene plagiata
dalla vecchia Grace, la nonna paterna che ha una passione particolare nel programmare la vita
della nuora, Misty.
Se è vero che da una grande sofferenza scaturisce l'arte più pura ci saranno persone che si
prodigheranno affinchè Misty possa patire le pene dell'inferno.
Se esiste qualcosa da conoscere che non si impara ma si ricorda, saranno le persone attorno
alla protagonista a permetterle di ricordare.
E' davvero un libro meraviglioso, e non voglio indugiare oltre perchè potrei svelare più del
dovuto, sappiamo che Palahniuk ama sconvolgere la trama a poche pagine dal finale, e con
questo ho già aiutato molto.
Jocelyn: I met a man in a espresso store whereas analyzing this.Guy: is that this your first time
studying this?Me: First? Why, have you ever learn it greater than once?Guy: Nah, as soon as
was once enough.What he must have stated was once under no circumstances was once
enough.The again had a assessment evaluating Palahniuk to Vonnegut. No. No, no, no. If
anything, Palahniuk is a touch bitter rip off of Pynchon's Lot 49.A lot of the ebook appeared
pointless to the story, that's why i used to be capable of end it so quickly. Skimming, skimming,
skimming. the tale is informed from an engaging point of view (diary written to subconscious
husband of manipulated/used spouse who finally ends up being heroine), however it simply
does not hit a voice or tone that's a fascinating because the perspective.Misty Marie (artist) is a
loser with a mind lifeless husband, a controlling mom in-law and a daughter who's at the mom inlaw's side, I guess? it is all approximately checking out why Misty is at the island, why everyone
is short of her to paint, why her husband wrote in all places people's walls, why he married her
within the first place, why why why and the answer's purported to be an M. evening Shamylan
no matter what gasp, however it was once extra a"thank god this publication is over"sigh of aid
Emanuel: this can be my first Palahniuk's book... it really is creatively written, I do particularly
benefit from the booklet because the writing type is especially designated and simply get
drowned to it, he (Palahniuk) can be a "Tarantino in literature" (hmmm... i would be wrong...). in
the beginning I frustrated with all of the dates, yet then, i missed them, possibly that is one other
aspect which make this e-book unique, it is a diary anyway... twiddling with dates, days, and
times... i need to re-read the start of the publication for few times, while it is speaking
approximately face muscles... well, i'm really not solid in memorizing the clinical phrases of
these muscles. :PWhy in simple terms three stars then?I'm particularly biased, after i have learn
the fast overview at the again cover... an individual from day trip has stated approximately
"Rosemary's Baby" & "The Wicker Man", so i had either Mia Farrow and Nic Cage settled in my
brain (not in purpose), ahead of i began analyzing the book, i've got visible either video clips
pointed out and to be honest, i dislike The Wicker guy (the remake), perhaps the e-book (if any)
or the 1st motion picture installment are better. So, essentially the overview (at the again cover)
has ruined my mind's eye and make this ebook beautiful predictable, and one other element by
way of me, i don't quite just like the finish of the story, type of an anti-climax, a customary
Hollywood ending.All the traditional painters are the witches, who're doing witchcrafts via
concocting coloured potions for the paintings. Emerald eco-friendly is admittedly insecticide,
poisonous. Tyrian crimson is made up of clams. Dutch crimson is overwhelmed buckhorn
berries. And Indian yellow is the urine of livestock fed mango leaves.Well, i love that part... ;)
MJ Nicholls: The Correspondents #4Dear MJ,Received your letter through Patrick. There are a
number of issues a guy can do to draw a woman. I current a sequence of strategies for perusal
within the following numerically partitioned sentences. 1) Kidnap. All you would like for this can
be a automobile and a favored secluded late-night environs. Prowl lanes and nooks for bait.
after you have abducted your chosen lady she's going to hate and worry you: the simplest
characteristics for a girl to have in any relationship. 2) put on Down. Works top with friends. put
on a feminine good friend down over a sequence of years by way of consistently telling them
you're keen on them and so they won’t locate somebody as dedicated to them as you, and at
last they're going to ditch the dream of a formal guy and soak up with you out of desperation. 3)
Subliminal Self-Advertising. Stalk your prey, and on their day-by-day route, flash short ads of
your brilliance at opportune moments. symptoms announcing MJ IS GREAT! you want to
MARRY MJ! each few yards. After a month or so she's going to fall into your arms. you could
resuscitate her herbally. i'm hoping the following tips were helpful. strong good fortune with the
being you thing.Chuckily,ChuckNextPrevious
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