Pat Cadigan Mindplayers

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Transcript Pat Cadigan Mindplayers

Pat Cadigan
Title: Mindplayers
Author: Pat Cadigan
Pages: 276
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0575044888
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.2 MB
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For Allie, putting on the madcap that Jerry borrowed was a very big mistake. The psychosis
itself was quite conventional, but it didn't go away when she took the madcap off, so the Brain
Police took over leaving her with a choice - go to jail as a mind criminal or become a
Insightful reviews
T4ncr3d1: "Come fa una mente a non sapere di esser morta?"
"Come fa la sua a sapere di esser viva? In realtà, è la stessa domanda."
Quella di Pat Cadigan è una voce rara e preziosa, l'unica voce femminile in un genere duro
come la fantascienza cyberpunk. Sulla scia del più celebre Neuromante, di qualche anno
antecedente, Mindplayers riesce a valicare i confini della narrativa di genere, smascherando
definitivamente il cyberpunk come vero e proprio movimento d'avanguardia, fosse solo, in
questo caso, per l'anticipatoria visionarietà di questo romanzo.
E se fosse possibile entrare nella mente di una persona, organizzarla, attaccarla, metterla alla
rinfusa, hackerarla, copiarla ed alterarla, esattamente come se fosse un file? Cosa resterebbe
allora dell'identità, dell'autocoscienza? Questo l'interrogativo fondamentale del romanzo, che
piuttosto che rispondere preferisce porre domande, domande anticipatorie che tutt'ora sono
lungi dal trovare una risposta. In un mondo dalle coscienze volubili come la moda, in cui è
possibile modificare, copiare, vendere la propria identità a piacere, non è solo l'individualità a
finire destrutturata, ma la stessa realtà. E' soprattutto questo il conflitto che vive la protagonista,
il conflitto tra quella che chiama "vita lucida", la vita quotidiana, materiale, fisica, e la più
complessa "vita mentale". Ma come muoversi in una realtà mentale, quando viene a mancare
proprio l'unico punto di riferimento, ovvero l'autocoscienza?
John: Pat Cadigan made her mark in the 1980's as one of the finest writers of science fiction
with her legendary short fiction and excellent novels such as "Mindplayers". Long out of print,
this slender tome is one of the finest works of cyberpunk fiction; happily it is now back in print.
Cadigan writes edgy, streetwise prose as carefully crafted as any by William Gibson; however,
she does a better job in creating vivid, fascinating characters such as Deadpan Allie, the
protagonist of "Mindplayers". Without a doubt, this could be a great psychological science fiction
thriller akin to "Dark City" if anyone in Hollywood was clever enough to acquire the film rights to
Cadigan's superb first novel.
(Reposted from my 2001 Amazon review)
Nigel: This is an excellent cyberpunk sci-fi novel - if you liked William Gibson's stuff you'll
probably like this.
Macha: hallucinogenic cyberpunk. out of the wilder reaches of Philip K. Dickian psychology of
the future. whew. vintage journey de force.
Vanessa: no longer what i used to be expecting. anticipated cyberpunk, obtained psycho-babble
instead. Literary critics should love it.
Justin Howe: In 1955, EC Comics introduced a comic book referred to as Psychoanalysis, and it
was once pretty well precisely what you’d count on for a comic book referred to as
Psychoanalysis with a anonymous document chatting with humans laying on a couch.
Mindplayers is quite like that comic, other than it’s SF from 1992, so the psychoanalysis is
finished through VR you entry without delay via your optic nerves when you eliminate your
eyeballs. Deadpan Allie is the mindplayer in query and she’s a pathosfinder, tasked with getting
into the mind-scape of artist sufferers and aiding them combine their personalities. The
publication has extra an episodic than a three-act or no matter what structure. It’s now not a
problem, yet it’s the novel’s kind and expectancies might be set accordingly. additionally plenty
of eyeballs get got rid of and that takes a little being used to.
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