Philip K. Dick Ubik

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Transcript Philip K. Dick Ubik

Philip K. Dick
Title: Ubik
Author: Philip K. Dick
Format: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Pages: 320
Publisher: La Factoría de Ideas,
ISBN: 8498004918
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.5 MB
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Glen Runciter ha muerto. ¿O lo han hecho todos los demás? Esta cáustica comedia metafísica
de muerte y salvación (servida en cómodo aerosol) es un tour de force de amenaza paranoica y
diversión sin trabas, en la que los fallecidos dan consejos comerciales, compran su siguiente
encarnación y corren continuamente el riesgo de morir de nuevo.
Philip K. Dick no alcanzó la cúspide de su fama hasta después de su muerte. Antes de ella, nos
había ofrecido ya obras tan famosas como El hombre en el castillo, ¿Sueñan los androides con
ovejas eléctricas? y Ubik, considerada la mejor de todas ellas. Además de haber inspirado
multitud de «homenajes» cinematográficos no reconocidos por sus autores, películas como
Blade Runner, Minority Report, Desafío total y Paycheck están basadas en su creación literaria.
Insightful reviews
David: What a hilarious--and horrifying science fiction story! The story starts in the year
1992--23 years after the book was written. Companies hire psychics for commercial purposes,
while their competitors hire anti-psychics. Commercialism is rampant--you have to deposit a
nickel to use the door to your own apartment! When people die, they can be placed "in a cold
pack" and set to a moratorium where they enter into a "half-life". In half-life, they can talk with
their still-living relatives. But their half-life has a "half-life"; their consciousness slowly decays
over time.
The narration is hysterical. For example:
"Potbellied, squat and thick-legged, Stanton Mick perambulated toward them. He wore fuchsia
pedal-pushers, pink yakfur slippers, a snakeskin sleeveless blouse, and a ribbon in his waistlength dyed white hair. His nose, Joe thought; it looks like the rubber bulb of a New Delhi taxi
horn, soft and squeezable. And loud. The loudest noise, he thought, that I have ever seen."
I like the book because it is so unpredictable. I could never guess what was about to happen
next. I listened to the audiobook edition. Anthony Heald is a wonderful reader; he really gave life
to the story.
Marvin: This is one of Philip K. Dick's strangest novels. Those who have read his novels know
that is saying a lot. But there were a few surprises for me. This is one of his wittiest novels.
There are a lot of clever moments especially at the beginning. Yet sooner or later Dick will take
you into the weird dimension and he does it with finesse. I do not have the patience to describe
the plot. Even the Goodreads description at the top is lacking. But all the necessary
ingredients... frustrated protagonists, strange alternate realities, a taste of the mystic, etc...for a
Dick novel is here and they come together nicely with one of his best and most cryptic endings.
This would be a great introductory read for those not familiar with this great athor. In fact, I
would say if you haven't read Ubik, you haven't read Dick.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Four and a half stars.
M.L. Rudolph: 1969. Written five years before PKD experienced his 2-3-74 vision which he then
spent the rest of his life exploring, researching, recording, challenging, buttressing, reexamining, and relating to his body of work.
Ubik--you'll have to read the book to get the meaning of the term--unspools in a future
(1992)Dickian world where corporations are interplanetary, the government is global,
communication is by fixed-line vidphones, and telepaths, inertials, and precogs read telepathic
aura. Oh, and time is fungible.
When Glen Runciter of the Runciter organization is wakened in the middle of the night due to
the sudden disappearance of yet another of his telepaths, he is concerned enough to "consult
his dead wife" in Switzerland. And we enter PKD-land.
A ruthless competitor prompts Runciter to assemble a team of inertials for a project on Luna,
and then....
But I don't want to lay out the plot. Too much is going on in Dick's world. The story is enjoyable
and you need to read carefully, flip back and forth sometimes to keep it all straight. Life and
death, time and space, forward and backward, energy and entropy are slippery concepts in
Dick's hands. Of course no one is what they seem, but neither is the entire tale what it seems.
That's what I like and admire about Dick's novels and stories: they take up residence in my pea
brain and bug me long after I've finished them.
And trying to explain what Ubik is about I feel is only a subjective retelling of the bones of the
story, a retelling which can't do justice to the reading/thinking/puzzling experience. A retelling
which reduces a story to just a story. Or more likely, I'm just not up to the task. I can't tell you
with great confidence what the story is about because I believe the story is so expertly told that
it will have a different meaning for a different reader.
In Exegesis by PKD, he talks alot about Ubik, (Ubik the book and Ubik the term). He talks alot
about Runciter. The novel is one of the several works which figures prominently in his exegetical
exercise. In a way, he seems to believe that his body of work, of which Ubik is an important
waystation, presaged his 2-3-74 vision. His work became clearer to him after he saw through to
the informational underpinning of the universe. That sound crazy to you? Well Dick wasn't crazy
and he wrote more than a half million published words (who knows how many unpublished)
after 2-3-74 in pursuit of an understanding of that vision.
Ubik by itself stands as an entertaining read, a sci-fi tale that challenges our concepts of reality,
life, death, and the big one: why are we here? Serious topics explored in a whimsical, playful,
smart narrative with oddball characters at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid. Misfits like
Dick up against the man, trying like hell to make some sense out of this life down here on earth.
Ubik is more than a fun sojourn into Dick's world. But if that's all you get out of it, it'll work that
way too. Me: I can't get it out of my mind. And I know I haven't done it justice here. So I'll read it
again and maybe come back to this review and revise.
It's been fun though.
Giuseppe: Se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino, questo 2012 si presenta ottimamente con una
lettura scoppiettante.Dopo essermi cimentato con Un oscuro scrutare, Le tre stimmate di
Palmer Eldritch, l. a. svastica sul sole, è arrivato il momento di affrontare uno dei capisaldi della
narrativa dickiana: Ubik.A detta di molti è il capolavoro di Dick. Onestamente ho preferito "Le tre
stimmate di Palmer Eldritch". Ma usare il verbo preferire è ingiusto, visto che stiamo parlando di
due capolavori che hanno diversi punti di contatto.Per quanto riguarda los angeles mia
esperienza personale con Dick, trovo sferzante l. a. constanza con il quale questo autore riesce
a riproporre temi a lui cari usando angolazioni e punti di vista diversi. Temi che si tramutano in
veri e propri topoi, tra i quali l. a. parte da leone los angeles fa l'immanenza della realtà che
viviamo quotidianamente.E' reale quello che ci circonda? E se si, cosa si intende in keeping
with reale? Queste sono le domande che il lettore porta a farsi leggendo i romanzi di Dick ed in
particolare Ubik. L'autore rielabora questo concetto usando diversi viatici: in un "Oscuro
scrutare" è l'uso della droga che fa dubitare il protagonista della veridicità di ciò che vede, tocca
e sente; ne "Le tre stimmate di Palmer Eldritch" è sempre los angeles droga il viatico creando
una realtà parallela; ne "La svastica sul sole" Dick gioca con calchi imperfetti di dimensioni
contigue. Tutte realtà tangibili ma effimere.In questo caso le dimensioni-realtà viaggiano sui
binari della vita e della morte (o meglio della semi-vita). Durante le peripezie del protagonista
svilupperemo una certa empatia nei suoi confronti, chiedendoci dove finisca l. a. vita ed inizi l. a.
semi-vita.Ovviamente il finale è aperto, are available in ogni romanzo letto finora. E are
available ogni romanzo, tutti i vari espedienti dimensionali, temporali e through dicendo sono
sempre utili consistent with una critica della immanente società contemporanea. Dick disse che
nemmeno lui sapeva bene quale fosse il significato in timo di questo libro. Non è però
impossibile leggerci una critica alla società consumistica, alle cosmogonie religiose o
un'allegoria della fantascienza stessa, come suggerito da Pagetti nella prefazione (che
ovviamente mi son letto come postfazione in step with farmi influenzare da eventuali
interpretazioni).Se non avete mai letto Dick, Ubik è perfetto in keeping with iniziarne l. a.
lettura.Se avete già letto altro di Dick, non potete ritardarne los angeles lettura.Se non avete
intenzione di leggerlo, destiny un errore madornale.
Hertzan Chimera: Ubik is a superb booklet blending horror with humour in any such deep and
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Darwin8u: Friends, this wild assessment is one hundred pc PKD approved. Ubik the evaluation
is barely seconds away! Ubik the evaluation is easy-to-read, easy-to-understand,
nonflammable, and avoids at once pointing out these points of your life that would make you
squirm. secure whilst learn as directed. steer clear of lengthy viewing. watch out grammatical
and typographical errors.____________________________Dick, like Pynchon, has something
for entropy and he perfected this subject matter in Ubik. whereas no longer a right away a part
of Dick's Gnostic God trilogy (VALIS, The Divine Invasion, & The Transmigration of Timothy
Archer), Ubik nonetheless manages to be certainly one of Dick's minor God novels (if the Valis
trilogy:Dick's trinity :: Ubik:Dick's Demiurge). Dick turns out greater than keen to bend complete
universes to create an international the place he can ask a few rather colossal questions in
ways in which provide you with extra degrees of uncertainty. What? WHAT? My first creation to
Dick was once age 19. In a SLC airport i purchased a duplicate of Valis (cover regarded cool)
and figured it'd be a enjoyable publication to learn on a plane. Hours later the aircraft landed
and 20+ years later, i don't believe the Earth I landed on used to be almost like the single the
aircraft left sooner than me cracking open Valis. at any time when I learn one other of PKD's
novels it's the very same thing. anything breaks. Time freaks out or at the least flips a bit.
whatever in my mind will get frozen, whatever else in my head will get lost, and a reminiscence
will get replaced. every one Dick novel may still include its personal Ubik-type of warning: this
novel will regulate your reality, even if learn as directed._______________- Robert Farwell /
Edward Jones library / Mesa, AZ 2014
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