Nora Roberts Homeport

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Transcript Nora Roberts Homeport

Nora Roberts
Title: Homeport
Author: Nora Roberts
Format: Audio CD
Language: English
Pages: 3
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1590865189
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.1 MB
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The Maine air is bitterly cold when Dr. Miranda Jones arrives at the family home after a busy
lecture tour. But her blood turns to ice when she suddenly feels the knife against her throat. The
unseen assailant steals her bags, slashes her tires, and disappears. Deeply shaken, Miranda is
determined to put the experience behind her. Distraction comes when she is summoned to Italy
- to verify the authenticity of a Renaissance bronze of a Medici courtesan known as The Dark
Lady. But instead of cementing Miranda's position as the leading expert in the field, the job
nearly destroys it when her professional judgment is called into question. Emotionally estranged
from her mother, with a brother immersed in his own troubles, Miranda has no one to turn
to...except Ryan Boldari, a seductive art thief whose own agenda forces them into a reluctant
alliance. Now it becomes clear that the incident in Maine was not a simple mugging - and that
The Dark Lady may possess as many secrets as its beautiful namesake once did. For Miranda,
forced to rely on herself - and a partner who offers her both unnerving suspicion and intoxicating
passion - the only way home is filled with deception, treachery, and a danger that threatens
them all.
Insightful reviews
Joana Americano: Amazing Story, amazing work!
Michelle M: An ok Nora book. When I first read this book, Borders bookstore was doing quite
well in 1999. I didn't buy this book, instead I went to this store and read it. I believe it took me
two visits to Borders to finish it. I liked the story plot and the hero/ heroine. I just forgot the title
and the author. Been searching for more than a decade and presto - it's an ebook now.
Now granted I read this book when I was 19 yo (currently 36) so a lot of it is still foggy. Heck I
couldn't even remember the author. But I remember the plot was close to How to Steal a Million
staring Audrey Hepburn. So you can maybe understand my frustration whenever I see this
movie. I love both Audrey and the movie. I was mad at the book.
Well now that that is sorted I feel better. I liked the heroine and hero interaction. The whole
Italian family was good (my Dad's mom was first generation American Italian).
But since I'm rusty with this book I'm going to read it again. (my local library has the ebook
available for borrowing. It then gets transferred to my Kindle). I'm just happy that I found the
book again.
I shall update after reading the book.
After reading it:
Now I know why I read it so quickly the first time in '99. The pacing is really SLOW. The heroine
was annoying and weak. I ended up skipping pages. Page upon page of discussing her work
process, materials, etc. And then it was pages of the heroine crying "woo as me." But the hero
was great. And Andrew was sort of ok.
I recommend that you use the library's resources like I did. It wasn't worth me buying in '99 and
it still isn't worth it.
On a lighter note, this book did get me to read Nora's other books.
Jacob Proffitt: This book takes forever to get to the good stuff and once it gets there, the stuff is
only so-so. It doesn't help that Ryan, the main guy, is a jerk nor that I figured out the main villain
from the first time we meet him/her.
So a thin plot and a main guy I didn't like coupled with a heroine who was more than a little
bland but with moments of truly stupid naiveté. So yeah, not my favorite.
That said, I stayed up late to finish the book even if I can't really tell you why... (view
A note about Steamy
: On the low side and not very convincing at that. I mean, Miranda has no
real reason to trust this guy, let alone be intimate with him. And that isn't helped by their first
time being while she's extremely drunk and him telling himself "there's rules about that" before
deciding rules be damned. Like I said above, jerk.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
Bü?ra Bal: Klasik Nora kitab?,gene polisiyeyle a?k? çok güzel harmanlam??.Ama bu seferkinde
polisiye cidden yo?un,özellikle kitab?n ba?? Ryan gelene kadar s?k?c?yd?. Miranda annesi
taraf?ndan bronz bir heykelin dönemini,özelliklerini ö?renmesi için ?talyaya ça?r?l?yor,alan?nda
en iyilerden biri k?z?m?z ve heykeli inceleyip bir rapor halinde sunuyor,ancak çok geçmeden
heykelin sahte oldu?u ortaya ç?k?nca k?z?m?z?n kariyeri tehlikeye giriyor.Bu arada kendisine
ortakl?k teklif eden Ryan boldariyle tan???p,ondan ho?lanmaya ba?l?yor. Miranda ayn?
zamanda bir sanat enstitüsü i?letiyor,bir enstitüye h?rs?z giriyor ve bir heykel çal?n?yor, daha
sonra k?z?m?z?n yatak odas?na adam?n biri giriyor ve sahte heykeli çalmas?na neden oldu?u
için Miranda'ya k?z?yor :D Tabiki h?rs?z?m?z Ryan boldari :DO sahneye bay?ld?m,adam hem
suçlu hem güçlü :D O zaman her ?ey Miranda'n?n kafas?na dank ediyor,heykellerin
de?i?tirildi?ini hata yapmad???n? söylüyor ve Ryan'la birlikte as?l heykelleri bulmak,sicilini
temizlemek için ?talya'ya gidiyor :D Miranda s?k?c?,so?uk bir karakter bunda ailesiyle ili?kisinin
de pay? var,o anas? olacak zilliyi öldürebilirim yani.Ama Ryan ?ahane bir
adam,komik,zeki,haz?rcevap :D Zaten söz konusu Nora ise,gerisi teferruat :D
Bj: Wasn't too definite approximately this one due to the combined reviews. looked like 50/50
while it got here to enjoyed it-hated it. I enjoyed it!The premise of the tale is a piece of artwork
has been came upon in Florence via a plumber and grew to become over to Dr. Elizabeth
Stanford-Jones to authenticate on the prestigious Standford-Jones Institute. She calls in her
daughter, Dr. Amanda Jones, knowledgeable on renaissance art, to authenticate the piece. as
soon as initial effects are done, it really is believed to be a formerly unknown paintings by
means of Michealangelo. The locate and the implications are to be saved mystery until
eventually a last selection could be made that it's certainly a piece via the nice artist however
the locate is leaked.Elizabeth is indignant believing Miranda leaked the tale to extra her career.
The Italian govt is indignant that the locate used to be no longer stated and grew to become
over to them for authentication. The piece is became over to the govt and made up our minds to
be a fake, courting again quite a few months, and never countless numbers of years. As a
result, Miranda is brushed off from the undertaking by way of her mom and instructed to come
to Maine and letting or not it's recognized that she is greater than disenchanted in Miranda's
unsuitable findings and leaking the tale to the press.Back in Maine, Miranda attempts to house
her parent's unhappiness and is set she is going to turn out somehow that her findings have
been correct. One day, her brother introduces her to Ryan Boldari, an paintings broker that's
attracted to a alternate of art among his gallery and the Jones Institute in Maine. Little do they
know, Ryan is a qualified thief, and has plans of his personal for his ultimate act of thievery
earlier than he retires from the profession.From there, the chase is on. Miranda dislikes Ryan at
first, but, of course, they prove enthusiasts and we get an exceptional tale with mystery, drama
and a few lovely solid laughs. The scene the place Miranda will get under the influence of
alcohol and loses her inhibitions is LOL hysterical. within the end, Miranda and Ryan get their
HEA (love the scene the place they negotiate the variety of young ones they will have). They
make an excellent couple tho they're miles aside of their upbringing and manner of life. there's
additionally a HEA for Dr. Andrew Jones, Miranda's alcoholic brother, and his first love, Annie.
We additionally study why Miranda's parents, specially Elizabeth, have constantly been so
detached in the direction of her and the way she handles the situation.Except for the truth that
Miranda fails to enable a person comprehend she is receiving threats until eventually a lot later
within the book, it performed lovely well. I had my decide for the wrongdoer beautiful early on
and prefer such a lot readers used to be a section stunned to determine the explanation at the
back of it all.I consistently take pleasure in a e-book that makes you snort out loud, delivers
these "aww" moments and has you screaming "bitch" at some point soon alongside the way.
This used to be a kind of books!
Zwart Raafje: Miranda's familie verdient het eigenlijk niet om de naam 'familie' te dragen. Zij en
haar broer zijn de kinderen van ouders die geen liefde of aandacht tonen. Ze hebben enkel
belangstelling voor hun werk, hun roem én die reputatie die ze vergaard hebben in de wereld
van de kunst. Broer Andrew is het enige familielid op wie ze kan terugvallen, al wordt zelfs dat
wat moeilijk nu hij steeds moeilijker de drank kan weerstaan.Samen met hem woont ze in het
huis dat ze van hun grootmoeder erfden. Een prachtig huis dat na een aantal jaren van lichte
verwaarlozing (net als hun ouders spenderen ze vrijwel al hun tijd op het werk) een beetje
begint weg te hebben van vergane glorie. Al blijft het uitzicht, waar geen onderhoudt inkruipt, dit
mateloos compenseren. Het consistent aanwezige geluid van de zeegolven die tegen de rotsen
op botsen, het rukken van de zeewind én 's nachts het vertrouwde en rustgevende licht van de
vuurtoren, het enige gebouw dat in hun directe omgeving terug te vinden is. Een rustgevende
plek, al is deze rust niet terug te vinden bij Miranda, die steeds maar bezig is met het werk en
haar gedachten niet stil kan zetten.Wanneer ze onverwachts 's avonds wordt overvallen wordt
haar systematisch geplande leventje onderuit getrokken. Die op het eerste zicht willekeurige
gebeurtenis lijkt immers slechts het eerste dominoblokje uit een lange rij te zijn. Jammer genoeg
staan er haar nog een aantal zaken te wachten, geen één van chicken aangenaam. Al komt ze
dankzij deze gebeurtenissen wel involved met Ryan Boldari. Een guy vol zelfvertrouwen met
een aantrekkelijk uiterlijk, die echter niet is wie hij op het eerste zicht lijkt te zijn. Al is hij daar
zelf wel erg eerlijk in naar Miranda toe. Ze sluiten een verbond om het hoofd boven water te
houden tijdens deze mysterieuze gebeurtenissen. Geleidelijk aan zorgt hij er echter ook voor
dat er bij Miranda emoties boven water komen die ze nog nooit eerder heeft gevoeld. Die
maken het haar niet makkelijk wanneer ze ontdekt dat de gebeurtenissen in verband staan met
elkaar én dat de mensen die erachter zitten zich door niets laten tegenhouden....Ik leerde Nora
Roberts slechts enkele maanden geleden voor het eerst kennen, toen ik het eerste boek van
haar Ardmore-reeks las. Natuurlijk kende ik haar, internet als de meeste boekenfans, wel van
naam, maar ik had tot dan geen enkel boek van haar gelezen. Dankzij de Gallager's van
Ardmore kwam hier verandering in en werd ik nieuwsgierig naar haar andere boeken. Daarom
used to be een bezoekje aan de bibliotheek echt wel noodzakelijk. Waar de Ardmore-reeks
eerder thuishoort tussen de tremendous ontspannende romantische boeken, biedt 'Thuishaven'
naast dit element toch ook wat meer. Romantiek is ook hier een onmisbaar element, maar er is
ook meer aandacht besteedt aan het verhaal, de uitwerking van de hoofd-personages, maar
evengoed de andere karakters die aan bod komen in dit boek. Ook het quantity van het boek
was once wat uitgebreider … alleen maar een pluspunt natuurlijk vermits ik zo van nog meer
leesplezier kon genieten.
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