Suzanne Vermeer Cruise

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Transcript Suzanne Vermeer Cruise

Suzanne Vermeer
Title: Cruise
Author: Suzanne Vermeer
Format: Paperback
Language: Dutch
Pages: 264
Publisher: A.W. Bruna Uitgevers,
ISBN: 9022994791
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.7 MB
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Het huwelijk van Heleen en Frank is wat sleets geworden. Kinderen zijn er nooit gekomen hoewel Heleen dat graag had gewild - en Frank is als touroperator bijna altijd van huis.
Onverwacht komt hij op een dag eerder thuis en verrast haar met een romantische reis: een
cruise ter ere van hun jubileum. De reis is geweldig: Heleen voelt de liefde tussen haar en Frank
weer helemaal opbloeien. Na een paar dagen aan boord wordt ze wakker en is de plek in bed
naast haar leeg. De paniek slaat toe als ze Frank niet kan vinden. Een paar dagen later wordt
hij officieel vermist. Gebroken keert ze terug naar Nederland. Maanden gaan voorbij totdat twee
verzekeringsmaatschappijen contact met haar opnemen en ze erachter komt dat Frank een
dubbelleven leidde. Ze zet alles op alles om achter de waarheid te komen. Dat zal haar niet in
dank afgenomen worden...
Insightful reviews
A Reader's Heaven: (I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an
honest review.)
Frank and Heleen are taking an anniversary cruise. Frank disappears and we learn that he has
faked his own death and is keeping secrets. Heleen learns about this and decides to investigate
this herself.
I have to say from the outset that this book never really reached any great heights for me. After
a strong opening, this book quickly descended into cliches and stereotypes, failing to keep any
real mystery or suspense from chapter to chapter.
One of my biggest frustrations was in the writing of characters. There are times when the author
goes to great length in describing secondary characters - only to find by the end that they play
no great role in the story. It felt like so many words were wasted in doing that - when they could
have been put to better use in keeping the story "afloat."
The other real turnoff for this was the "show" vs "tell" style. It was extremely annoying to be
"told" everything by Heleen, rather than letting it develop organically through the story.
This is my least favourite of the three books by Suzanne Vermeer that I have read now.
Certainly lacking in "mystery" or "thrills" due to the writing style.
Renee: I just finished reading Cruise. It took me a while to finish. For me the story just seemed
to move too slow, and did not really hold my attention as other books usually do. There were
some interesting points in the book, but for me, this was a slow read. The main character was
ok. The story was interesting, there were just too many pages that did not seem to add much to
the story. The Cruise was ok, just not great. I will try another book by the author.
This book was a present by the publisher, at Manuscripta 2010. I was quite curious, because I
had never read anything by this author before.
The book was a quick and easy read (one evening and two mornings during breakfast) and it
did exactly what I expected: it gave me a nice story that I could easily follow, without any serious
brain activity. I do not like that for all my books, but for an 'in between read' during busy times it
is just perfect.
The story itself is nice, it has an unexpected twist or two that makes the story better. What I also
liked was, that there was a '10 years later' part. Usually the book stops when the story ends,
when the mystery is solved. I often wonder (when the main characters get me) what would have
happended to them 'afterwards', when the dust has settled. Despite it ended like I had expected/
hoped for them (silly, because they're only imaginary figures), it was still nice to read.
I'm not sure if I'll read one of her oher books very soon. Not because I did not like this one, but
more because I hope to have enough energy to read books that challenge me more.
Dymphie: Pulp, maar wel aardig voor als je wat grieperig bent.
Janine: This used to be an ARC from Net-galley. I had no longer heard of this writer prior to and
as continuously are willing to learn new books.This tells the tale of a fortunately married
husband and spouse who embark upon a luxurious cruise, all goes good until eventually the
husband disappears with no trace.What occurs then is a sequence of occasions that fluctuate
the process the wife's lifestyles while it truly is published that her husband was once fascinated
by one other mystery relationship. there has been fraud, murder, intrigue, lies, suspicion etc. all these issues which further as much as a ripping read. from time to time i couldn't placed this
down and intensely a lot loved it. i'd suggest it to lovers of murder/mysteries.
Lucianvanbelzen: i feel it is a great booklet to learn at the beach. As a reader you could have
the sensation that the tale is over fairly soon, yet you recognize there's nonetheless extra to
return simply because at a definite aspect it's all 'picture perfect'. i presumed the finishing was
once particularly weak, it used to be a fascinating second yet then it really is lower off. the tip
simply tells what occurred within the woods on the end, i assumed that used to be a pity. It felt
just like the author didn't wish to write down any longer and simply made an easy finish to the
book. yet overall, the tale used to be now not undesirable and publication used to be effortless
to read.
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