Arthur Hailey Nieuws

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Transcript Arthur Hailey Nieuws

Arthur Hailey
Title: Nieuws
Author: Arthur Hailey
Format: Hardcover
Language: Dutch
Pages: 444
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 9026971354
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.8 MB
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Arthur Hailey, de internationaal befaamde auteur van onvergetelijke bestsellers als Airport,
Hotel en Wielen, is terug met een nieuwe dynamische roman die de persoonlijke en zakelijke
conflicten beschrijft in het hart van een wereldindustrie: de nieuwsstudio van een groot
Newyorks televisiestation, CBA.
Crawford Sloane, de glamourvolle presentator van CBA-News, wordt uit zijn rol van afstandelijk
verslaggever en commentator gedrongen wanneer zijn vrouw Jessica, zijn zoontje en zijn vader
worden gekidnapt door een door de drugshandel gefinancierde terroristische organisatie,
Sloane roept de hulp in van zijn eeuwige rivaal bij CBA, sterverslaggever Harry Partridge, exgeliefde van Jessica. Beide mannen worden actieve medespelers in een drama dat door de
televisiekijkers met ingehouden adem wordt gevolgd. CBA stelt een speciaal team van
doorgewinterde journalisten samen om jacht te maken op de ontvoerders. Hun vasthoudend
speurwerk voert hen naar de Zuidamerikaanse jungle en brengt de ontknoping van het drama
Intussen woedt achter de schermen van CBA, onzichtbaar voor de kijkers, een oorlog. De
omroep is overgenomen door een arrogante multinational, Globanic Industries.
De meedogenloze president van Globanic, Margot Lloyd-Mason, heeft maar één doel voor
ogen: het verbeteren van de financiële resultaten. Budgetbewaking is prioriteit nummer een. Het
lot van CBA en van de gijzelaars hangt aan een zijden draad...
Insightful reviews
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Fredrick Danysh: Hailey takes on the world of television media with a story of two media stars
who consider themselves professionals until they become a part of the current headline story.
Harshita: Oh Boy!
That’s exactly how I felt when I finished this book. Arthur Hailey never fails to amaze me. It’
almost as if he himself had worked as a reporter before writing this novel.
So this book is about a television news network - the good, the bad and the ugly. It had been
published in 1990 but I don’t think much has changed till date. There’s still a race to be the first
to report any event and a detachment while reporting any tragedy. News reporters are still vying
to be on camera and be the face of the network. The big industries owning these media houses
still have vested interests in the news and often manipulate it.
CBA Television Newsis a fictional network based in New York. Crawford Sloaneis a reporter
who has risen through the ranks and now enjoys the coveted job of the anchorman for the
channel. Harry Partridgeis his friend and competitor who is happy being a foreign
correspondent. Their lives are linked through love for the same woman, Jessicawho is now
married to Sloane and has a son Nicky. Tragedy strikes Sloane when his wife, his son and his
father are abducted by Peruvianterrorists. Harry Partridge goes all out to bring them back.
Arthur Hailey has not been gentle in this book. He has delved into all the dirty details of the
working of a media house. The kidnapping and subsequent torture of the prisoners has been
written in such detail that a couple of times I had to stop reading to gather my emotions. It is still
a wonderful book and a must read.
Highly recommended.
Nancy: average espionage/adventure book, with an further twist of company owned community
news. Behind-the-scenes intrigue of community news, together with central journalists,
producers, and resources of data have been interesting.
Maynard: Arthur Hailey couldn't have recognized while he authored "The night News" first
released in 1990, how prescient his phrases could become. "The night News" specializes in a
terrorist assault within the kind of a kidnapping that starts off in Larchmont, NY, strikes to
Hackensack NJ, and finally ends up with a mother, son and spouse's father imprisoned within
the jungles of Peru, being held for ransom. Hailey's paintings isn't just a masterpiece of
excellent writing, yet an in depth perception into the workings of a giant new conglomerate
owned by means of a world corporation.
Prakash Karunamoorthi: A web page Turner and extremely specific remark on each facets like
kidnapping, information channel, terrorism.
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