César Aira Varamo - Dream Speech Turns 50

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César Aira Varamo

Title: Varamo Author: César Aira Format: Paperback Language: Spanish Pages: 124 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 8433924990 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 5 MB Download: allowed


El argentino César Aira goza ya en España de un merecidísimo culto, que se acrecentará con Varamo, una sorprendente e hilarante historia de un escribiente de tercera panameño.

Insightful reviews

Patty: Based on the reviews I've read, and I even did my best to read a few in spanish, I'm going to say that this little expirement was a failure. I will also say that even fans of Aira's books, who read it because they really like his other books, may think that this is a subpar novel for him.

Readers who haven't read any of his books should start elsewhere.

Even so, I'm giving it 5 stars, because I think it's that good. This is a very complicated, very slim, novel about abstraction and critism. Many of the reviews (if not all) have described this as a book about a bureaucrat turned poet, and the circumstances under which he wrote his masterwork. That's a mistake. This is a novel about a literary critic, who also happens to the narrator of our story about the bureaucrat, and whom many readers have mistaken for Aira. (It's a common occurance, readers mistaking the narrator's voice for the author's voice, so it's no surprise that it's happened here.) By the way, this review contains spoilers, so you may want to stop reading here. (view spoiler) The novel is very small, only 89 pages in my edition, but it took me a whole week to finish. It was so mentally stimulating that every three paragraphs or so, I had to stop and mull, and then I'd usually go back three paragraphs to get my bearings and then maybe have to stop and mull again. It might be the most challenging book I've read this year, and I loved it for that.

["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]> Alex V.: I have a thing for South American poets that write novels about poets that are chasing poetry like a runaway kite. Especially in their short books. This has that charged kind of prose found on Bolaño's By Night In Chile or Aira's own weirdly cool How I Became a Nun, without being quite as good as either of those. I read this cover to cover sitting by the pool in 98° heat and it flew by without either the reader or the protagonist quite knowing what was going on or why we were following the trail this narrative was cutting, but we did anyway, ignoring the sun and the people having fun with their stupid lives just steps away. I think that's the message these self-righteous Chilean badasses are talking about - the real life is dogged, foolish, and will lead you away from the imagined life everyone else lives. I don't fully buy all that, but it is nice to run with this crowd for 70-80 pages or so and then jump in the pool.

N Kalyan: A friend of mine who was meeting me after a long time in a distant city ducked into a bookshop and picked this for me while on his way to meet me. What a terrific pick.

In the ninety pages of slim volume, you find nuggets galore, woven exquisitely into a narrative that begins to get a hold on you. It's about many things, including myth and nation, but all of them to do with language and imagination. Above all, it's about the art and craft of writing. Do read it.

I'll leave you with the closing para of 'Varamo': The result was Varamo's closing poem, except that it was less a result in itself than a way of transforming what had preceded it into a result. It produced a kind of automatism or mutual fatality, by which cause and effect changed places and became the same story. Far from diminishing the poem's initial vigour, this circle intensifies it. Which is, in fact, what always happens. If a work is dazzlingly innovative and opens up unexplored paths, the merit is not to be found in the work itself, but in its transformative effect on the historical moment that engendered it. Novelty makes its causes new, giving birth to them retrospectively. If historical time makes us live in the new, a story that attempts to account for the origin of a work of art, that is, a work of innovation, ceases to be a story; it's a new reality, yet a part of reality as it has always been for everyone. Those who don't believe me can go and see for themselves.

Inge Vermeire: Ik vind het toch altijd jammer als een auteur, die in de kritieken geloofd en geprezen wordt, mij niet weet te overtuigen. César Aira zou één van de belangrijkste Argentijnse schrijvers van zijn generatie zijn maar ik ben halverwege 'De nachtelijke invallen van ambtenaar Varamo' toch gestopt met lezen.Ik lees geen Spaans en er zijn amper twee boeken van hem vertaald in het Nederlands - misschien lees ik nu internet dat éne boek dat mij niet aanspreekt? Misschien is nu nét het minst toegankelijke van hem vertaald? Maar ik was once natuurlijk al een klein beetje gewaarschuwd door een recensie waarin César Aira vergeleken wordt met Roberto Bolano waarvan ik ooit ook een klein boekje las dat mij niet wist te overtuigen. Maar misschien heb ik ook van Bolano het verkeerde boek uitgekozen...?Samenvattend moet ik gewoon toegeven dat ik nu eenmaal niet graag literatuur over literatuur lees, ik lees ook niet graag satires op de literaire wereld of op de wereld van de kunst, en laat dit nu internet het thema van dit boek zijn. Ik ben opgehouden met lezen op het second dat Aira tot de kern van zijn roman komt en schrijft dat het boek weliswaar de vorm heeft van een roman maar eigenlijk een literatuurgeschiedenis is. Vervolgens overrompelt hij de lezer met een literatuurwetenschappelijke uitleg over de 'vrije indirecte rede' en andere literaire stijlmiddelen. Voor mij wordt zo'n roman dan eerder een spielerei tussen literatuurwetenschappers en literatuurcritici en de zogenaamde 'ironie' of kritiek op het literair bedrijf kan dan toch enkel begrepen worden door de incrowd.En toch ben ik geïntrigeerd door de schrijver - zijn beeldtaal is poëtisch, magisch, absurd - zijn verhaalwereld is zeer bevreemdend en deed me voortdurend denken aan het associatieve in dromen en nachtmerries. Hij schrijft zinnen als: 'Hij verdronk in een glas water, hij vreesde weg te glijden naar de duister kloppende ideeën (...) of '..zijn vingers gehoorzaamden hem niet meer, als een kreupele die in zacht bladerdeeg ligt te vechten met een oester...' Omwille van deze stijl en de absurde fantasiewereld ( 'Varamo had zich voorgenomen een vis op te zetten die piano speelde') zal ik waarschijnlijk ooit nog wel eens een roman van César Aira lezen maar door 'De nachtelijke invallen van ambtenaar Varamo' zal ik toch niet verder ploeteren.

Nate: superb really good wonderful.i'm so in love with this author immediately ... my favourite of his thus far has been episode within the lifetime of a panorama painter; yet this one comes as an in depth moment ...

Arlo: I certainly loved the prose, (big fan of Aira in general) and the booklet over all. My purely

Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) criticism is the ebook took me lower than the outside on philosophical tangents a number of occasions that basically simply dangled there. for example very early on within the ebook Varamo cannot locate swap for his bills. There being a scarcity in funds the typical guy is paid in(coins), as cash are to dear to manufacture. these in strength are paid in paper money(higher denominations) which are more cost-effective to make therefore no scarcity of massive denominations. Varamo who works for "the man" was once simply paid in counterfeit accounts via "the man". So i am pondering nice the no swap factor counterfeit fee is a metaphor foreshadowing of a narrative approximately your commonplace significant American Oligarchy.

pfft Aria looked as if it would go back to his outdated trustworthy meta fiction hat trick.

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