Curriculum scientifico - Università degli Studi di Milano

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Curriculum vitae

Silvia A. Conca Messina


Office address:

University of Milan Department of Historical Studies Via Livorno, 1 20122 Milan, Italy


: +39 02 503 18929


: [email protected]


2006-now Assistant Professor in Economic History, University of Milan


2001-2005 Research Grant Holder in Economic history, University of Milan


2014 Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Economic History 2006 Winner of the public competition for Assistant Professor in Economic History, University of Milan 1996-2000 PhD in History of European Society (curriculum Economic History), final assessment: “Excellent”; University of Pavia. Supervisor: Prof. Angelo Moioli 1993 Laurea (four year Degree, MA equivalent) in Lettere moderne (Modern Literatur, curriculum and thesis in History), 110/110 cum laude, University of Milan


2015-2016 ‘Economic History’ (held in English, graduate course in ‘Environmental and Food Economics’); ‘Global Economic History’ (held in English) and ‘Economy and economic policy History’ (undergraduate courses), University of Milan 2007-2015 ‘Economic History’ (undergraduate courses), University of Milan 2012 Sept Fellowship at Peking University, China – Teaching ‘European Studies’ to

master and PhD students

in collaboration with the European University Centre (EUC), School of Government and Centre for European Studies at Peking University 2009-2012 ‘Business History’ and ‘Economic History’ (

in English for PhD Students

) at the

Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences

, University of Milan 2000-2004 Contract Lecturer – ‘Economic history’ (undergraduate courses), University of Milan-Bicocca and University of Milan


2013-now Faculty Member and Graduate Student Advisor of PhD course in History, culture, social and institutional theories, University of Milan 2006-2013 Faculty Member, Secretary and Graduate Student Advisor of PhD course in Business History & Management, Graduate School of Social, Economic and Political Sciences, 2010 University of Milan Member of the PhD Selection Board for student admissions, Graduate School of Social, Economic and Political Sciences



2013-now Member of the Working Group for Undergraduate Courses held in English, in the Committee for International programmes and staff mobility 2012-now Member of the Joint Commission for the Undergraduate Course in Political Sciences 2010-2012 Researchers’ elected representative and member of the Department Committee (Giunta), Department of History of Society and Institutions 2010-2011 Member of the Selection Boards for job assignments such as Librarians, Computer technicians, Administrative office, Department of History of Society and Institutions, 2007-2012 Member of the Selection Board for foreign students’ admission, Faculty of Political Sciences


2015-now Peer Reviewer for Routledge; 2015-now Peer review coordinator in Economic History and Economics for the Journal on-line “Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation”.


Affiliate of EBHA (European Business History Association) Associated Member, ASSI (Italian Association of Business Historians) Member of SISE (Italian Society of Economic Historians) Member of IEHCA (Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation)


2015 Research Project Proposal shortlisted at First Step Evaluation for ERC Consolidator Grant


2006-2009 Principal Investigator, FIRST 2008-2009; Principal Investigator, FIRST 2007-2008; Principal Investigator, FIRST 2006-2007, (research project designed by the PI and funded three times by the University of Milan),

Accumulazione e strategie nel setificio


Enterprise Strategies and capital accumulation in the italian silk sector (18 th -20 th centuries)

] 2007-2009 Member of the Local Research Unit, University of Milan, PRIN 2007 (funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research - MIUR),

Ruoli professionali tra età moderna e contemporanea: culture, pratiche, reti di relazione


Professional roles from early modern to contemporary age: cultures, practises, networks

], coordinator Prof. Maria Malatesta (University of Bologna, Italy); 2002-2004 Member of the research programme, funded by Regione Lombardia,

Enrico Cernuschi. Milanese e cosmopolita

, coordinators Prof. Angelo Moioli and Giuseppe Bognetti (University of Milan, Italy); 2000-2005 Member of the research programme, funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Milano [Savings bank of Milan],

Un archivio storico virtuale: l’anagrafe degli operatori finanziari milanesi dal 1815 al 1961


A virtual historical archive: the registry of Milanese bankers from 1815 to 1961

], coordinator Prof. Angelo Moioli.


Co-organiser of the session:

La France et l’Italie fromagères: une comparaison entre économies et territoires (1870-2000)

, Première Conférence Internationale d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation de l’IEHCA (Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation), 26-27 March 2015, Tours, France (with Claudio Besana, Catholic University of Milan; Rita d’Errico, Roma Tre University; Anne-Line Brosse, Claude Delfosse, Erik Thevenod-Mottet de l’Université Lumière Lyon 2, France)


Corresponding Organiser (and participant):

Nobility and Business. The Contribution of the Aristocracy to Economic Development in the 18 th - 19 th Centuries

, at 17 th World Economic History Congress,

Diversity in Development

, 3-7 August 2015, Kyoto, Japan (co-organiser Takeshi ABE, Osaka University/Kokushikan University, Japan) Corresponding Organiser (and participant):

Production, Trade and Business organization in the Dairy sector between early Industrialization and Globalization

, at 17 th World Economic History Congress,

Diversity in Development

, 3-7 August 2015, Kyoto, Japan (co-organisers: Claudio Besana (Catholic University of Milan), Francesco Chiapparino (Polythecnic University of Marche) and Rita D’Errico (Roma Tre University)


2010-2012 In charge of the updating and revision of the website of the Graduate course in

Business History & Management

, Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences, University of Milan, Italy; 2006-2010 In charge of the updating and revision of the website of the Department of History of Society and Institutions, University of Milan, Italy


Economic and business history of Italy during the 18th-20th centuries. Economic and social history of Europe from the early modern age to the present day. Business History around the world in the long period.


My research interests focus on the European economic development from early modern age to the present day and, by a local perspective, on the original aspects of the history of Italian industrialisation (innovation in technologies, commercial and credit networks, local business systems) and on the strategies of enterprises in Italy and in the Lombardy region between the 18th and 20th centuries. Most of my studies are based on primary sources from public and private archives, especially notarial deeds. Actually I’m working on three subjects: the relationship between economy, state and war in Europe during the early modern and the Napoleonic age; the evolution of Lombard nobility (noblemen as entrepreneurs, land and business) and merchant family firms (especially silk and cotton sectors), since 18 th up to 19 th century and their contribution to the Italian economic development; the transformation of the Italian rural and food sector from the 19 th to the 20 th century.


Cotton Enterprises: Networks and Strategies. Lombardy in the Industrial Revolution 1815-1860

, London New York, Routledge, 2016 [ISBN 9781138940789]; 

Profitti del potere. Stato ed economia nell’Europa moderna


Profits from power. State and economy in early-modern Europe

], Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2016 [ISBN 9788858122013]; 

La trasformazione economica dell’Europa. Dal Seicento alla rivoluzione industriale


The economic transformation of Europe. From Seventeeth Century to the Industrial Revolution

], Milano, Cuem, 2008, 260 pp. [ISBN 9788860012142]; 

Cotone e imprese. Commerci, credito e tecnologie nell’età dei mercanti-industriali. Valle Olona 1815- 1860

, Venezia, Marsilio, 2004, 383 pp. [ISBN 8831785990]; 

I fallimenti a Milano dal 1821 al 1845. La statistica del 1846

, [

Failures in Milan between 1821 and 1845. The statistics of 1846

], Brescia, C.l.u.b., 2004 (with cd-rom), 129 pp.

[ISBN: 9788890516740];



 “Enterprises, trade and industry in the Lombardy dairy sector. The origins of Locatelli and Galbani (1860 1914)”, in Claudio Besana and Rita D’Errico (eds.),

The Dairy Industry in Italy in the 20 th century

, Peter Lang Pub. Group, 2016 (forthcoming)  “Nobility and Economic development in Italy”,

The Italian Yearbook of Economic and Business History

, 2016 (forthcoming);  “Ponti Andrea” (1821-1888), biographical profile in

Dizionario biografico degli italiani


Italian Dictionary of Biography

], Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2015, vol. 84 [ISBN 978-88-12 00032-6].  “Pasta in global and local contexts. A difficult challenge for Italian Enterprises”,

d’histoire économique

, n. 3, I, 2015, pp. 102-115 [ISSN 2426-4062];

Revue française

 “Nobiltà e affari. I Visconti di Modrone tra terra, industria e impieghi mobiliari (1836-1902)”, [Nobility and business. The Visconti di Modrone family between land, industry and capital investments (1836 1902)], in Gianpiero Fumi (ed.),

Nobiltà e modernità. I Visconti di Modrone a Milano (secc. XIX-XX)

, Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 2014, p. 93-130. [ISBN 978-88-343-2643-5]  “Welfare aziendale, relazioni industriali ed economia nel secondo dopoguerra. Per una comparazione tra l’esperienza italiana e quella tedesca” [Corporate welfare, industrial relations and economy after World War II. A comparison between Italian and German experience], in A. Cova and M. Minesso (eds.),

Welfare in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra. L'assistenza (1945-1968),

monographic number of

Bollettino dell’archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia

, n. 1-2, Milan, Vita Pensiero, 2013, pp. 103-114.[ISSN 0390-8240]  “Dal cooperativismo alla difesa degli interessi. Forme dell’associazionismo imprenditoriale italiano nel ventennio postunitario”, [Entrepreneurial associationism forms in the two decades after Unification],

Storia in Lombardia

, year XXXII, n. 1, 2012, pp. 23-46. [ISSN 1828-2008]  “Crescita e trasformazioni tra età moderna e rivoluzione industriale. Nuove prospettive di storia economica dell’Europa”, [Development and transformation between early modern age and Industrial Revolution. New perspectives on Economic History of Europe],

Società e storia

, n. 133 (2011), pp. 551-608. [ISSN 0391 6987]  “Reti e strategie nel setificio: la famiglia-impresa Gnecchi Ruscone (1773-1900)”, [Networks and strategies in silk industry: the family-firm Gnecchi Ruscone (1773-1900)], in F. Amatori and A. Colli (eds.),

Imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico. Il caso italiano (secc. XIII-XX)

, Milan, Egea, 2009, pp. 1209 1249. [ISBN 9788823842410]  “Il progetto della banca di sconto e di emissione del Regno Lombardo-Veneto. Problemi, proposte e trattative (1853-1859)”, [The project of the discount bank in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. Problems, proposals and negotiations (1853-1859)], in «Società e storia», n. 116 (2007), pp. 321-355. [ISSN 0391 6987]  “Cotone e macchine. L’innovazione e la trasmissione tecnologica nell’industria cotoniera lombarda dell’Ottocento (1820-1860)”, [Cotton and machinery. Technology innovation and transfer in the Lombardy cotton industry] in Michèle Merger (ed.),

Transferts de technologies en Méditerranée

, Paris, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2006, pp. 415-430


[ISBN 9782840503743]  “Gli uomini e i gruppi dirigenti tra mercato e regolamentazione (1906-1960)”,[Directional groups between market and rules (1906-1960)] in F. Amatori, S. Licini (eds.),

Dalmine 1906-2006. Un secolo di industria

, Quaderni della Fondazione Dalmine, n. 5, Dalmine, 2006, pp. 233-261. [ISBN 8873520057]  “Mercanti-industriali dell’Ottocento: i cotonieri della Valle Olona dalla Restaurazione all’Unità” [Merchant-industrialists in 19th century: cotton entrepreneurs in Olona Valley between Restoration and Unification],

Annali di storia dell’impresa

, n. 15-16, 2004-2005, pp. 367-396. [ISSN 1120-9445]  “Enrico Cernuschi imprenditore e finanziere (1821-1896). Tra politica, affari, cultura economica”, [Enrico Cernuschi entrepreneur and financier (1821-1896)], in Giuseppe Bognetti e Angelo Moioli (eds.),

Enrico Cernuschi. Milanese e cosmopolita

, Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2004, pp. 53-90. [ISBN 8846458370]



 2015.

Nobility and Economy in 19th Century Italy: Investments, Enterprises and Innovations

, at the XVII th World Economic History Congress,

Diversity in Development

, Session on

Nobility and Business. The Contribution of the Aristocracy to Economic Development in the 18 th - 19 th Centuries

3-7 August 2015, Kyoto, Japan. [

corresponding organiser of the session

].  2015.

Italian Dairy Enterprises: Industry, Markets and Business Organisation (19th-20th Centuries)

, at the XVII th World Economic History Congress,

Diversity in Development

, Session on

Production, Trade and Business organization in the Dairy sector between early Industrialization and Globalization

, 3-7 August 2015, Kyoto, Japan. [

corresponding organiser of the session

].  2015.

Family business in Lombardy dairy sector (late 19th-early 20th century)

, at the Première Conférence Internationale d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation [International Conference on Food History and Food Studies] de l’IEHCA (Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation), 26-27 March 2015, Tours, France [

co-organiser of the session

].  2015.

Tra pianura e montagna: imprese familiari lombarde nel settore caseario tra Otto e Novecento


Lombardy family firms in the dairy sector in 19th and 20th centuries

] at the national meeting

Il futuro del latte in Val Padana. Scenari attuali e prospettive

, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano (Lodi, Italy), 13 March 2015


;  2014.

Riconsiderare la nobiltà europea. Investimenti, imprese, innovazioni nella società industriale


Riconsidering European nobility. Investments, enterprises, innovation in the industrial society

] seminar, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, 27 November 2014


 2014.

Dal sistema inglese all’”american system of manufacturing”. La Crystal Palace Exhibition e l’avvio del trasferimento tecnologico dagli Stati Uniti all’Europa (1851-1876)

, [

From the English system to the “American system of manufacturing”. The Crystal Palace Exhibition and the beginning of technology transfer from the United States to Europe (1851-1876)



at the international congress

Dalle Exhibitions all’Expo. Le Americhe e l’invenzione dell’evento globale

, Università degli studi di Milano, 23-24 October 2014


 2014.

Pasta between local and global context. A hard challenge for Italian enterprises,

paper presented at the Preconference for the XIIth Congress of the CISH,

Globalization, national patterns of development and strategies of firms (XIXth-XXIth century)

, Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV), 18-19 September 2014


 2013.

Entrepreneurs and innovation in Lombardy (1796-1859),

Business History Association (EBHA) Congress, paper presented at the 17 th European

Innovation and growth,

Uppsala University, 22-24 August 2013


 2012.

Il Welfare aziendale e l'economia italiana nel secondo dopoguerra. Un profilo comparativo,


Corporate welfare and Italian economy after WWII. A comparative perspective

] at the congress

Welfare in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra. L'assistenza (1945-1968),

Milano, University of Milan and Catholic University, 27-28 November 2012


 2012.

Trade, war, fiscal state and economic policy in early-modern Europe. A way of development,

seminar, School of Government, Peking University, 29 September 2012.


 2012.

Perché l’Europa? Le origini dello sviluppo e la recente storiografia dell’età moderna

, [

Why Europe? The roots of development and the recent historiography

], seminar within the cycle

Meetings on economic and social history

, Bocconi University, 5 March 2012


 2011.

Tra azienda e comunità locali. Opere e provvidenze sociali dei cotonieri lombardi nel XIX secolo

, al convegno

Le opere sociali delle imprese e degli imprenditori tra Ottocento e Novecento


Between enterprises and local communities. Welfare and cotton Lombardy entrepreneurs (19th and 20th centuries)

], Milano, University of Milan-Bicocca and Fondazione Pirelli, 17-18 February 2011


 2011.

I Visconti di Modrone imprenditori tessili nell’Ottocento


Visconti di Modrone as textile entrepreneurs in the nineteenth century

], at the conference

I Visconti di Modrone. Economia e società a


Milano tra età moderna ed età contemporanea

, Milan, Catholic University of Milan, 8 February 2011


 2010.

Controllo delle acque e sviluppo industriale: il caso del fiume Olona

, [

Control of water sources and industrial development: the Olona river]

at the international meeting

Controllare il territorio. Norme, corpi e conflitti tra medioevo e prima guerra mondiale

, University of Milan, Abbiategrasso-Milan, 15-16-17 September 2010



 2010.

Crescita e trasformazioni strutturali tra età moderna e rivoluzione industriale. Nuove prospettive di storia economica dell’Europa

, [

Economic development and structural transformations between early modern age and Industrial Revolution. New perspectives on European economic history

], seminar, University of Pisa, 12 May 2010


 2009.

Manufacturing, trade, consumption. Firms and goods in Lombardy between 18 th and 19 th century

, European Business History Association (EBHA) and Business History Conference (BHC) on

Fashions: Business Practices in Historical Perspective

, Milan, Bocconi University, 11-13 June 2009

proposal selected by the Scientific Committee].


 2008.

Reti e strategie nel setificio: la famiglia-impresa Gnecchi Ruscone (1815-1900)


Networks and strategies in silk industry: the family-firm Gnecchi Ruscone (1815-1900)

], at the four-year congress by the Italian Society of Economic Historians (SISE):

Imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico. Il caso italiano (secc. XIII XX )


Entrepreneurship and economic development. The Italian case (XIII-XX centuries)



Milan, Bocconi University 14-15 November 2008

[paper proposal selected by the Scientific Committee].

 2006.

The territorial dynamics of cotton enterprises in Lombardy

, at the 14 th International Economic History Congress, Helsinki , Session 28,

The territorial Dynamics of Industrialization

, August 2006, published online at

[paper proposal selected by the Scientific Committee].

___________________ Curriculum updated at 29 th February 2016 ___________________