E-Council Fall 2014 Meeting #6

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E-Council Fall 2014 Meeting #6
ArchE Week Committee
Volunteering Opportunities
Beanie Drake Scholarship
Upcoming Engineering Org Events
DiscoverE Week Webcast
Fund Request Reminders/Rubric
General Reminders
ArchE Week Committee
When: April 6th - 10th
What: Architecture & Engineering Week (ArchE Week) is a week-long
series of events that celebrates all disciplines of engineering and
architecture. ArchE Week is sponsored by the Engineers' Council and
supported by engineering student organizations. The week will feature,
among other things, a free barbecue and party and lineup of fun
competitive events that are related to engineering, or just for fun!
Changes: Attempting to utilize company sponsors for events, creating a
committee to plan the events, & volunteering hours will be open to all
We are looking for individuals to be a part of the planning
committee and take on an event during ArchE Week. If
interested email Erica [email protected] or Matt
[email protected]
Math Tutor Volunteering
• What: Tutoring for special version of Math 2415 (Differential
Equations) taught by Professor Baker. You would staff a
room in the Math Stats Learning Center.
• Requirements: Must have taken 2415 with Professor Baker
and only Professor Baker.
• Volunteer Times: Weekly, 5-7 pm Monday-Thursday
• Contact Professor Ulrich Gerlach.1 with any questions
2015 Leadership Summit
• When: January 31, 2015
• Where: Ohio Union
• Who: YOU! The event is geared toward engineering and business
students, but anyone can attend.
• What: This event will allow you the opportunity to uncover your
leadership strengths and explore different branches of leadership. The
day will begin with an opening speech, then followed with seminars
taught by business and industry professionals, as well as a networking
event. The Summit will end with a dinner with company recruiters, giving
you the opportunity to interact and potentially secure a full-time
position, co-op, or internship!
• Cost: $20 with dinner, $17 without dinner
• If you have any questions, please contact Macy [email protected] or
Emily [email protected]
For more information please visit:
2015 SWE Career Fair
• When: February 4th, 2015
• If your org is interested in volunteering for Program Sales and/or Day of
volunteering, please fill out the interest form under the SWE Career Fair
Volunteering Information section of the E-Council listserv email sent out
by Erica on 11/10/14.
Deadline for Submission: November 24th, 2014
Beanie Drake Scholarship
• Purpose: to provide funds to enable deserving students to
participate in campus activities when financial need might
otherwise make it impossible for them to do so.
• Applications Due: 12/10/14
• Selected students will then undergo interviews and
scholarships will be awarded based on academic
achievements, service to campus and community, leadership
potential, and financial need.
• To learn more or apply, please visit: http://beanie.osu.edu/
• If you have any questions, please contact Seth
[email protected]
Trivia Night
When: November 20th, 2014, 7-8:30pm
Where: MacQuigg Lab 0264
Who: Anyone is welcome!
What: A trivia night with free food and lots of prizes, all of
the proceeds go to Buckeyethon.
• Cost: Minimum $10 donation for a team of 2.
• Other: Cohosted by the Society of Women Engineers and the
Biomedical Engineering Society
Fund Request Reminders
• Date: 12/4/14
• Presentation Due Date: Today!
• Fund Request Rubric can be found on the E-Council website:
Fund Request Info
• For further info, please review the constitution
• Receipts required for use of funds from previous request
– Please scan and turn in with presentation
• If you would like to be apart of the Fund Request Committee
please let Matt Hagmeyer.1 know
• The Fund Request Committee will be meeting between now
and the next meeting. I will be sending out a date and time
Fund Request Rubric
• Need an average score of 16.67 in order to receive funding
Eligible Organizations
Pi Tau Sigma
Theta Tau
Reasons for Exclusion:
Having fund requested last semester
Having missed more than 1 meeting per
semester in at least one of the two past
semesters (check attendance)
Not filling out the student organization annual
update by the deadline
Not having presidents and treasurers on the
Not having active status with the Ohio Union.
*If you believe you are eligible and do not see your name
up on the screen, please see an officer after the meeting.
Attendance & Volunteering Hours
• Please make sure to check the attendance sheet online and
report any discrepancies to Diana [email protected]
• Please make sure to check your organization’s volunteer
hours and see/email Erica [email protected] with any
Next Meeting
• Thursday December 4, 2014 in Scott E100 at 7 pm
• Fund requests will be occurring. Prepare for a longer
meeting than normal.