Curriculum vitae Karlijn Kuijpers - University of Missouri

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Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Curriculum vitae
Karlijn F. Kuijpers
Contact information
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
University of Missouri – St. Louis
One University Boulevard
324 Lucas Hall
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
Phone: 314-516-5037
Email: [email protected]
2007 – 2011
Ph.D. International Victimology Institute Tilburg (Intervict), Tilburg
University, the Netherlands (funded by Achmea Foundation Victim and
Dissertation: Risky relationships. Victims’ risk of revictimization of
intimate partner violence (nominated for the 2014 Willem Nagel Award of
the Dutch Society of Criminology for best criminological dissertation)
2005 – 2006
MSc. Psychology and Mental Health, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
Graduated August 2006 (with distinction)
2002 – 2005
BSc. Psychology, Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Graduated August
2005 (with distinction). Areas: clinical health psychology, child
psychology, cognitive neurosciences
2016 – present
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Missouri – St.
Louis, USA
2011 – 2015
Assistant Professor
Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Leiden University, the
2013 (September)
Visiting Professor
Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Missouri –
St. Louis, USA (Host & Chair: Prof. dr. Finn-Aage Esbensen).
2006 – 2007
International Victimology Institute Tilburg (Intervict), Tilburg University,
the Netherlands
Research theme: crime victims’ needs (project at the request of and in
cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Justice’s Research Center)
Department of medical psychology, Amphia hospital Breda, the
Academic interests
Crime victimization, intimate partner violence, victim-offender overlap, perceptions on victims
/ victimization, quantitative research methods
Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Peer reviewed publications
Koster, N.N., Kuijpers, K.F., Kunst, M.J.J., & Van der Leun, J.P. (2015). Crime victims’
perceptions of police behavior, legitimacy, and cooperation: A review of the literature.
Victims & Offenders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/15564886.2015.1065532
Kuijpers, K.F., Van der Knaap, L.M., & Winkel, F.W. (2012). PTSD as a risk factor for
intimate partner violence revictimization and the mediating role of victims’ violent
behavior. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 179-186.
Kuijpers, K.F., Van der Knaap, L.M., & Winkel, F.W. (2012). Victims’ influence on intimate
partner violence revictimization: An empirical test of dynamic victim-related risk
factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 1716-1742.
Kuijpers, K.F., Van der Knaap, L.M., & Winkel, F.W. (2012). Risk of revictimization of intimate
partner violence: The role of attachment, anger and violent behavior of the victim.
Journal of Family Violence, 27, 33-44.
Ten Boom, A. & Kuijpers, K.F. (2012). Victims’ needs as basic human needs. International
Review of Victimology, 18, 155-179.
Kuijpers, K.F., Van der Knaap, L.M., & Lodewijks, I.A.J. (2011). Victims’ influence on intimate
partner violence revictimization: A systematic review of prospective evidence. Trauma,
Violence, & Abuse, 12, 198-219.
Kuijpers, K.F., Van der Knaap, L.M., Winkel, F.W., Pemberton, A., & Baldry, A.C. (2011).
Borderline traits and symptoms of posttraumatic stress in a sample of female victims of
intimate partner violence. Stress and Health, 27, 206-215.
Nyklíček, I. & Kuijpers, K.F. (2008). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction
intervention on psychological well-being and quality of life: Is increased mindfulness
indeed the mechanism? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35, 331-340.
Professional publications
Kuijpers, K.F. (2015). Slachtoffer-dader overlap bij partnergeweld in Nederland: Implicaties
voor de Wet tijdelijk huisverbod (Victim-offender overlap of intimate partner violence in
the Netherlands: Implications for the Dutch law on temporary restraining orders).
PROCES, 94(2), 113-128.
Kuijpers, K.F., Van Parera, S., & Popelier, L. (2013). Het slachtoffer centraal? Opinie ten
aanzien van slachtofferrechten in Nederland (A central focus on the victim? Opinions on
victim rights in the Netherlands). PROCES, 92(5), 288-303.
Ten Boom, A. & Kuijpers, K.F. (2007). Wat wil het slachtoffer? (What does the victim want?)
Justitiële verkenningen, 33, 39-49.
Research reports
Bollen, L.J.A., Saan, M.C., Kunst, M.J.J., Zwirs, B.W.C., & Kuijpers, K.F. (2015). De mentale
gesteldheid van de familierechercheur: Een onderzoek naar werkgerelateerde stress en
secundaire posttraumatische groei binnen een bijzondere groep politieambtenaren (The
mental well-being of the family liaison police officer: A study into work-related stress
and secondary posttraumatic growth among a special group of police officers).
Politiewetenschap 80. Amsterdam: Reed Business.
Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Koster, N.N., Kunst, M.J.J. & Kuijpers, K.F. (2015). De politie en slachtoffers van criminaliteit:
Het effect van adequaat politieoptreden op de emotionele gesteldheid van slachtoffers
en hun bereidheid tot het verlenen van medewerking aan strafrechtelijk onderzoek (The
police and victims of crime: The effects of adequate police performance on victims’
emotional well-being and their willingness to cooperate with criminal investigations).
Veiligheid en Samenleving. Den Haag: Boom Lemma uitgevers.
Ten Boom, A., & Kuijpers, K.F. (2008). Behoeften van slachtoffers van delicten: Een
systematische literatuurstudie naar behoeften zoals door slachtoffers zelf geuit (Needs
of victims of crime: A systematic literature review into needs expressed by victims
themselves) (Rapport ob262). Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2011). Risky relationships. Victims’ risk of revictimization of intimate partner
violence. Dissertation.
Winkel, F.W., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2009). Risicotaxatie van herhaald
slachtofferschap bij partnergeweld. Handleiding bij de SARA-PV (Risk assessment of
intimate partner violence revictimization. SARA-PV manual). Tilburg: Intervict.
Book chapters
Winkel, F.W., Vrij, A., Kunst, M.J.J., Baldry, A.C., Bogaerts, S., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton,
A. (2010). Hulp aan slachtoffers van misdrijven: Verwerkingsproblemen en herhaald
slachtofferschap (Assistance to victims of crime: processing problems and
revictimization). In P.J. van Koppen, H.L.G.J. Merkelbach, M. Jelicic, & J.W. de Keijser
(Eds.), Reizen met mijn rechter: Psychologie van het recht (Traveling with my judge:
Psychology of Law)(pp. 955-972). Deventer: Kluwer.
Baldry, A.C., Winkel, F.W., Pemberton, A., & Kuijpers, K.F. (2009). Intimate partner violence
risk assessment: The prediction of 'recidivism' in terms of short-term self-reported revictimization. In F.W. Winkel, P.C. Friday, G.F. Kirchhoff, & R.M. Letschert (Eds.),
Victimization in a multidisciplinary key: Recent advances in victimology (pp. 467-484).
Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Pemberton, A., Kuijpers, K.F., Winkel, F.W., & Baldry, A.C. (2009). A nuanced position:
Restorative justice and intimate partner violence. In F.W. Winkel, P.C. Friday, G.F.
Kirchhoff, & R.M. Letschert (Eds.), Victimization in a multidisciplinary key: Recent
advances in victimology (pp. 411-465). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Winkel, F.W., Bogaerts, S., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2009). Risicotaxatie
bij partnergeweld door het Clinically Anchored Precipitation (CAP) model: Validiteit
verhogen door een theoretisch onderbouwde voorspelling (Partner violence risk
assessment by the Clinically Anchored Precipitation (CAP) model: Increasing validity by
a theoretically based prediction). In T.I. Oei & M.S. Groenhuijsen (Eds.), Forensische
psychiatrie en haar grensgebieden: Actualiteit, geschiedenis en toekomst (Forensic
psychiatry and its borderlines: current matters, history and future) (pp. 697-715).
Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
Winkel, F.W., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2008). Chronische PTSS bij
slachtoffers van misdrijven en huiselijk geweld: nieuwe evidentiegebaseerde
ontwikkelingen (Chronic PTSD in victims of crime and domestic violence: new evidencebased developments). In T.I. Oei & L.H.W.M. Kaiser (Eds.), Forensische psychiatrie
onderweg: In de spiegel kijken naar het verleden en koersen naar de toekomst
(Forensic psychiatry on its way: Looking in the mirror to the past and setting course for
the future) (pp. 359-371), Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Conference presentations
Kuijpers, K.F. (2014, November). Victim offender overlap in cases of intimate partner
violence. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology
(ASC), San Francisco, USA.
Kuijpers K.F. (2014, June). Slachtoffer-dader overlap bij partnergeweld (Victim-offender
overlap in partner violence). Presentation at the conference of Nederlandse Vereniging
voor Criminologie (Dutch Society of Criminology), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2013, November). Victims’ risk of revictimization of intimate partner violence.
Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC),
Atlanta, USA.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2013, June). Slaande ruzie: Tolereren of ingrijpen? Een vignetstudie naar
percepties ten aanzien van partnergeweld (Couple conflicts: Tolerate or intervene? A
vignette study into perceptions on partner violence). Presentation at the conference of
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie (Dutch Society of Criminology), Leiden, the
Kuijpers, K.F. (2012, June). Blauw ik hou van jou? Attitudes ten aanzien van de Nederlandse
politie en willingness to pay (Blue, I love you? Attitudes on the Dutch police and
willingness to pay). Presentation at the conference of Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Criminologie (Dutch Society of Criminology), Leiden, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2012, May). Victims’ influence on intimate partner violence revictimization. An
empirical test of dynamic victim-related risk factors. In K.F. Kuijpers (Chair), Victims of
intimate partner violence: Risks and needs. Workshop at the conference of the World
Society of Victimology, The Hague, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2010, November). Risicofactoren voor herhaald slachtofferschap van
partnergeweld (Risk factors for revictimization of partner violence). Presentation at the
conference “Domestic Violence Risk Assessment” of Intervict and the Achmea
Foundation Victim and Society, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2010, May). Risk for revictimization of intimate partner violence: The role of
attachment. Presentation at the conference of the International Association of Forensic
Mental Health, Vancouver, Canada.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2009, June). Posttraumatic stress, borderline traits and victimization of
intimate partner violence. Poster presentation at the European Conference on Traumatic
Stress, Oslo, Norway.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2008, November). Risicotaxatie bij partnergeweld en de mediërende rol van
(complexe) posttraumatische stress (Partner violence risk assessment and the
mediating role of (complex) posttraumatic stress). Poster presentation at the
conference of the Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (Dutch Society of
Psychotrauma), Zwolle, the Netherlands.
Invited lectures
Kuijpers, K.F. (2014, October). From PhD to assistant professor. Presentation in PhD-course
“Orientation on the Future – Part 1: Personal Development” organized by the Career
Center of Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2014, May). Risky relationships. Intimate partner violence and revictimization
risk. Presentation at the University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2013, September). Victims’ risk of revictimization of intimate partner violence.
Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Presentation at the Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Missouri
– St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2012, January). Risico op herhaald slachtofferschap van partnergeweld (Risk
for revictimization of partner violence). Lecture in psychiatry course of the Dutch mental
health service (GGZ), Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2010, May). Risk assessment of short term revictimization of intimate partner
violence. Presentation at Intervict lunch meeting, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Kuijpers, K.F. (2008, May). Risk assessment in cases of intimate partner violence. Lecture in
post graduate course on victimology, victim assistance, and criminal justice, Dubrovnik,
Funded research
Research grant from the “Police and Science” program for a research
project on work-related stress among a particular group of police officers
in the Netherlands (family liaison police officers).
Amount: € 90847
My role: Co-applicant & researcher
Research grant from the “Police and Science” program for a research
project on victims’ satisfaction with the police and its effects on victims’
emotional well-being and willingness to cooperate with the police.
Amount: € 71144
My role: Co-applicant & researcher
Courses taught
University of Missouri - St. Louis – Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Violence Against Women (undergraduate)
Leiden University, the Netherlands – Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology
Forensic Victimology (graduate);
Victims in the Criminal Justice System (postgraduate);
Criminological Research Methods II (undergraduate);
Nature, Extent and Consequences of Crime (undergraduate);
Leiden Law Practices (undergraduate)
Tilburg University, the Netherlands – Tilburg School of Politics and Public
Research Methods for Public Administration Scholars (undergraduate)
Professional service
Reviewing tasks
Peer-review for international academic journals: Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, Violence Against Women,
Psychological Reports, European Journal of Criminology,
Justice Quarterly
Organizational tasks
Workshop on “Victims of intimate partner violence: Risks
and needs” (Chair) at the conference of the World Society
of Victimology, The Hague, the Netherlands, May 2012
Conference on “Domestic Violence Risk Assessment”
(Intervict and the Achmea Foundation Victim and Society),
Utrecht, the Netherlands, November 2010
Karlijn F. Kuijpers – February 2016
Departmental & university service
Dissertation committee
Member of dissertation committee of PhD-candidate
Nathalie-Sharon Koster, Leiden University, 2012 – 2015
Supervision of Masters’ theses
Supervisor of a total of 15 students who completed their
Masters’ theses in Criminology, Leiden University, 2012 –
Supervision of Bachelors’ theses
Supervisor of a total of 18 students who completed their
Bachelors’ theses in Criminology, Leiden University, 2012 –
Coordinator curriculum
Coordinator Bachelor 1-curriculum Criminology, Leiden
Coordinator Leiden Law Practices (mentor groups Bachelor
1-students), Leiden University
Assistant Professor representative in the accreditation
process of the Bachelor and Master in Criminology, Leiden
University, May 2012
Supervisor in Talent Program
Supervisor of students selected for the Talent Program of
the Leiden Law School
Exam committee
Member of exam committee Bachelor-1 (propedeuse)
Leiden Law School, Leiden University
Available upon request