Leadership for Collaboration - University of Northern Colorado

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Leadership for Collaboration
Ernie Rose
Loyola Marymount University
S Stage 1
S Heroic Leadership (the Jesuit tradition)
S Contrasting styles of leadership
S Characteristics of Collaboration
S Stage 2
S Models of Inclusion, RTI, & PBIS
S Short Break
S Stage 3
S Opportunities for collaboration
S Stage 4
S Innovations
S Stage 5
S Book Club
S Lunch
S Stage 6
S Drafting a Collaboration Project
S All powerpoint slides, websites, and
references will be sent to you via email!
Core Pillars of Heroic Leadership
(Lowney, 2003)
S Self-awareness
S Ingenuity
S Love (relationships)
S Heroism
S Understanding your strengths, weaknesses,
values, and worldview
S Confidently innovate and adapt to a changing
Love (relationships)
S Engage others with a positive attitude that
unlocks their potential
S Energize yourself and others with heroic
ambitions and a passion for excellence
S Write a couple of sentences that define where
you currently see yourself in terms of
S Self-awareness
S Ingenuity
S Love (relationships)
S Heroism
Things to Consider
S We’re all leaders and we’re leading all the time,
well or poorly.
S Leadership springs from within. It’s about who
we are as much as what we do.
Things to Consider
S Leadership is not an act. It is my life, a way of
S I never complete the task of becoming a leader.
It’s an ongoing process.
S Leadership is defined not by the scale of the
opportunity, but by the quality of the response.
More Specifically
S Self-awareness
S How one commits one’s life to the equality of
educational experience for all children
regardless of demographics, economics, or
S If we want to achieve change for the better, we
must first understand what might hold us back
from success (e.g., helplessness, bullying,
More Specifically
S Ingenuity
S Look for the opportunities that change
presents and embrace them.
S Ingenuity is a mix of adaptability, daring,
speed, and good judgment.
S Beware of attachments and the “Law of the
More Specifically
S Love (relationships)
S Respect, trust, and support manifested more
by deeds than words.
More Specifically
S Heroism
S Aim high and then higher still.
S Dare to accomplish what others say is
S In Jesuit terminology, it’s Magis, Latin for
A Good Example
S Christopher Clavius, S.J.
S Mathematics and Science (Core Curriculum)
S Astronomy (Defense of Galileo)
S Gregorian Calendar (How we schedule our
Reflect Again
S Look at what you wrote a few minutes ago. Given more
specific information on the Jesuit core pillars of heroic
leadership what might you add or expand upon of what you
wrote before?
Contrasting Leadership Orientations
Theoharis & Ranieri (2011)
Transformative leadership is dynamic leadership in the
sense that the leaders throw themselves into a
relationship with followers who will feel “elevated” by it
and often become more active themselves, thereby
creating new cadres of leaders. Transformative
leadership is leadership engaged (J. M. Burns, 1978, p.
The Importance of Principals
S School administrators’ own beliefs about
inclusive services for students with disabilities
were the best predictor of the quality and
success of inclusive school reform (Villa,
Thousand, Meyers, & Nevin, 1996)
4 Qualitative Studies on Leadership,
School Reform, and issues of
Inclusion and Equity
S First Study: School leaders who came to the field of
educational administration with the commitment to
create more equitable and socially just schools.
S Second Study: School leaders who chose to engage in
an inclusive school reform initiative between a
university and a partner urban school district.
S Third Study: School leaders and their interests in and
commitments to creating more equitable and just schools as
part of their involvement in a university and state
department of special education project to identify and
replicate promising practices in special education.
S Fourth Study: District office leaders who had strong
commitments to further an inclusive and equity-oriented
agenda for an entire school district.
Contrasting Leadership Orientations
S The Helpless Orientation
S The Bully Orientation
S The Misguided Orientation
S The Advocate Orientation
S The intersection of inclusive school reform and
school administration is a key starting point to
(Theoharis & Ranieri, 2011).
S Questions
S Input
Characteristics of Collaboration
S Collaboration is
S Voluntary
S Based on parity
S Requires a shared goal(s)
Characteristics of Collaboration
S Collaboration is
S Shared responsibility for key decisions
S Shared accountability for outcomes
S Emergent
School-wide Applications Model (SAM)
White Church Elementary School
Kansas City, KS
S General education guides all instruction
S All resources benefit all children
S Data driven decisions and policies
S Social development
S Families and community outreach
S District support
S General education guides all instruction
S There are no special education classes
S Heterogeneous grouping throughout the school
S Special education teachers play a support role
S General education teachers have grown to better
be able to instruct all students
S In 2000, 29% of students scored proficient on the
statewide mathematics test
S Developed a Math Club for struggling students that
met after school twice per week
S In 2004, 90% of students scored proficient on the
statewide mathematics test and none were in the
unsatisfactory range
S All resources benefit all children
S There are incidental benefits for general
education students from the work of special
education teachers
S Instructional coach
S All staff can participate
S All teachers know all children
S Peer tutoring and differentiated instruction
S Data-based decisions and policies
S Access to real time data for all students
S Data are used for problem solving academic and
behavioral issues
S Students may be re-grouped every 6-9 weeks;
RTI on the fly
S Teachers meet weekly to plan and discuss
solutions to problems
S Social Development
S School-wide positive behavioral support
S “The Wildcat Way”
S Be respectful
S Be a learner
S Be in control
S Partnership with the University of Kansas’ Beach Center on
S 3 Tiers of behavioral support: universal, targeted group,
S Wildcat Wealth
S Increased parental support
S Teachers increasingly take more ownership
S Parents and Community
S Family members are welcome during all times
of the school day
S Family and community members become
involved in the process of teaching and learning
S Lunch mentors
S Teachers are more involved in the community
S Funding and paraprofessionals
S District Support
S Change in organizational philosophy
S School and District Leadership Teams
S The Data Analyzer: every student has an
academic and behavioral profile
S Continuity of care
S Common planning time (early release on Weds.)
S Instructional Coaches
Thompson School District
S A Case Study of 3 Schools’ RTI and PBIS
Frameworks through Root Cause Analysis
S Namaqua Elementary School
S Walt Clark Middle School
S Thompson Valley High School
Thompson School District
S Colorado’s RTI Framework with 6 critical areas for school
improvement (CDE, 2008)
S Leadership
S Curriculum and instruction
S Problem solving
S Assessment
S Positive school culture and climate
S Family and community partnerships
Thompson School District
S Adaptation of Root Cause Analysis for Success
S Validate successes
S Determine where to enhance causes to strengthen positive
Understand how positive causes can be replicated
Build proactive thinking about how to support change
Ensure that key aspects of change are not eliminated because
of change
Even within difficult circumstances, some things may be
working well
Support proactive planning
Thompson School District
S Namaqua Elementary
S Strong use of technology in teaching
S Good parent involvement
S Staff unity
S Goal: increase Positive Behavior Interventions and
Supports to improve academic outcomes for students
Thompson School District
S Walt Clark Middle School
S High performing school
S Strong athletic program
S Tutorial support
S Extracurricular activities focused on academic excellence
S Goals: (1) increase differentiated instruction based on
student data; (2) improve reading and writing through
integration of skills across the curriculum
Thompson School District
S Thompson Valley High School
S Newsweek 100 Outstanding High Schools
S Strong academically focused curriculum
S Partner school with CSU
S Goals: (1) expanding AP offerings and increasing
enrollment in AP for students from economically challenged
families; (2) providing “2nd chance” classes; (3) improving
9th grade transition process; (4) focusing on 21st century
Thompson School District
S School-wide leadership teams with critical Principal
S Understanding by Design and other models used for
curriculum improvement
S Documenting interventions and progress within the student
information system
Thompson School District
S Implementation of a comprehensive assessment cycle
S Establishing buy-in from secondary teachers to adopt
uniform expectations across the school environment
S Created a position of Family/Community Engagement
Coordinator and established a Family Academy
Thompson School District
S If students do not demonstrate improvement in
academics and/or behavior based on Tier 1
type instruction, they are referred to a
Problem-Solving Team (PST)
S Parents are invited to participate in PST
meetings and provide information
S A case manager is assigned to support the
teacher and the parents through the process
Thompson School District
S Research-based interventions are identified,
selected, implemented, and carefully monitored
S Case Manager continues to work with the teacher
and keep parents informed of progress
S If the selected intervention(s) is not adequate,
another may be selected or referral to special
education may take place
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S Positive impressions of teachers and
S Shared Vision
S Increased ownership of student outcomes
S Deeper Collaboration
S Data driven decision making
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S These impressions have led to
S Increased clarity of communication
S Greater family involvement in planning
S Improved school culture and climate
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S Critical Commitment and Supports
S Professional Development
S Resources for data management and specific interventions
S Time for collaborative planning
S Building a leadership cadre with expertise to support
S Superintendent’s commitment to continuous improvement
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S What about students with disabilities?
S Reduced stigma of special education
S Support for social and emotional growth
S Increased student confidence
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S Major Root Causes for Success in TSD
S Shared vision that leadership is everyone’s
responsibility: We are better together than alone
S All students can be successful if given appropriate
S Strong culture of collaboration, partnerships, and
relationships built on trust, open communication, and
Coffey & Horner, 2012
S “Part of what makes communication in the
system of PBIS so successful is that PBIS team
members and other educators are able to use
data to discuss the status and goals of their
Thompson School District
What’s Working?
S Major Root Causes for Success in TSD, cont’d
S Honoring diversity and inclusion
S Problem-solving, continuous improvement focus
using data to inform decisions at all levels, from
individual students to systemic planning
Thompson School District
Advice for others
S Commit and stick to it
S Leadership is solution focused, allows risk-taking, is willing
to knock down barriers that prevent new ways of thinking
and working
S Build an understanding of RTI and PBIS that spans
philosophy, strategies-interventions to increase ownership
S Collaborate and work in teams to strengthen supports and
Thompson School District
Advice for others
S Use data to help personalize supports and increase
knowledge of individual students (keep the student’s needs
in the forefront)
S Select processes carefully, then stay with them and give
them time to work
S Engage in a continual reflection process using data to
examine and improve practices
Smart RTI
Fuchs, Fuchs, & Compton, 2012
S What is the role of special education in RTI?
S Is it meant to prevent special education?
S Is it meant to lessen poor outcomes such as school
dropout, unemployment and underemployment,
incarceration, poor health, homelessness and other
life-limiting problems?
Smart RTI
S Multi-stage Screening in Tier 1
S Lessens the prospect of false positives
S Assess current performance and potential growth
S Greater prediction of poor academic performance in the future
S May predict students who will be unresponsive to Tier 2
Smart RTI
S What is the role of special educators in Smart RTI?
S According to Fuchs et al., special educators should be
specialists in intensive research-based interventions who
work with the 5% of the student population who are most
at-risk of school failure throughout their school experience
S Implement Tier 3 interventions as intensive special
education along with data-based individualized instruction,
or experimental teaching; meaningful access to the general
education curriculum; and flexible movement across levels
of prevention
Smart RTI
S “. . . illustrate the need for linkages between
general and special education that facilitate
flexible entering and exiting from tertiary
prevention. Students with special needs
require open IEPs (developed with parental
participation) that permit strategic movement
into and out of special education.”
S Questions
S Points to clarify
S See you in 10 minutes
Opportunities for Collaboration
S Co-Teaching Models
S One teach, one assist
S Station teaching
S Parallel teaching
S Alternative teaching
S Team teaching
S *One teach, one observe
Scruggs & Mastropieri, 2007
S Benefits to
S Teachers
S Students without disabilities
S Students with disabilities
S Needs of co-teachers
S Administrative support
S Volunteerism
S Planning time
S Professional development
S Compatibility
S Roles of General Education and Special
Education Teachers in Co-teaching
S Dominate and subordinate roles
S Content vs. Process
S Teacher vs. Specialist
S Unresolved Issues
S Consistent administrative support
S Subordinate role of special educators
S True collaboration is largely absent
S Dominate pedagogy
S Are student’s who need “special education”
receiving it?
S General education demands that a minimal student
skill level is an important criterion for successful
How Can Co-Teaching Be Improved?
S Are there models of planning, instruction,
and assessment that can make co-teaching
truly collaborative?
Professional Learning Communities
S Supportive and shared leadership
S Collective creativity
S Shared values and vision
S Supportive conditions
S Shared personal practice
Universal Design for Learning
S Multiple means of
S Representation
S Action and Expression
S Engagement
UDL and the Common Core
S Can UDL help create better goals and
assessments for the Common Core?
S Yes, with flexible language and creative
S UDL Connect
S The Flipped Classroom
S Woodland Park High School
S Aaron Sams & Jonathon Bergmann
S Khan Academy
S Salman Khan
Book Club
S Crockett, J., Billingsley, B., & Boscardin, M.L.
(2012). Handbook of leadership and administration
for special education. New York: Taylor &
Francis (Routledge).
S Lowney, C. (2003). Heroic leadership. Chicago:
Book Club
S Bissinger, B. (2012). Father’s day. New York:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing
S www.sedl.org/change/issues/issues61.html
S www.cast.org/udl/
S www.udlcenter.org/advocacy/state/colorado
S www.community.udlcenter.org/
S www.corestandards.org/
S www.thedailyriff.com/articles/how-the-
S www.khanacademy.org/
S Lowney, C. (2003). Heroic Leadership. Chicago, IL:
S Theoharis, G., & Ranieri, M. (2011). The helpless, the
bullies, the misguided, the advocates: School leaders
and inclusive school reform. In C. Shields (Ed.),
Transformative leadership: A reader (pp. 307-320). New
York, NY: Peter Lang
S Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York, NY: Harper
& Row.
S Villa, R., Thousand, J., Meyers, H., & Nevin, A.
(1996). Teacher and administrator perceptions of
heterogeneous education. Exceptional Children, 63(1),
S Coleman, M.R., Steinberg, E., Pereles, D.,
Miller, A., & Jorgensen, D. (2012). Creating the
conditions for success: A case study of three
Thompson schools’ RtI and PBIS frameworks.
Retrieved from www.cde.state.co.us.
S Coffey, J. & Horner, R. (2012). The sustainability of
schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports.
Exceptional Children, 78(4), 407-422.
S Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L., Compton, D. (2012). Smart RTI: A
next generation approach to multilevel prevention.
Exceptional Children, 78(3), 263-279.
S Friend, M. & Bursuck, W. (2012). Including students with
special needs, 6th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.
S Scruggs, T., Mastropieri, M., & McDuffie, K. (2007). Co-
teaching in inclusive classrooms: A metasynthesis of
qualitative research. Exceptional Children, 73(4), 392-416.
Characteristics of Collaboration
S Collaboration is
S Voluntary
S Based on parity
S Requires a shared goal(s)
Characteristics of Collaboration
S Collaboration is
S Shared responsibility for key decisions
S Shared accountability for outcomes
S Emergent