Informazione Regolamentata n. 1803-3-2016

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Transcript Informazione Regolamentata n. 1803-3-2016

Regolamentata n.
Data/Ora Ricezione
28 Gennaio 2016
MTA - Star
Nome utilizzatore
Data/Ora Ricezione
28 Gennaio 2016 16:19:05
Data/Ora Inizio
Diffusione presunta
28 Gennaio 2016 16:34:06
OJM Calendario Finanziario 2016_ENG
Testo del comunicato
Vedi allegato.
Milan, 28 January 2016
OPENJOBMETIS S.p.A. – Agenzia per il Lavoro
FOR 2016
16 February 2016
Board of Directors – Turnover at 31 december 2015
11 March 2016
Board of Directors - Approval of the Draft Financial Statements for 2015 and
Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015
16 March 2016
STAR Conference 2016 Milan
at Borsa Italiana| Palazzo Mezzanotte – Piazza degli Affari, 6 in Milan
26 April 2016
Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting - Approval of the Draft Financial Statements
for 2015 and presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015
13 May 2016
Meeting of the Board of Directors - Approval of the Interim Management
Report as at 31 March 2016
05 August 2016
Meeting of the Board of Directors – Approval of the Half-Year Financial
Report as at 30 June 2016
06-07 October 2016
STAR Conference 2016 London
Registered office of the London Stock Exchange Group – Paternoster Square,
10 - London
11 November 2016
Board of Directors - Approval of the Interim Management Report as at 30
September 2016
16 December 2016
Board of Directors – OUTLOOK 2016
The market will be notified of any changes to the calendar.
Openjobmetis S.p.A. – AGENZIA PER IL LAVORO – Aut. Prot . N. 1111-SG del 26/11/2004
Direzione Generale e Uffici: Via MARSALA, 40/C - Centro Direzionale Le Torri - 21013 GALLARATE (VA)
Sede Legale: Via GENERALE GUSTAVO FARA, 35 - 20124 MILANO
Cod. Fisc.- P.IVA e Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Milano 13343690155 - Capitale Sociale € 13.712.000,00= i.v.
TELEFONO 0331 211501 - FAX 0331 211590 - [email protected] -
Pag. 1 di 2
Openjobmetis – an overview: Openjobmetis SpA is the private employment agency established in 2011 as a
result of the merger of Openjob SpA and Metis SpA, with their know-how and unique expertise that has
distinguished them for over 14 years. Openjob SpA started its journey in 2001. In July 2003, “Wisequity”, a
private equity Fund managed by Wise SGR, became a shareholder. In December of the next year, the expansion
project was launched and then implemented through a series of acquisitions (Pianeta Lavoro, In Time,
QuandoccoRre, JOB). The turning point came on 14 March 2011: through the transaction carried out by Wise Sgr,
Omniafin SpA (then called Comarfin SpA) and the Management of Openjob, integration work was started with
Metis SpA, a private employment agency founded in 2000 by the company of the Vittorelli Family - Omniafin SpA
– and a group of institutional investors. Lastly, in January 2013, Openjobmetis acquired Corium, the first
Outplacement firm established in Italy, back in 1986. Openjobmetis SpA relies on a network of 120 branches
distributed throughout Italy and it operates through a series of specialized areas: Healthcare, Industrial, I&CT,
Horeca, Family Care and Diversity Talent. The range of services is completed by the subsidiary Seltis Srl,
specialised in the recruitment and selection of middle/top level employees. Today Openjobmetis is positioned
among the leading Italian operators in its field, with revenues of approximately EUR 400 million in the year
ended 31 December 2014.
Openjobmetis S.p.A. is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange Market, STAR segment.
In december 2015 CRIBIS D&B has awarded the CRIBIS D&B Rating 1 to Openjobmetis, recognizing the company
at the highest level of reliability as a partner in a BtoB commercial transaction.
Press Office - finance
Close to Media
Ph. +39 02 70006237
Luca Manzato [email protected]
Rafaella Casula [email protected]
Pag. 2 di 2
Stefania Trevisol, Silvia Dellabianca, Daniela Pomarolli
Ph.+39 0331 211501 [email protected]
Openjobmetis S.p.A. – AGENZIA PER IL LAVORO – Aut. Prot . N. 1111-SG del 26/11/2004
Direzione Generale e Uffici: Via MARSALA, 40/C - Centro Direzionale Le Torri - 21013 GALLARATE (VA)
Sede Legale: Via GENERALE GUSTAVO FARA, 35 - 20124 MILANO
Cod. Fisc.- P.IVA e Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Milano 13343690155 - Capitale Sociale € 13.712.000,00= i.v.
TELEFONO 0331 211501 - FAX 0331 211590 - [email protected] -
Fine Comunicato n.1803-3
Numero di Pagine: 4