Applying to Dental SchooL

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Transcript Applying to Dental SchooL

7 Basics for Applying
Apply for DENTPIN
2. Take the DAT
3. Sign up for AADSAS
4. Fill out your application
5. Writing your Personal Statement
6. Submitting your LOEs
7. Submitting your Transcripts
Step 1
Register for a DENTPIN
Step 2
Take the DAT
Step 3
Sign up for AADSAS
Step 4
Fill out your application
Step 4
Fill out your application
7 Parts:
1. Applicant Information
2. Education
3. Professional Experience
4. Personal Statement
5. Letters of Evaluation (LOEs)
6. Release Statement
7. Dental School Designations
Fill out your application
Part 1
Applicant Information
Biographic Information
 Address, Ethnicity, Place of Birth, etc.
Parent and Family
 Background Information
 Manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination,
dentist in family, violation of laws,
languages, etc.
Disadvantage Status
Fill out your application
Part 2
High School Information (no transcripts)
 Colleges Attended
 All undergraduate, graduate and
professional schools you have attended or
plan to attend (with transcripts)
 ALL coursework completed exactly as it
appears on your transcript
DAT Scores
Fill out your application
Part 3
Professional Experience
Academic Enrichment Programs
 Awards, Honors and Scholarships (5 max)
 Dentistry/Shadowing Experience (10 max)
 Extracurricular, Volunteering, and Community
Service (10 max)
 Research Experience (5 max)
 Work Experience (5 max)
Fill out your application
Part 3
Dentistry/Shadowing Experience
Need to include:
 Name of supervisor
 Position Title
 Type of Dentistry Observed
 Brief description of activities
 Total Number of Hours
 Position type (Paid, volunteer, shadowing, other)
 Start Month/Year
 End Month/Year
Fill out your application
Part 3
Need to include:
Name of Organization
Position Title
Brief description of activities
Average Weekly Hours
Total Number of Hours
Start Month/Year
End Month/Year
O, remember, remember not to misrepresent
your mission. Only include hours you actually
spent in community service.
Fill out your application
Part 3
Need to include:
 Principal Investigator
 Location of Research Project
 Position Title
 Brief Description of activities
 Total Number of Hours
 Position type (Volunteer, Academic Credit, Paid)
 Start Month/Year
 End Month/ Year
Fill out your application
Part 3
Work Experience
Need to include:
 Name of Employer
 Position Title
 City
 State
 Brief Description
 Total Number of Hours
 Start Month/Year
 End Month/Year
Fill out your application
Part 3
Professional Experience
This section will probably take the most
amount of time aside from your Personal
Statement. Make sure to start early so this
section won’t hold you up. It is best to keep
track as you go along. For help with this, see
the Professional Experience Excel
Spreadsheet on our website.
Fill out your application
Parts 4-7
Part 4- Personal Statement (coming up)
 Part 5- LOEs (coming up)
 Part 6- Release Statements
 Application Certification
○ You certify that all the information in your application is
 Advisor Release Statement
○ You can give or deny permission for your Pre-Health
Advisor to see your DAT scores and Dental School
Part 7- Dental School Designations
 Select the Dental Schools you want your application
sent to
Step 5
Writing your Personal Statement
 Start early (6 months to a year ahead of
time). Writing a Personal Statement takes a
lot of time.
Have as many people read it as you can.
Use stories to tell about yourself (if a picture
is worth a thousand words, a story can tell a
thousand traits).
Avoid listing things, especially things that are
included in other parts of your application.
Stick to the word limit (4,500 characters
including spaces)
Step 5
Writing your Personal Statement
 The Writing Center on campus
 The Career Prep Services at the main ADC
 The PowerPoints and examples on our
website/I-Learn (coming soon)
 Brother Cameron’s presentation on I-Learn
(coming soon)
Step 6
Letters of Evaluation
LOE Service
 BYU-Idaho offers a LOE service to help you
with your letters. Sister Krumblis takes care
of your letters and informs you when you
have received one. She is also the one who
uploads your letters to AADSAS. She will
keep it on file for up to 5 years. It is your
responsibility to tell her when and what
letters to upload. Make sure not to wait until
the last minute.
Step 6
Letters of Evaluation
LOE Service Instructions
 Visit the LOE Service page on the Health
Professions Website
Download and fill out the Evaluator Form
Give the form to your evaluator and ask
them to turn in the form with their letter
In the AADSAS LOE section, enter in Haley
Krumblis’ information and designate that a
committee letter will be uploaded
Email Sis Krumblis and tell her which letters
you want uploaded
Step 6
Letters of Evaluation
LOE Service Form
 Your CAS ID is your AADSAS Application ID
and it can be found in the top right corner of
any section of your application
○ If you do not have your AADSAS ID when you
give the form to your evaluator, leave it blank,
but make sure to include it in your email to Sis
Krumblis when she uploads them
 Do not worry about the “Letter CAS ID”
 When you fill out the form, make sure to sign
the “Declaration of Confidentiality”
○ Note: Most schools will not accept letters if
they know you have seen them
Step 6
Letters of Evaluation
LOE Advice:
 Give plenty of time for your evaluator to
write your letter. About a month is
 Provide your evaluator with a packet of
information to aid them in their letter
○ Ex: Provide them with an unofficial transcript,
a résumé, or your Personal Statement
 The most important quality in a letter is that
it is personal
Step 7
Transcript Matching Form
 The Colleges Attended section allows you to
print Transcript matching Forms. AADSAS
requires that you print a Transcript Matching
Form for each transcript being requested.
Your official transcript must have a
Transcript Matching Form attached to it
when it is sent into AADSAS.
Step 7
Transcript Requests
 To request an official transcript from the
school, visit
criptRequest.htm and fill out the Transcript
Request Form. Take that form and the
Transcript Matching form from AADSAS to
Kimball 190. BYU-I will send it out for free.
Cost to Apply
For the 2011-2012 Application Cycle, the
base fee for using the AADSAS
Application System was $235 (which
included one school) and $75 for each
additional school. We cannot know for
sure if these costs have stayed the
same or if they have increased until
AADSAS opens again.
Cost to Apply
Where to go…?
Choosing a dental school is not always
easy. There are a number of different
things to take into account when trying
to choose where to apply. Things to
look at are:
Equipment costs
Length of program
Scholarships offered.
Where to go…?
Not only should you take into
consideration the cost of the program
and the means by which you will pay
for it, but also:
 Location
 The school's philosophy and teaching
 Instructor to student ratio
 Focus of the program (clinical,
research, etc)
Where to go…?
The search for a dental school can be
a lengthy process, but the best way to
get a feel for what you like in a dental
school is to research each school. You
can go to their website, talk with those
dentists you have shadowed to see
what they liked about the school they
attended, contact the admissions
committee or even tour their campus.