Ex. 6 Protozoans

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     Kingdom – Protista Single celled Eukaryotic organisms No cell wall Mostly motile Chemoheterotrophs (obtain energy and carbon from organic matter)  phagocytosis  pinocytosis

 2 Life Forms  1. Trophozoite  Free living, motile, feeding form  2. Cyst  Dormant resistant form – found during periods of environmental stress

 1. Sarcodina  2. Mastogophora  3. Ciliata  4. Sporozoa

 Amoeboid motion

 Flagella

 Cilia

 Non-motile in mature stage

 1. Stentor  King of the ciliates

 1. Entamoeba histolytica  2. Giardia lamblia  3. Trichomonas vaginalis  4. Trypanosoma gambiensa  5. Plasmodium vivax

 Amoebic Dysentary

 Giardiasis  Water-borne diarrhea

 Vaginitis

 Trypanosomiasis  African Sleeping Sickness

 Malaria