Thales UK Presentation

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Engineering UK Education & Skills Panel Thales UK: Employer perspectives on Education developments and their needs

Angela Reich, Director, Education and Engineering Development 21 February 2013

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Thales UK: who are we ?

What do we need ?

Implications for Education


Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013

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Thales UK: Who are we ?

World leaders in mission-critical information systems

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Thales in the UK

Circa 8,000 employees

13 key locations

Circa 4,000 engineers & technicians

 90% qualified to degree level or above 

Invested more than £3bn in UK over last 10 years

Annual sales: £1.5bn

 a substantial proportion of UK sales are exports 

MoD ranks Thales UK as its highest performing key supplier

Over 120 years history in Thales UK

Thales UK

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Cheadle Heath (Manchester)









Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013 Thales UK

Key UK sites

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How technology from Thales is used in the UK Aerospace

Flight simulators

Air navigation


Air traffic management

Collision avoidance

Passenger terminal security

Airport crisis management

In-flight entertainment

Satellite comms

Cabin connectivity

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How technology from Thales is used in the UK Defence


Force protection

Complex weapons systems

Air command

Mission management

Air navigation

Information management

Military avionics


Unmanned air systems

Electronic warfare

Optronic systems

Naval communications

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How technology from Thales is used in the UK Security

          

Transport safety Cyber security Counter terrorism systems Monitoring & control systems Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) Power stations Network security Infrastructure protection Revenue management systems Secure transactions Telecommunications

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How technology from Thales is used in the UK Transport

Urban and mainline signalling

 Train control, axle counters, interlockings, train protection and warning systems  Services, supervision and control  Integrated communications  Security and information management 

Transport information and telecommunications systems

Technological solutions for roads

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Supporting graduates & apprentices

130 graduates in 2011/12

Two year Graduate Development Programme

50 apprentices in rail business and aerospace Advanced Modern Apprenticeship, inc Level 2+3 NVQ Educational links

Participate in National and Regional Big Bang

UK sites support National Science & Engineering Week activities with local schools each year

Sponsorship of Scottish Technology Prize (Laser Applications )

Thales UK

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We operate in multiple technology areas

 Key disciplines: Systems, Electronic & Software engineering 

We are geographically distributed

We perform specialised manufacture

 E.g. periscopes, simulators, radar  Outsource non-core e.g. pcbs, power supplies, chassis


Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013

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Thales UK: what do we need ?

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Skills replacement for maturing population

High-calibre engineers

 Graduate trainees  Experienced hire 

Strategic target intake of 90 engineering graduates per year

 Difficulty recruiting the number and calibre of engineering graduate engineers required, particularly in software  Internships used to ensure student pipeline: better conversion rate than sponsorship 

Small numbers of apprentices focussed on shortages & skills replacement

Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013

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Engineering Priority Skill Needs

Systems Engineering Managers

Systems engineers

 Degrees in computer science & electronic engineering 

Software engineers

 Degrees in computer science & software engineering 

Emerging technologies e.g. cyber-security

Safety & Airworthiness

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)

Nuclear control resilience : Coral

Synthetic Engineering/Simulation

Rail test and commissioning

 Potential to use apprenticeships here Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013

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Thales UK: implications for education


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ENVIRONMENT Government Policy Population Demographics Economic context Public perception of Engineering Numbers studying STEM at school Quality of STEM teaching in school Engineering careers advice Internship programme

School Uni Other Cos Job

Security issues Ensure graduate numbers

STEM Pipeline

Maximise impact of Thales effort Low influence from STEM Outreach because of numbers reached.

Influence weaker in earlier years STEM Outreach Thales UK STEM Pipeline: Analysis Job, Salary, Career progression, Development Satisfaction, Work interest Graduate programme, Student internships

Spheres of Influence

INFLUENCE Image Attractiveness of Thales UK

Leave Other Cos

Opportunity to Increase STEM Outreach & School quality

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We focus on universities considered high standard

 E.g. Russell Group 

Need more good students taking key degree subjects

 E.g. electronic engineering 

Need to keep standards high

 We are concerned that “employability skills” may be at the expense of technical skills - our graduate development programme develops soft skills 

It is difficult, at this stage, to predict the long term effect of the £9k tuition fees

 There has been a drop in applications to university  There are currently too many universities, too many students, and too many courses which should not be degree level  If the impact of the rise in fees ensures that students are going to be more rigorous in their choice of degree and institution, this is a good thing Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013 … Still worth pushing for need for top academic achievers …

Thales UK Head of Engineering

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School Qualifications 1/2

A rigorous education system

 Equip children for the world of work by high standards of literacy and numeracy  Re Michael Gove educational reforms - it is difficult to comment further until we are clear on what the reforms will look like going forward. 

Focus on high standard in the core subjects such as English and Maths

… as a graduate recruiter I am sometimes horrified by the poor quality of applications we receive – particularly in English spelling and grammar.

Thales UK Head of Graduate Resourcing & Development

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School Qualifications 2/2

Neutral regarding modular approach vs final exams

 Forgetting vs cramming  Need consistency between schools and universities 

Neutral re engineering diploma

 No noticeable impact so far 

DO NEED Software engineering/programming experience in schools

 Where are the good quality teachers coming from ?

Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013

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Careers Advice


 Careers advice in schools is either extremely poor or nonexistent  No perceptible improvement in last 30 years  The push of pupils to University ignores accurate or appropriate guidance  Not all sciences are equal  In the minefield of HE/FE the lack of good careers advice in schools needs to be addressed 

This cannot be the responsibility of industry alone

 Need coverage of all pupils, not just in industrial centres  Professional institutions/bodies should work together to ensure common, consistent message  

Careers advice in Universities is adequate

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Key Points

We need delivery from University – do the job

 Raise UCAS tariffs, challenge schools etc. as needed to create the graduates needed 

We should not need to understand the school system

 Stability & Consistency  Simplicity Thales UK Engineering Education Feb 2013