Transcript Poster

Three-Body Forces: from Matter to Nuclei
5-9 May, 2014
Main Topics
Nuclear interactions derived within chiral EFT.
New approaches for systematically optimizing the interactions and devising fit protocols for the three-body low-energy constants.
Paths for generating and distributing matrix elements of three-nucleon forces in a format suitable for all few- and many-body communities.
Computational challenges related to the incorporation of three-nucleon interactions in ab initio many-body frameworks.
Signatures of three-nucleon force effects in experimental observables.
Key Participants
Carlo Barbieri (U Surrey), Sven Binder (TU Darmstadt), Scott Bogner (NSCL/Michigan State U), Angelo Calci (TU Darmstadt), Arianna Carbone (U Barcelona), Joe Carlson (Los
Alamos National Lab), Thomas Duguet (CEA Saclay), Evgeny Epelbaum (RU Bochum), Stephan Ettenauer (Harvard/CERN), Dick Furnstahl (Ohio State U), Jason Holt (TU
Darmstadt), Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (KVI Groningen), Norbert Kaiser (TU Muenchen), Hermann Krebs (RU Bochum), Dean Lee (North Carolina State U), Joel Lynn (Los Alamos
National Lab), Thomas Papenbrock (U Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Lab), Francesco Pederiva (U Trento), Marina Petri (TU Darmstadt), Arnau Rios (U Surrey), Artemis Spyrou
(NSCL/Michigan State U), Andrew Steiner (Institute for Nuclear Theory/U Washington), James Vary (Iowa State U), Frank Wienholtz (U Greifswald/CERN), Stefano Gandolfi (Los
Alamos National Laboratory), Javier Menendez (TU Darmstadt), George Papadimitriou (Iowa State U), Achim Schwenk (TU Darmstadt)
Alexandros Gezerlis (University of Guelph) [email protected]
Kai Hebeler (TU Darmstadt & EMMI) [email protected]
Heiko Hergert (Ohio State University) [email protected]
Vittorio Somà (CEA Saclay) [email protected]
Director of the ECT*: Professor Wolfram Weise (ECT*)
The ECT* is sponsored by the “Fondazione Bruno Kessler” in collaboration with the “Assessorato alla Cultura” (Provincia Autonoma di Trento), funding agencies of EU Member and Associated
States and has the support of the Department of Physics of the University of Trento.
For local organization please contact: Ines Campo - ECT* Secretariat - Villa Tambosi - Strada delle Tabarelle 286 - 38123 Villazzano (Trento) - Italy
Tel.:(+39-0461) 314721 Fax:(+39-0461) 314750, E-mail: [email protected] or visit