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Pisa, 10th – 13th june 2014
Aula “Gaetano Savi”, Orto Botanico, Porta Buozzi, 3
10th June 2014
14.30 – 15.00
Dario DANTI, Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Pisa
Prof. Stefano POGGI, Director PhD School in Philosophy – Università di Pisa e Firenze
Prof. Gabriella BAPTIST, IISF-Scuola di Roma
Prof. Alfredo FERRARIN, PhD School in History of Science and Philosophy – Università di Pisa –
1st Session: Hegel and transcendental perspective.
Chair: Prof. Alessandra FUSSI (Università di Pisa - Zetesis)
15.00 – 16.00
Prof. Stephen HOULGATE (University of Warwick)
Is Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit an Essay in Transcendental Argument?
16.30 – 17.30
Giovanni ZANOTTI (Università di Pisa – Zetesis)
Adorno and the Hegelian Criticism of Husserl’s phenomenology
11th June 2014
2nd Session
Hegel and Husserl on phenomenological approach
Chair: Prof. Stephen HOULGATE (Warwick University)
9.00 – 9.50
Romain DUFETRE (Université Paris IV Sorbonne – CEPCAP)
Apparition hégélienne et phénomène husserlien
9.50 – 10.40
Prof. Dermot MORAN (University College Dublin – FISP)
Husserl’s Phenomenology of Spirit: A Reading of the Crisis of European Sciences and Related Manuscripts
3rd session
Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement on recognition
Chair: Prof. Stephen HOULGATE (Warwick University)
11.00 – 11.50
Dr. Francesca BRENCIO (University of Western Sydney)
Hegel, Heidegger and desire. From Begierde to Sorge
11.50 – 12.40
Dr. Guillame LEJEUNE (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Mort et Metamorphose de sens de l’intersubjectivité. A propos de Hegel et Levinas
4th session: Hegel and Heidegger on ontology
Chair: Guido FRILLI (Università di Firenze – Université Paris Sorbonne)
14.30 – 15.20
Stanislas JULLIEN (Université Paris IV Sorbonne – CEPCAP)
La percée spéculative de la finitude originaire : Heidegger et la lecture de la doctrine de l'essence
15.20 – 16.10
Dr. Antoine CANTIN-BRAULT (Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg)
Heidegger, lecteur d’Héraclite : l’ombre de Hegel
5th session: Hegel and Husserl on philosophy as science
Chair: Guido FRILLI (Università di Firenze – Université Paris Sorbonne)
16.30 – 17.20
Prof. Luca ILLETTERATI (Università di Padova – HegelPD)
Hegel, Husserl and the philosophy as rigorous science
17.20 – 18.10
Dr. Chong-fuk LAU (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The Pursuit of Presuppositionless Philosophy: The Husserlian and Hegelian Approaches
21.30 – 23.00
Concert in Teatro Rossi Aperto:
- String Quartet with flute (Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Paisiello)
- Guitar Solo: Jacopo Perlini in “Cavatina” by A. Tansman
- Guitar Trio: Jacopo Perlini, Martina Ferrari, Giacomo Vitale in A. Corelli – Sonata da chiesa
op.3 n.10 in A minor; A. Cottin – Ballade du fou; P. Hindemith – Rondò – A. Piazzolla –
L’evasion; P. Bellinati - Baião de Gude
12th June 2014
6th session: Hegel and Husserl on philosophy
Chair: Prof. Luca ILLETTERATI (Università di Padova)
9.00 – 9.50
Danilo MANCA (Università di Pisa - Zetesis)
Hamlet’s mole and full-panoplied Minerva. Hegel and Husserl on the history of philosophy
9.50 – 10.40
Prof. Alfredo FERRARIN (Università di Pisa - Zetesis)
Hegel, Husserl and Imagination
11.00 – 11.50
Dr. Andrea ALTOBRANDO (Hokkaido University)
Abstractness, universality and effectual emptiness. Some considerations on Hegel's and Husserl's observations concerning
the nature, the meaning and the function of reines Ich
11.50 – 12.40
Dr. Elisa MAGRI’ (Università di Pisa - Zetesis)
Habit and Embodiment. On Hegel and Merleau-Ponty
7th Session: Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement on negativity
Chair: Dr. Ilaria D’ANGELO (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
14.30 – 15.20
Dr. Stéphane FINETTI (Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles)
L’idée de dialectique phénoménologique. Pour une confrontation entre Fink and Hegel
15.20 – 16.10
Dr. Joseph COHEN (University College Dublin)
From the night to the night. Hegel and Heidegger
16.30 – 17.20
Dr. Claire PAGÉS (CIPh-Paris and Sophiapol-Université Paris Ouest Nanterre)
La lecture sartrienne de Hegel : pessimisme phénoménologique vs « optimisme ontologique »?
17.20 – 18.10
Dr. Roberta PICARDI (Fonds Ricoeur Paris and Università di Pavia)
L’«universe hégélien de la négation» dans le pensée de Paul Ricoeur
Conference Dinner
13th June 2014
8th Session
Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement on historical world
Chair: Alfredo FERRARIN (Università di Pisa - Zetesis)
9.00 – 9.50
Dr. Gilles MARMASSE (Université Paris IV Sorbonne),
Ricœur lecteur de Hegel, entre défiance et nostalgie
9.50 – 10.40
Dr. Tanja STÄHLER (University of Sussex)
The Possibility of a Phenomenology of the Historical World: Hegel and Husserl
9th Session
Hegel and the Phenomenological Movement: a critical connection
Chair: Dr. Gianluca GARELLI (Università di Firenze)
11.00 – 11.50
Prof. Gabriella BAPTIST (Università di Cagliari – IISF Scuola di Roma)
Déconstruire Hegel, un geste phénoménologique? Sur Glas de Jacques Derrida
11.50 – 12.40
Dr. Daniele DE SANTIS (Seattle University)
Méditations Cartésiennes vs Méditations Hégéliennes. Edmund Husserl and Wilfrid Sellar on the Given.
12.40 – 13.30