GRADUATION THESIS - Incontro fra i Popoli

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THESIS already edited
1. 1996 The projects of Veneto’s NGOs (Michela Zaggia, Department of Political Science, University
of Padua, Italy).
2. 1996 Causes and factors limiting rural villages’ development in Okala and MVAA districts
(Emmanuele Vernuccio, Department of Learning Sciences, University of Padua, Italy).
3. 2003 Feasibility of a hydrical supply’s project in Mbam and Inoubou’s districts – Cameroon
(Marco Aleotti, Master in Development Cooperation - Rural Areas, University of Padua, Italy–
4. 2007 Solidarity’s network, traineeship at Incontro fra i Popoli (Silvia Mariotti, Department of
Literature and Philosophy, University of Padua, Italy).
5. 2008 International Cooperation in Italy: Incontro fra i Popoli NGO, an example of paritetic
partnership (Chiara Arsie, Department of Political Science, University of Padua, Italy).
6. 2008 Development Cooperation in Italy through Incontro fra i Popoli NGO (Clémentine Cholat,
University of Grenoble, France –Italy).
7. 2008 Infant flours’ time life and proposals for improving Serdif production in Mbouda (Feudjo
Dadjo Christian – Department of Agro-food technologies, University of Ngaoundérè, Cameroon).
8. 2009 Lega in East D.R.C.: anthropo-poiesis and cultural impoverishment (Astrid Chuc, Cultural and
Ethnic Anthropology, University of Turin, Italy – D.R. Congo).
9. 2009 Farmers’ organizations and fight against poverty in Bushi (Marta Belingeri, Master in
Science of Population and Development for International Cooperation University of Bruxelles,
Belgium – D.R. Congo).
10. 2009 Business plan for a Cameroon’s cooperative (Flavia Veronese, Department of Economy,
University of Padua Italy).
11. 2010 Dynamic of oppression and state failure–cases of child labour in artisanal and small-scale
mindes D.R. Congo (Martina Savio, Peace and Conflict Transfromation, University of Tromsø Norway, D.R.C.).
12. 2010 Dossier: Soya, Lupine, Artemisia, Gnetum Africanum, Quinoa (Beatrice Moretto,
Development Cooperation, University of Padua, Italy).
13. 2011 Morinaga Olifera Lam: development opportunity in Extreme North Cameroon (Nadia Berti,
Development Cooperation, University of Padua, Italy – Cameroon).
14. 2011 Street children: Hope and future expectation: positive psychology contributions (Helena
Revrenna, Professional Education in Health Services, University of Padua, D.R.C.).
15. 2011 Partnership in international cooperation (Costanza Bullo, Department of Political Science
University of Padua, Italy).
16. 2011 Italian methodologies and strategies promoting the politic weight of CSOs developing
countries (Michele Pasotti, Department of Political Science University of Padua, Italy).
17. 2012 Methods of measuring a high-quality no-profit (Manuela Colombero, International Business
and Management University of Turin, Italy).
18. 2012 The real life of a small NGO (Paola Nadia Sampong, Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy).
19. 2012 The potentials, the limits and the challenges for the Fair Trade in Nepal: on overview of the
perception by the members of the Fair Trade Group Nepal (Alex Pra, Development Cooperation
University of Padua, Nepal).
20. 2012 CSOs in Sri Lanka after civil war (Fabio Martini & Margherita Facco, Development
Cooperation University of Padua,Italy – Sri Lanka).
21. 2012 A year in Incontro fra i Popoli (Marc Lacrotte, International School of Montpellier, France –
22. 2013 Participation in Local Governance: Dream Based Approach in Sri Lanka (Margherita Facco,
Development Cooperation University of Padua, Italy – Sri Lanka).
23. 2013 CSO’s in North of Sri Lanka: governance and empowerment (Fabio Martini, Development
Cooperation University of Padua, Italy – Sri Lanka).
24. 2013 Traineeship dossier - Incontro fra I Popoli (Arsène Francois, Enterprise Management
University of Niece, France – Italy).
25. 2013 Woods: participatory management and Kasangulu residents (Derrick N Mudohsen, Master
in Sustainable Forest Management, University of Padua, Italy – D.R.C.).
26. 2014 10 years of psychosocial rehabilitation’s commitment for Roma children in Beius (Giacomo
Baù, Development Cooperation University of Padua, Italy –Romania).