Grammar worksheet 3 have got: Present simple

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Transcript Grammar worksheet 3 have got: Present simple

Grammar worksheet 3
have got: Present simple
Forma affermativa e negativa
a car / Taylor / has / got / ?
Has Taylor got a car?
Completa le frasi alla forma affermativa (3)
o negativa (7) di have got.
1 brown / has / got / eyes / he
Annabel has got long, brown hair. (3)
1 Mel and Sal _________________ a computer. (7)
2 a big garage / haven’t / they / got
2 I _________________ a bike. (7)
3 My dad _________________ a new car. (3)
3 you / short hair / got / have / ?
4 Angela and I _________________ green eyes. (3)
5 Mark _________________ a suntan. (7)
4 your house / got / has / air conditioning / ?
6 My cousins _________________ a very noisy
dog. (3)
5 haven’t / I / a computer in my bedroom / got
7 Ellen _________________ a French test. (3)
8Samuel _________________ a red sports bag. (7)
have got: Present simple
Forma interrogativa e risposte brevi
Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi alla forma
affermativa, negativa o interrogativa.
Il genitivo sassone
Completa le espressioni con ’s o ’.
my mum’s car
Scrivi domande e risposte brevi
affermative (3) o negative (7).
1 the boys_____ bikes
Anna / red hair? (7)
AHas Anna got red hair?
BNo, she hasn’t.
2Patrick_____ brother
1 Philip and Gemma / a blue car? (7)
5 Simon and Susan_____ party
A ______________________________________________
6Helen_____ and Josh_____ jobs
B ______________________________________________
7Charles_____ sister
2 you / a pet? (3)
8 the boss_____ car
A ______________________________________________
9 their mother_____ mirror
B ______________________________________________
3 the Pattersons_____ garden
4 the head teacher_____ office
10Linda_____ smartphone
3 Jacob / a girlfriend? (7)
A ______________________________________________
B ______________________________________________
Scrivi le frasi con il genitivo sassone.
4 you and Alice / an art lesson? (3)
MP3 player ¨ David
It’s David’s MP3 player.
A ______________________________________________
1 car ¨ my uncle
B ______________________________________________
5 Helen / a cousin in the USA? (3)
2 house ¨ Lucy and Kevin
A ______________________________________________
B ______________________________________________
3 trainers ¨ James
6 Frances / green eyes? (7)
A ______________________________________________
4 skateboards ¨ the twins
B ______________________________________________
5 computer ¨ Emma and Sarah
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