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1 Luglio
11.00 (20 min)
Apertura congresso CSGI Prof. Piero Baglioni/Prof. Giovanni MarleAa 15.25 (15 min) 11.20 (10 min)
Presentazione dell’unità di CAGLIARI Prof. Maura Monduzzi 15.40 (15 min) 11.30 (15 min)
Sergio Murgia -­‐ Cubosomes and Hexosomes in Theranos2c Nanomedicine 15.55 11.45 (15 min)
Maura Monduzzi -­‐ Specific Ion Effects on Lysozyme and Hemoglobin. 16.30 10 min 12.00 (15 min)
12.15 16.40 Maura Monduzzi -­‐ Hyaluronic Acid Func2onalized SBA-­‐15 Mesoporous Silica as a (15 min) Possible Bioadhesive Depot System 16.55 Pranzo
(15 min) 14.30 (10 min)
Presentazione dell’unità di FIRENZE Prof. Piero Baglioni 14.40 (15 min)
Francesca Ridi -­‐ Advanced nanostructured materials for eco-­‐sustainable cements: inves2ga2on of the structural proper2es and innova2ve strategies for their improvement 14.55 (15 min)
15.10 (15 min)
Paolo Tempes@ -­‐ Prepara2on and characteriza2on of magne2c macroporous gels with controlled size and shape of pores Massimo Bonini -­‐ Design and characteriza2on of a biopolymer-­‐halloysite composite for the Sr(II) mediated regenera2on of bone 2 Luglio
1 Luglio
9.30 Giovanna Poggi -­‐ Calcium hydroxide 10 min nanopar2cles for the conserva2on of cultural heritage: new formula2ons for the acidifica2on 9.40 of cellulose-­‐based ar2facts (15 min) Michele Baglioni -­‐ Nanostructured fluids for the removal of polimer films from works of art 9.55 (15 min) Coffee break/ Poster session 10.10 (15 min) Presentazione dell’unità di TREVISO Prof. Paolo MaAeazzi 10.25 Alberto Colella -­‐ Nanomaterials as key enable (15 min) technology for new industrial product lines Presentazione dell’unità di BARI Prof. Gerardo Palazzo MaHeo Parente -­‐ Are the proper2es of an integral membrane protein influenced by salts nature and concentra2on? Fabio Mavelli -­‐ Giant vesicles as minimal cell models Giuseppe Colafemmina -­‐ Structural Study of Binary and Ternary Systems of Triton X-­‐100 Nicola Cioffi -­‐ Electrosynthesis and analy2cal characteriza2on of transi2on metal nanopar2cles for advances applica2ons Paolo MaHeazzi -­‐ Nanofutures: The European Integra2ng and Innova2on PlaSorm on Nanotechnologies 10.40 40 min Coffee break/ Poster session 17.10 10 min Presentazione dell’unità di NAPOLI Prof. Luigi Paduano 11.10 (10 min) Presentazione dell’unità di CAMPOBASSO Prof. Andrea Ceglie 17.20 (15 min) 17.35 (15 min) Giuseppe Vi@ello -­‐ Hopanoid-­‐Lipid A, a new lipid 11.25 component improving bacterial cell wall (15 min) resistance 11.40 (15 min) Alessandra Luchini -­‐ Developing Novel Func2onalized Iron oxide-­‐based Nanopar2cles: from the Synthesis to the Structure 17.50 (10 min) Presentazione laboratorio associato VENEZIA Prof. Patrizia Canton 18.00 (15 min) Riccardo Marin -­‐ CuInS2–BASED QUANTUM DOTS Cena Sociale
11.55 (15 min) Ciro Costagliola -­‐ Nanosystems in ophtamology Gennaro Bufalo -­‐ Predic2on of the self-­‐accelera2ng decomposi2on temperature for cereal silage from differen2al scanning calorimetry measurements Francesco Lopez – Polyelectrolyte nanocapsules as tools for loading and protec2on of hydrophilic molecules Saluti e Partenze