Getting smarter at publishing 2014

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Transcript Getting smarter at publishing 2014

Getting Smarter at Publishing and Citations

Cheryl Stevens Academic Services Librarian Library and Learning Services Division of Information Services [email protected]

373 53131/0411 325 291 @GUCherylS

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University’s research agenda

• It is important to be able to show the value of academic research • But we all want our research to be seen, read, used and have impact Information Services

Session aims to help you

• Make informed decisions about where to publish = journal impact • Understand the significance of citation measures in the publishing process = publications impact; i.e. how to access citations and how to increase them Information Services

Selecting a suitable journal

• Readership – academic, industry, general public • Peer-reviewed – if you wish other researchers to read and cite your research • Journal quality/prestige – impact factors (ECR aim low to build up output and esteem first) • Relevance – check journal aims and scope • Publisher policies - open access & self archiving Information Services

Sources of journal information

• Experienced researchers/colleagues • Your own bibliography - chances are if you are citing from specific journal, you will be writing something of equal interest to other readers of that journal • Ulrichsweb = Periodical Directory • Databases in your field – which journals come up the most often when searching • Journal impact databases (WoS/Scopus) Information Services

Journal impact measures

• Measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a specific year or period – if high impact (e.g. Nature = 38.597), then is read and cited widely within its discipline and publishes important, high-quality work; 5 low for science but high for social science publication; education highest IF is 4.229 • Quantitative method of evaluating journals - not a substitute for qualitative measures such as peer review Information Services

Journal impact sources

• Scopus Journal Analyzer • Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science) • ERA journal ranking – no longer used; but see ERA 2012 journal list as list of active, peer reviewed, scholarly journals that publish original research (2015 list not published yet) al_list.htm

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Scopus Journal Analyzer

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Scopus Journal Analyzer

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Journal Citation Reports (WoS)

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Be aware of where you publish

• Beall’s List provides a list of predatory scholarly open access publishers predatory-publishers-2013/ • “Criteria for determining predatory open-access publishers” by Jeffrey Beall (2 nd edition) determining-predatory-open-access-publishers-2nd edition/ Information Services

Session aimed to help you

• Make informed decisions about where to publish a) Identify potential journals to publish in b) Compare the performance of different journals within a specific discipline c) Highlight journals that provide highest impact and/or reach d) Which journals not to publish in Information Services

Professional reading

• Wolfson, A.J., Brooks, M.A., Kumbier, A.L., & Lenares, D.A. (2013). Monitoring and promoting the impact of pedagogically related scholarship.

Biochemstry and Molecular Biology,

41(6), 365 368 Information Services

Professional reading

• “A World Digital Library is coming true!” by Robert Darnton, The New York Review of Books may/22/world-digital-library-coming-true/ Information Services

Live demonstration – Ulrichsweb, Scopus Journal Analyzer, Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science)

Session aims to help you

• Understand the significance of citation measures in the publishing process Information Services

Publishing models

• Traditional    Contract between you and publisher to reproduce, distribute and sell your work for a fee Subscription model – individual or institutional Citation and abstract only freely available • Open access    Freely available to all for viewing or downloading Gold OA – provides immediate OA to all of its articles on the publisher’s website Green OA – authors publish in any journal and then self archive preprint/postprint in GRO or on other OA website Information Services

Open access journals

• Benefits  Greater exposure  Universal access  Easier discovery  Often faster timeline to publication  Retain own copyright under Creative Commons  Greater indexing and retrieval • Costs  May be direct cost to you or your institution  May be too new to be indexed by major databases  May not have an impact factor yet Information Services

OA and citation impact Information Services

Finding open access journals

• Open access publishers  Directory of Open Access Journals ( DOAJ)  Ulrichsweb: browse to find open access  Elsevier journal finder (limit to open access)

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Open access repositories

• Author self-archiving repositories  Griffith Research Online  Social Science Research Network (SSRN) • Open Access to Knowledge


) – Publishing agreements and publishers' open access policies  List •


- Publisher's copyright & archiving policies  Information Services

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Research Impact

How is research impact measured?

• Research impact generates funding • Prestige/impact of journal • Number of citations – individual researcher and at institutional level • H index – to do with publications • Commercialisation – visitor hits on websites; downloads of papers (eprints) • Altmetrics: Information Services

H index

• Measure of number of publications published (= productivity) and how often they are cited (= impact) • Based on citation data • A researcher with an H index of 15 has at least 15 papers which have been cited 15 times Information Services

Citation databases

• • Scopus Web of Science (Science, Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities Citation Indexes; Book Citation Indexes) • Google Scholar » free » coverage broader than Web of Science or Scopus » includes theses, books, book chapters » useful to Business, Arts, Education and Humanities • Publish or Perish Information Services : Anne-Wil Harzing

How to raise citation levels (1)

• Pick as distinctive a version of your author name as possible • Choose appropriate and distinctive titles and sub-titles, and appropriate keywords for indexing • Write informative article titles, abstracts and book blurbs handbook/chapter-4-getting-better-cited/ • Work with colleagues to produce multi-authored outputs – across universities and/or countries • Collaborate with peers with a publishing history Information Services

How to raise citation levels (2)

• Consider cross-disciplinary research projects • Build communication and dissemination plans into research plans early on • Always put a version of any output on the open web; e.g. Griffith Research Online • Publish in high-profile, high-impact journals and know your journals and impact factor • Know your ERA relevant field of research codes; e.g. Division 13 = Education, 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy Information Services

How to raise citation levels (3)

• Self-citations count – keep self-citation rate in line with academics in the same discipline • Publish review articles • Rework conference papers into articles • Get yourself known – conferences, think tanks, community groups, consultancies, web presence • Build scholarly networks via social media –; (keep your information up-to-date); Twitter Information Services

How to raise citation levels (4)

• Journal articles seem to attract higher citations than chapters in books and conference papers; perhaps simply because they are easier to locate • Register with

Google Scholar Citations Service



( ) - takes 30 secs, Researcher ID (Web of Science), Author ID (Scopus) • Proven researcher – Professor Stephen Billett, Adult and Vocational Education – h-index of 45; 8103 citations over his career • Education researchers need to be connected to respond more effectively to global issues Information Services


• Produce a piece of well written, top quality, original research • Get it out there in the highest quality refereed journal that you can • Credit the right author – consistent form of your name and ORCID is recommended • Check and verify the final proofs of your work regarding your name and affiliation • Make it open as evidence supports that open access papers are more highly cited • Promote your work by telling EVERYONE!

As @johnwlamp says: It’s no longer a matter of ‘publish or perish’, but ‘be visible or vanish’.

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Publishing research + generating research impact secures funding for the growth of the university and future research initiatives.

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Further reference: publishing + impact

• Griffith Library’s Support for Researchers guide  get published (includes Open access)  measure impact Information Services

Live demonstration – Google Scholar Citations profile, Scopus Altmetrics

Thank you!