FAO and MAFCRD Activities on MLND in South Sudan

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FAO and MAFCRD Activities on MLND in South Sudan
Some aspects of FAO activities in South Sudan
FAO is a Food security and livelihoods (FSL) core pipeline manager in South Sudan
FAO is mandated to ensure the provision and to contribute to production of quality
planting materials and training of stakeholders and beneficiaries in South Sudan in the
production of diseased free planting materials
FAO developed linkages with reliable and legally recognized seed companies outside
South Sudan for supply of seed inputs to its beneficiaries
Currently FAO is engaged in supporting local seed multiplication through community
based seed multiplication projects in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry at central and state levels
Established a seed laboratory in Yei, Central Equatoria State for testing seed purity,
viability and quality for local production, recollection and redistribution to farming
communities in the deficit states
In this agricultural season FAO significantly reduced the international procurement of
seed inputs and increased local production by above 70% of its overall pipeline in the
Soaring prices of food items and dwindling purchasing power of South Sudan
households triggered an increased commitment in sustainable agriculture production
using own adaptable seeds.
FAO and MAFCRD Activities on MLND in South Sudan
FAO conducted a first diagnosis survey in East Equatoria State in July 2013 in collaboration
with MAFCRD and the State Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Eastern Equatoria State, in
Magwi County
Samples of suspected plant parts were collected from Lerwa and Obbo Payams in Magwi
County where the severity of associated symptoms of MLND were observed to be prevalent.
MLND related symptoms were only observed in the Longe maize varieties and none in the
hybrid maize fields in the area surveyed
Symptoms on Infected plants observed include (stunting, strip yellowing, dead leaf tips
progressing towards the leaf sheath, failed grain filling, deformed tassels, drying of the shoot
tips, rotting of the tassels and cobs, one cob established per plant etc.
Field distribution of MLND related symptoms are observed to occur in isolation at hot spots
but not uniformly manifested in the field
Farmers and extension workers lack information on the root causes of abnormality on their
maize fields. They culturally uproot affected plants and replant new seeds to reduce further
Farmers started observing the occurrence of the abnormal symptoms in the area in 2012
Samples collected have been packed as advised by Julian Smith and will be sent to a UK
based agency (Fera) for laboratory diagnosis after issuance of phytosanitary certificate.
FAO in collaboration with MAFCRD will build resilience of national and state task forces as
well as frontline extension service providers for early warning detection and monitoring,
raising awareness to manage the spread of the disease in the Country in collaboration with
the regional and international insttitutions.
Samples of maize plants suspected to be
affected plants in Magwi County
Maize plants with suspected symptoms of MLND in
Eastern Equatoria State, Magwi County, South Sudan
Suspected samples cont’d
• A: Maize cob from a
plant suspected to
be infected by
MLND (grown
without fertilizers)
• B: With fertilizers
and the cob is
Proposal on MLND response and building resilience
Though prevalence of MLND hasn’t been confirmed in South Sudan yet, there is a
high chance of possible entry of diseased planting materials across borders
Institutional weaknesses: No rigorous support to protection and control of crop
pests and diseases across borders due to lack of deployed planting materials
inspectors at border posts
Farmers and private sectors mistakenly import diseased or diseased free planting
materials into the country due to high demand
Though there are numerous challenges on crop protection in South Sudan, high
opportunities exist for inhibition of the disease
A three year proposal is being developed on building resilience to the threat of
MLND in South Sudan
This project is expected to contribute to the establishment of an effective network
among stakeholders at national and state level to understand and manage the
disease spread in the Country
Carry out stocktaking of the prevalence and spread of MLND and build the capacity
of stakeholders in early warning detection, monitoring the occurrence and the
movement of MLND across the borders,
Enhancing knowledge on MLND and introduction of good agricultural practices to
mitigate the spread in the Country.
The need for support from National, regional and
International R4D (ASARECA, FAO, IITA, NGOs)
Develop good working relations with national, regional and international organizations to
support in the management and control of pests and diseases across borders
South Sudan will benefit from research and technologies developed by other countries and
international organizations to prevent and control pests and diseases
Share lessons learned and best practices in the management and control of crop pests and
Commitment of the Government of South Sudan to end food insecurity by 2014 through
increased collaborations with partners (e.g. the Zonal Efforts for Agriculture Transformation
and National Efforts to Agricultural Transformation, ZEAT/NEAT respectively)
South Sudan developed plant protection policy for 2012 – 2017. Though this exist, but they
are lack the institutional structure to implement the functions in the country
Established a dedicated plant protection department in the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry for the control and reduction of pests and diseases affecting field crops and storage
produce. Established research and extension units for promoting crop varieties which are
resistant to major pests and diseases in South Sudan
Strengthen coordination with national, regional and international organizations to enhance
effective management of pests and diseases
MAFCRD has already concluded a proposal to establish a South Sudan Agricultural Research
Organization (SSARO) to carry out agricultural research
Some trained personnel already are available and await deployment to execute the mandate
of SSARO, however lack of infrastructures continue to hamper progress
Plans to rehabilitate two agriculture research stations in South Sudan (Yambio and Yei) in
addition to the existing basic seed centres in Palotaka (EES) in the Greenbelt corridor and
Halima (soil lab) for the Ironstone agro ecological zones respectively)
Thank You!