2014 - 7 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc

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Transcript 2014 - 7 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc

Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Eigen Wieken
Official two-monthly Newsletter of the
NZ Netherland Society Manawatu & Districts Inc.
‘Dutch Club Manawatu’
October-November 2014
Calendar of events:
18 October, 2014:
ANCM, AGM of the Federation of the Netherlands Societies in New Zealand, will be held in
Rotorua. Grietje and Gretha are planning to represent the Dutch Club Manawatu.
29 November, 2014:
Sinterklaas, Awapuni Hall, 3.00–5.00pm. Mark this date in your calendar now! See more
information on pages 11-13. There is also a colouring in competition for children under 12 years
on page 15. Please bring your entry to Sinterklaas on 29 November!
When: every second Wednesday of the month,10 am
Where: Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North
Contact: Maria Kaandorp, ph. 357 9429
When: every last Thursday of each month at 10 am
Where: Levin Bridge Club Rooms, 17 Tawa St, Levin (please note
change of venue)
Contact: Yoka, ph. 06 368 6642 or [email protected]
When: every Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm
Where: Awapuni Hall, Newbury St, Palmerston North
Contact:Bill & Maria Kaandorp, ph. 3579429 or email [email protected]
Your Committee (for 2014/2015):
Grietje van Uffelen
06-358 1387 [email protected]
Vice President:
Janneke van Amelsfort 06-326 9291 [email protected]
Gretha van Brakel
06-358 8421 [email protected]
Comm. Member: Karin Weidgraaf
06-353 0494 [email protected]
Comm. Member: Maria-Tine Biersteker
06-358 2322 [email protected]
06-357 7046 [email protected]
Jacqui Burne
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
fROm the president:
The year is rushing ahead, and it is hard to believe that spring is here. The elections have passed,
so everybody can get on with life and Christmas is looming. If you are anything like me, you will be
pleased to see the back of winter and look forward to warmer spring weather.
We have been to Hamilton to enjoy the Tulip Saturday and it was definitively worthwhile. The
organization of the whole event was perfect and we really enjoyed it. See more on page 4.
The trip to Wellington to visit the coffee morning at the Dutch club and the World Press Photo
exhibition, which we organized for our members, did not go ahead. There was not enough interest,
which is really disappointing. We had to inform the Wellington Society, and they were disappointed
as well. They would have enjoyed meeting some friends from Palmy. From this, we have learned
that these excursions are perhaps of no interest to our members. So, now, we would really like to
know what you want us to organize for you so we can make a plan for the coming year!
As your committee, we have organized several get togethers. Some were well attended, others
not. We would like to hear from you what you want us to organize for you. I have one suggestion
and would like to hear your comments: would you like us to organize an end-of-year Christmas
luncheon for members of the Dutch Society together somewhere in Palmerston North? Please let
one of the committee know before our next meeting on the 3 November. That would give us
enough time to shop around. And please send us some more ideas!
We had our last committee meeting on the 2 September and have mainly discussed matters in
regards to the AGM for the Federation of the Netherlands Societies in New Zealand on the 18
October in Rotorua. This AGM will be mainly dedicated to the amendment of the constitution.
These amendments will be made because the Te Awahou Trust project in Foxton would like to
become an affiliated member. The proposal is that there will be two different classes of
membership: Class A (what the Federation is now) and Class B what Te Awahou would like to be.
It could be a very long, heated and interesting meeting! Personally, I hope that this time there will
be an outcome. This proposal has been discussed at previous AGM meetings and takes up a lot
of time and energy for the current committee members of the Federation of NZ Neth. Societies Inc.
We will keep you informed what has been decided!
We were all very shocked and saddened to hear that Elly Zendveld passed away on the 1 August.
A large delegation of our club went to the funeral, and Nancy Hazeleger spoke some nice words.
You can read the full text on page 10. Elly has been involved in our society from the start, and I
can say that without her input, our society would not be what it still is today. We will never forget
her; may she rest in peace.
Our next committee meeting will be on November 3. If you have anything to bring forward during
this meeting, please contact one of the committee members.
Grietje Van Uffelen
November: 7.00pm on Monday, 3 November, 2014, at 1 Caccia Birch Lane, Palmerston North.
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
FROM THE editor:
Dag Allemaal!
Welcome to spring! Apart from the tulips, the gardens about town are literally blooming and smell
Some of you may have watched the New Zealand election results on 20 September. The
Westminster parliamentary tradition is somewhat different to the Dutch system, with its European,
state, as well as municipal elections. However, what a privilege it is that we live in a democracy
and are able to have a say in who is in power.
I was also interested to see photos of the commemoration of the 70 th anniversary of the landing of
paratroopers near Arnhem during WW2. Operation Market Garden was when more than 40,000
British, US, Canadian, and Polish troops parachuted behind the German lines at Arnhem in
September, 1944. Despite fierce fighting, the allied troops could not take the bridge at Arnhem,
which could have allowed a push into Germany to bring an earlier end to the Second World War.
The whole event was depicted in the film, A Bridge Too Far.
Commemorations such as this allow us to recall that our forebears fought and lost their youth,
innocence, or lives to allow us to be able to vote. Hence, we not so much celebrate the past lest
we forget, but give thanks for the present.
Take care!
Jacqui Burne
Please have any information for the next Eigen Wieken to me (Jacqui) at
[email protected] on or before 25 November 2014. Many thanks!
Past events:
Evening with Doetie Keizer
On Wednesday, 9 July, 2014, an audience of approximately
25 club members assembled in the Awapuni Hall for an
evening of fun and music with Doetie.
We found the hall all set up with her own sound equipment.
After a welcoming hot drink, we all settled down for a
colourful presentation by Doetie. In English, she told us
stories about her Dutch upbringing in the “Fries/Gronings”
environment. This was intertwined with songs, which she
sometimes accompanied herself on the harmonium
(accordion). We even got to sing a song along with her.
More hot drinks and juice and biscuits were offered during
the intermission.
The show finished near 9 pm, and everyone was happy
with their “evening out”.
Janneke van Amelsfort
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
World on Stage 2014
On Saturday, 19 July, 2014, the Manawatu Multicultural
Council presented a fantastic show in the Regent
Theatre. It was truly international performing art and
great family entertainment.
All the performers were from different cultural
communities in the Manawatu. The acts were dance
and/or song, performed by mainly young members.
We enjoyed a great variety of performances: Latin
American dance, Irish dance, Polish dance, Vietnamese
music, Chinese dance, Indian Dance, and even
Tokelauan music.
This was an evening of great entertainment and well worth visiting. We will be going again next
Janneke van Amelsfort
Spring Tulip Event
Op de 13 September, 2014, toen we naar Hamilton reden was het
weerbericht niet al te best, maar zaterdagmorgen kwam de zon door
en kon iedereen genieten van de bloemenpracht binnen en buiten.
Om zo’n dag goed te laten verlopen is veel voorbereiding nodig en je
kon duidelijk merken dat niets aan het toeval over gelaten was. Er
was heel veel lekker eten te koop, de wearable arts show voor
kinderen was jammergenoeg weinig belangstelling voor. Er waren
koren, dansgroepen, kortom een heel gezellige sfeer. We hebben
kennis gemaakt met de nieuwe ambassadeur de heer R.W. (Rob)
Zaagman en zijn vrouw Monique Zaagman-Bos. In de toekomst zal de ambassadeur ook wel een
bezoek aan Palmerston North brengen.
Grietje van Uffelen
Tulip Sunday in Wellington
On Sunday, 21 September, Dutch culture and Spring
were celebrated with thousands of tulips and other
spring blooms and family entertainment. The tulips
were just coming out and there were many people
around on a fine, sunny day to enjoy all the colours.
There were flowers, poffertjes, and other Dutch
goodies for sale. Unfortunately, by the time we were
there just after 1 pm, most had already sold out.
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the atmosphere and many
photos were taken with the tulips in the background.
A good band was playing in the sound shell, and it was obvious people were having a good time.
Next year we will go there first thing on the day...
Janneke van Amelsfort
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Dutch museum in foxton
Dear supporter
The last time you heard from us, we were celebrating success. Horowhenua District Council had
given us a home – by buying the empty 1400 m2 Mitre10 building for our project. We now have
the first draft pictures to show you of what we are planning to do.
Ons Museum en Cultureel Centrum will get about 400m2 in the building. In addition, we will have
the use of a Gallery that will be built according to international standards. We can also branch out
at times, for example with temporary exhibitions, into the open flexible spaces in the centre of the
Top architect Pete Bossley has drafted some conceptual drawings for the entire Te Awahou –
Nieuwe Stroom project. These will be refined over the next few months. And that means you will
hear from us much more regularly from now on. We will have news to share.
The public has been briefed at a meeting in Foxton on 17 July, to tell the locals about the plans for
what will become the cultural and community centre in their town. Mayor Brendan Duffy told us he
expects the spades to go into the ground in the middle of 2015 and the opening to take place
about half a year later.
There’s other good news from Foxton as well: De Molen has now been given the lease of the
historic Café next door. Michael Feyen and his team have some great plans for the name and the
looks of the new Dutch Café. Without giving away too much, there will be a lot of orange, red,
white and blue…
That’s it for now. More good news later!
Met een vriendelijke groet
Arjan en Yolande
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Secondary school literary translation prize
Dear Friends of the Netherlands in New Zealand:
I hope this will reach you and find you well, and I hope you can help me disseminate the attached
information to all secondary schools in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation (Victoria University of Wellington) and the New
Zealand Book Council – in partnership with the Ministry of Education and with the support of the
Ministry of Arts, Culture & Heritage, the Office of Ethnic Affairs and other cultural institutions –
invite submissions to the inaugural Literary Translation Prize in New Zealand Secondary Schools.
The Terms and Conditions (2014) and the Entry Form (2014) can be obtained by contacting me at
the email below. This is a pilot project and it is my hope to make it as regular an event as possible.
But first and foremost, let us get in as many submissions as possible.
All the information is in the attached booklet: it is crucial we get the terms and conditions and entry
form to the attention of secondary level students – in schools or home-schooled. Perhaps you are
aware of eligible student in your community who could be informed and invited to participate.
Some Embassies and High Commissions in New Zealand have already discussed this project with
me and have committed to awarding special prizes in their language(s) – so feel free to let me
know if this is something you would like to consider if translations from your language(s) into
English, te reo Māori or NZSL are submitted.
Needless to say, I will keep you informed on how this project develops, and will involve you in the
evaluation process if we receive submissions in your language(s). In the meantime, I am in your
debt for reading this email and for assisting me with disseminating the attached documents
through your official and personal networks. Do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone (021
537 163) if you need further information. Let’s make this happen together in celebration of New
Zealand’s multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual society.
With heartfelt thanks and warmest wishes,
Dr. Marco Sonzogni, MA PhD MA MLitt OMRI
Senior Lecturer in Italian, School of Languages and Cultures
Director, New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
tel: +64 4 463 6284 fax: + 64 4 463 5419 email: [email protected]
Friendly Support
Network (FSN)
Coordinator, Palmerston North:
Nancy and Henk Hazeleger,
ph: 06 358 5325
Bram van Brakel, ph: 06 358 8421
New dutch club members
Membership is only $20 for a family or
couple, and $15 for one person per year.
Members can receive a 5% discount on
Dutch products at Steve’s Wholefoods
(Steve sells Dutch food & more; see page 14).
For more information please contact
one of the committee members, or
send your details to the temporary treasurer:
Grietje van Uffelen:[email protected]
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Plumrite Ltd
Established by Karl Offenbach in 1995.
We sell and service all leading brands of water filters: Rural, Commercial, and
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 Water filtration
 Tank filtration
 Tank cleaning
Anything else you can think of, we can handle. Happy to travel out of town.
Personalised service and guaranteed workmanship.
[email protected].
Discounted prices for members of Manawatu Dutch Club
In september heeft de Nederlandse ambassade in Wellington een interactieve website
gelanceerd over Nederlands erfgoed in Nieuw-Zeeland: www.dutch-heritage.co.nz Op de
website vind je een kaart met daarop ruim 70 locaties. Als je op een van de locaties klikt zie
je een korte omschrijving van het “Nederlandse” dat daar te vinden is. Het kan dan gaan om
winkels, clubs, monumenten, ontdekkingen en meer. Op de website is ook een korte
geschiedenis te vinden van de banden tussen de twee landen, van Abel Tasman tot en met
de situatie vandaag de dag. Bezoekers worden uitgenodigd mee te helpen de website
compleet te maken door online een locatie toe te voegen aan de kaart.
Open 7am – 10pm 7 days
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Persbericht aan Nederlanders in Nieuw Zeeland
Vanaf 1 oktober 2015 kunnen paspoortaanvragen alleen nog bij de Ambassade in Wellington
worden ingediend. De Honorair Consulaten in Auckland en Christchurch kunnen vanaf die datum
slechts in noodsituaties een reisdocument afgeven.
Op 1 maart 2014 kondigde het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken aan dat bij 37 Nederlandse
Honorair Consulaten wereldwijd het biometrisch proces (o.a. het afnemen van vingerafdrukken)
wordt beëindigd. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat de consulaten in Auckland en Christchurch vanaf 1
oktober 2015 geen paspoorten en visa meer zullen afgeven.
De Honorair Consulaten in Auckland en Christchurch blijven wel bestaan. De Honorair Consuls
zullen Nederlanders in noodsituaties waar mogelijk bijstaan en kunnen in zeer uitzonderlijke
gevallen een noodreisdocument uitschrijven, bijvoorbeeld als iemand met spoed vanwege
familieomstandigheden naar Nederland moeten reizen.
Bij de Ambassade in Wellington zal de huidige dienstverlening ongewijzigd worden voortgezet.
Daar kunt u terecht voor aanvragen van paspoorten en visa en al uw consulaire vragen.
De komende tijd zullen wij u via deze website, persberichten en nieuwsbrieven informeren over de
Wij adviseren u om de ambassade te blijven volgen op onze
website www.netherlandsembassy.co.nz en onze Facebookpagina – Kingdom of the Netherlands in
New Zealand. Om geïnformeerd te blijven raden wij u ook aan u aan te melden voor onze
nieuwsbrief door uw contactgegevens te verstrekken aan de Ambassade. U kunt gebruik maken
van het volgende e-mailadres: [email protected]
Met vriendelijke groet,
Leontien Moulijn
Senior Consulair Medewerker
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Investment House, 10th floor, Corner Featherston & Ballance streets
PO Box 840, Wellington 6140
[email protected]
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Change of addresses:
A request has come from our secretary, Gretha, that you please let her know
if you have changed your postal and/or email addresses. As a Club, we like
to keep up with our members’ whereabouts so that information can be sent
to the correct places. You may even know of others who have shifted but
also may not have informed the Club; if so, please get in touch with Gretha
— she would love to hear from you!
You can phone her on 06 358 8421 or email her at
[email protected].
Annual Subscriptions are now due
This is a final request to pay the subscription for this coming year: 2014–2015. Thank you to all
those who have already paid; the Club relies on the prompt payment of its members to function
effectively. However, we cannot keep offering services to those who do not pay. Therefore, if we
have not received this payment before 15 October 2014, you will no longer receive Eigen Wieken
and De Schakel. So, we ask you to please pay ASAP!
Subscription for a single person is $15 and for a couple $20.
Payments of can be made:
1. Online:
BNZ 02 1231 0025242 00 for Manawatu Dutch Society. Please mention your name in the
References field.
2. By cheque:
Make out to the ‘Manawatu Dutch Society’ and send to
Grietje Van Uffelen (temporary Treasurer)
24 Weston Avenue
Palmerston North
Please cut out and fill in the form below if sending a cheque.
Address and Phone Number: ……………………………………………………………………………
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Elizabeth Zentveld – Elly (1933–2014)
(Written and read by Nancy Hazeleger at Elly’s funeral on 6 August 2014)
I bring condolences on behalf of the Manawatu Netherlands Society.
When I think of Elly, I think of a lady who was kind hearted, diligent, respectful and always did
things thoroughly. Elly was someone you could rely on totally and who was often known to go that
all important extra mile. She took time to build up special bonds with people, bonds that have
lasted over time.
Elly was a secretary extraordinaire. She kept the minutes of the club for many years and was also
secretary for the Klaverjas card club. Her background knowledge often enabled meetings to
proceed without unnecessary hitches.
She was a life member of the Manawatu Netherlands Society and was instrumental in obtaining
our present club rooms at the Awapuni Community Centre. She was also strongly involved with
the Tulip Queen Events, our social functions and the annual St Nicolas’s parties.
Along with one or two others she was instrumental in starting the Friendly Support Network here in
the Manawatu while, at the same time, being on the national F.S.N. Trust Board. Along with the
F.S.N., our monthly coffee mornings were started and these events have proven to be an excellent
link into the Dutch Community. Right up until May, Elly was responsible for organising these
regular events. She also made many visits to members of the community.
We will all miss Elly’s friendship and her expertise will be sadly missed.
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Sinterklaas Party Invitation
When: Saturday, November 29th, from 3 - 5 pm
Where: Awapuni Hall, 22 Newbury Street, PN
Free admission!
Join us for a fun family event with Sinterklaas and the Zwarte Pieten
Children can make a Zwarte Piet or Sinterklaas hat at the crafts table
Refreshments provided
Please bring a present ($10 max., wrapped & named) which
Sinterklaas can give to your child.
Adults: please bring a $2-3 gift for the lucky dip.
Info: Maria-Tine [email protected] or 06 358 2322
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Sinterklaas Party Questionnaire
Parents, please fill in the below questionnaire for each child
so that Sinterklaas has useful information in his “Big Book”
when talking with your child(ren).
Please bring to the Sinterklaas Party and hand in with the
Answer any 2 or more questions.
Name: ....................................................................................................................
Age: ......................................................................................................................
Favourite colour: ..............................................................................................
Favourite toy: ....................................................................................................
Favourite food: .................................................................................................
Pet / name, etc.: ...............................................................................................
Sports / favourite sports person, etc.: ....................................................
Other activities, etc.: ....................................................................................
Example of good behaviour: ..........................................................................
10. Other useful info.: ..........................................................................................
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
We would like to sing a song to Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Pieten during the
Sinterklaas Party!
Parents you can find the text below and the melody via YouTube link.
Have fun practicing 
Sinterklaas Kapoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn schoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn laarsje,
Dank u Sinterklaasje.
Click link to YouTube of Sinterklaas Kapoentje song:
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Fresh free-range chicken and home-grown Angus steak
Large range of specialty cheeses
We offer a 5% discount on Dutch
products to members of the Dutch Club
However, as the Dutch Club does not
issue membership cards any more, you
will need to ask us (Steve or Julie) at
Steve’s Wholefoods about the discount.
Eigen Wieken – October-November 2014 – page
Age:……………… Parent name and Phone:…………………….……………………………………