Grand Rounds #3

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Transcript Grand Rounds #3

Long Case

Marc Freiman Wednesday Pulmonary Conference August 7, 2013


 50 yo woman from the Dominican republic presenting to pulmonary clinic for cough 4-5 years      Symptoms may have started after a cold ? Worse in the summer, no temporal relation to night/day Dry, non-productive DOE 2-3 city blocks, 2 flights of stairs ROS - Denies HA, sinus congestion, heartburn, reflux. Denies chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, PND or edema

PMHx/Soc Hx

  Vitiligo Denies childhood asthma      From DR 3 years ago Worked in paper shredding factory for 1 yr Currently works in retail Never smoker No EtOH, illicits

Physical exam

Afeb P 95 130/84 96% RA; BMI 30 (150lbs, 5’)      General: comfortable Clear, no wheeze. ? Crackles at bases bilaterally Neck: supple, no masses, neck nodes not palpable CV: RRR No m/r/g No cervical LAD, neck supple  No desaturation on exertion


Symptomatic treatment

 Benadryl  Chlorpheniramine

Return visit

 Benadryl lets her sleep through the night  Still with continued cough  She climbed 3 flights of stairs and became SOB but did not desaturate - minimal sats 96% HR 120



CT Scan

CT read

LUNGS: There are multiple nodules in both lungs measuring up to 5 mm. Mosaic attenuation is seen in both lungs most prominent in the lower lobes suggestive of small airways or small vessel disease.


 CBC, Chem 7 wnl  ANA, RF negative  TTE unremarkable

Chronic cough

Just kidding…

VATS biopsy

 Had bronchoscopy w BAL  VATS biopsy for right lung with RML and RLL biopsy  Nodule palpated in RML

Bronchoscopy and VATS results

  Middle lobe lavage cytology negative Aerobic, anaerobic, fungal and AFB cultures negative    RIGHT LOWER LOBE BIOPSY: LUNG PARENCHYMA WITH CONGESTION, HEMORRHAGE AND HEMOSIDERIN LADEN MACROPHAGES.




RML biopsy



Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia


Overview of bronchopulmonary neuroendocrine tumors (BP-NET)

 4 types     Typical carcinoid Atypical Carcinoid Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma

Diffuse Idiopathic Pulmonary Endocrine Cell Hyperplasia (DIPNECH)

  Preneoplastic Pulmonary tumorlets (<5mm)     Had been known to occur in:

ILD Bronchiolitis obliterans

Patients living at high altitudes

Purpose of the neuroendocrine cell in the lung?

   Unknown Arises from Kulchitsky cell Thought to be involved as ‘airway sensors’  Mediate airway tone, pulmonary circulation, and control of breathing.

  Act as both chemo and mechanoreceptors Also likely involved in development of the lung

AJRCCM - demographics

 Women – 92% (23/25)  Mean diagnosis 58 years old  Range 36-76  67% non-smokers (16/24)



13% 17% 54% Obstructive Restrictive Mixed

CT findings

 Pulmonary nodules (63%, 15 pts)  Ground glass (29%, 7 pts)  Bronchiectasis (21%, 5 pts)  Mosaic attenuation (17%, 4 pts)

Clinical course – AJRCCM 2011

  92% of patients had symptoms  Cough, dyspnea, wheezing  Symptoms lasted between days to years – average 8.6 years Widely variable course has been described  Not clear exactly why some people deteriorate – known to produce bombesin and fibrinogenic cytokines    41% (7) stable without clinical deterioration  Oral predniosne given to 2 of these patients 24% (4) clinically declined and didn’t improve 35% (6) declined but showed improvement clinically  Oral prednisone used in addition to bronchodilators in 4 of 6  No deaths  1 patient with asthma history who died of sepsis found to have DIPNECH on autopsy


 No formal evaluations of a treatment algorithm are available        Resection of dominant lesion Oral/inh steroids w bronchodilators Chemotherapy Surgical lung resection  Presence of lymph nodes has not been associated w worse outcome Lung transplantation (1pt, single lung, followed for 2 yrs) Observation ?Somatoastatin analogues

Somatostatin-receptor scintigraphy (OctreoScan)

 Tumors often express somatostatin  Labeled somatostatin analog (octreotide)  Previously thought to be gold standard for diagnosis  Sn approx 80-90%  Somatostatin uptake may correspond to treatment response.

Somatostatin targeted PET scan

 Sn as high as 100%, identified more lesions than SRS or CT

111In –DTPA–pentetreotide whole body scintigraphy (Octreoscan) showing an elective uptake of the radiolabeled octreotide in the liver, expression of distant localization of the neuroendocrine tumor of the lung (arrow).

Filosso P L et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002;21:913-917

© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

Detail of the Octreoscan showing the liver metastase.

Filosso P L et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2002;21:913-917

© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

Patient’s octreotide scan

 No uptake in the lungs  Increased uptake in the cecum  Negative colonoscopy

Further investigation

 Predisposing factors?

 ? Hormonal component   Tend to be middle-aged females Unclear if race/ethnicity plays a role  Incidence?

 Treatment algorithm?


   

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