NISL NEWS 33 - The Netherlands International School Lagos

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The Netherlands International School Lagos

13 A/B Walter Carrington Crescent Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Telephone: +234 813 864 8489/08082211745 Website: E-mail: [email protected]



Nigerian cultural days Democracy day Report cards to be handed out Parents’ Evening End of year show School closes Meet and Greet School re-opens Lagos, 23 26 29 6 th 18 th th th , 27 th & 28 of May of June 9 th & 11 th of June 18 th of June 20 th of June (school closes at noon) 16 th of August of August th of May rd of May, 2014

Birthday calendar

Maartje Hamaker 26 27 th th of May, Groep 1 Reinoud Wetzels of May, Groep 1

From the Principal

At NISL we are fortunate to have more than twenty different nationalities. We make full use of this diversity to share each individual’s cultures and beliefs so that they gain an understanding of living in a world that is influenced by events that generate from cultures other than their own. Living in our host country Nigeria is also a part of this and we look forward to celebrating this coming week. Have a festive weekend! Gerard Veneman Principal

Teacher absence

Please note that next week Monday juf Nynke’s class will be taught by Meester Gerard with juf Evelien to assist him.

Nigerian Days

On Monday morning we will start our Nigerian days by raising the flag together and singing the national anthem. You are more than welcome to join us. We kindly ask that all children please wear green/white for this special occasion. The three days are packed with fun learning and exciting workshops:

- Great education for our children

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On Monday the children from Year 4 and Groep 7 will do a presentation about Nigeria for each class. Each class will also take part in Nigerian outdoor games, hosted by Mr Tony. On Monday and Tuesday there will be an art workshop with Mr Eugene Chime. In the swimming pool on Tuesday there will be a fun-filled swimming lesson for each class, led by Mr Gerard and Mr K. Please take note that there will not be any swimming on Wednesday, so all children need to please bring their swimming gear to school on Tuesday. The last day of our Nigerian celebration days will be on Wednesday and we will finish off with some fantastic bead work and the chance to make a refreshing Chapman . We look forward to you joining us at 12:30 for some delicious Nigerian cuisine tasting . You are also welcome to visit our gallery after the tasting to view the children’s Nigerian art creations.

Charity Drive

This year NISL would like to give back to our host country. We have chosen 2 deserving charities to support and would like to invite you to contribute by purchasing a water droplet on Wednesday. The droplets will be on sale for NGN 500 each and we will continue this initiative for the remainder of the term as it ties in with our whole school IPC unit: Water. Droplets will be displayed on the pin board with the name of the buyer on them – more about this next week.

End of Year Show

It is that wonderful time of year once again where we try to make a little magic with our final event of the year – The End of Year Show. This year the show will be based on the theme:

Wonderful Water…

The show takes place on the evening of the 18 th of June. On that day school ends at 12:00 so that the children can go home and rest before being back at school by 16:45 for makeup. They are required to eat supper before they come back to school as we will offer them a small snack and drink just before the show. The show begins at 18:15 and should run for roughly 90 minutes. As this show takes a great deal of planning and rehearsing, please be so kind as to inform your child’s teacher if they are unable to be there for any reason so that we do not have a costume made for them. We hope that you are as excited about this as we are – please don’t press your children for details as we are hoping to surprise you! Closer to the time we will be asking Mums to help provide finger food as well as sending home tickets – but more about that later. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask Miss Gretel or juf Claske.

After School Activities

With Nigerian days and all preparations of End of Year party coming up we have finished this season of After School Activities to include some time for extra rehearsals for the end of year show should they be needed. We have seen children having lots of fun, learning new skills and improving on others. A big thank you goes out to all the coaches for their commitment and enthusiasm.


– the summer concert will be held on Sunday the 15 th June at the Muson Centre. If your child has been taken music lessons please confirm their availability with Kunbi Osinoiki (08122212289) or [email protected]

as soon as possible.


– as our dance coach Miss Marianne has been called away due to personal reasons, we are delighted to have welcomed Miss Pazit to temporarily replace her for both dance classes over the past

- Great education for our children

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weeks. Because of some dance classes being cancelled over the course of the term the enrolled children are welcome to join dance on Tuesday 3 rd June and Learn & Dance on Thursday 5 th June from 14:15-15:15 to make up for this.

Arty Party & Junior Art

– Miss Anna will organise an Art exhibition of all the work children have been working on over the past term. This will take place towards the end of the term, and an invitation will be sent out closer to the date.


– the grading of the karate children will take place early in the new school year.


– Due to missed swimming sessions, soccer and swimming will continue on Saturdays until the 7 th of June.

Class of the week – groep 3 / 4


We doen CITO toetsen. Sommige toetsen zijn moeilijk. Bijvoorbeeld begrijpend lezen. Ik kan niet alle woorden lezen, maar dan ga ik toch gewoon door. De andere toetsen zijn makkelijker, dan hoef je niet te lezen maar alleen goed na te denken. Vandaag hebben we onze IPC unit ‘Ik leef’ afgesloten.De kinderen vertellen over deze unit en de afsluiting:


: Ik vond het best leuk aan het begin toen we een plant kregen. Ik was zo benieuwd of die plant groot ging worden. Toen ik de bloemen zag op de plant, waren die erg mooi. Ik heb het plantje aan mama gegeven voor Moederdag en toen waren er 2 bloemen uitgekomen.


We hebben bij deze IPC planten geplant, het was een beetje voor een test maar het was ook een Moederdagcadeautje. Toen mijn moeder het kreeg waren er 2 knoppen, die zijn nu bijna uitgekomen.


We hebben een stilleven gemaakt met appels, manderijnen, druiven en koekjes enzo. Het was leuk om het te maken, maar het natekenen ervan was best moeilijk om het zo precies mogelijk te doen.

- Great education for our children

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Ik vond het leuk dat we bij Aardrijkskunde over zones hebben geleerd en over bepaalde vissen die daar leven. Ik vond de vissen heel raar met doorzichtige ogen, ik wist niet dat die bestonden. Ik heb al veel bijgeleerd. Ik vond het fijn om de posters te presenteren, zodat we ook van de andere posters konden leren zoals die van de woestijn. Ik wist niet de cactussen wel 18 meter hoog kunnen worden.


We hebben verschillende zones geleerd van de zee. Alleen in de lichtzone zijn er planten.


Gisteren hebben we gym tijdens IPC gedaan. Je moest alle soorten bewegingen doen met springen, hinkelen en koprollen. Daarna moesten we met z’n tweeen een serie bewegingen maken. Juf heeft alles gefilmd, zodat we onszelf terug kunnen zien tijdens het gymmen.


Meester Tony schiet juist altijd hoog, maar gym met IPC was wel heel goed.


Vandaag hebben we het exitpoint van groep 3 en 4. We gaan een quiz doen voor alle ouders om te zien of de ouders ook weten wat wij hebben geleerd.


Vandaag met exitpoint gaan we een quiz doen. We hebben zelf vragen bedacht over dingen die wij hebben geleerd.Vrijdag gaan we op schoolreisje!


We gaan naar de manege op schoolreis. Er gaan een paar ouders mee. Ik heb zin in paardrijden, paarden eten geven en de paarden borstelen. Tot slot dan ander nieuws:


Juf Claske krijgt een baby en ik hoop dat het een jongen is omdat ze al een meisje heeft. We hebben namen bedacht, ik vind Josh een mooie naam.

- Great education for our children

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