Model error diagnosis: One possible contribution of the PDP community to the THORPEX goals Thomas Jung1,2 & members of the THORPEX PDP.

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Transcript Model error diagnosis: One possible contribution of the PDP community to the THORPEX goals Thomas Jung1,2 & members of the THORPEX PDP.

Model error diagnosis: One possible contribution
of the PDP community to the THORPEX goals
Thomas Jung1,2 & members of the THORPEX PDP and WGNE & Mark Rodwell
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
 Model error diagnosis
 Activities following the PDP/WGNE Workshop on
"Diagnosis of Model Errors“
 Extratropical cyclone diagnostics
 Hand-over to Mark Rodwell
What is model error diagnosis?
 Research that aims at understanding model errors at the
process level
 Research that aids model development
What is going wrong (descriptive)?
Which regions are crucial (for certain errors)?
Which processes are crucial?
What is going wrong and how could this be improved?
 Development of diagnostic techniques
Advise model developers
Work together with model developers
The PDP-WGNE workshop
Workshop report available from the THORPEX website!
Actions: „Model error diagnosis“ workshop
 Start joint project on the Indian Summer Monsoon
• Build on collaboration between ECMWF and UK Met Office
• Discuss ongoing research in mailing group
• Report progress in future meetings
 Start joint project on Cyclonic systems
• Work on refining existing techniques to understand CS
• Give presentation entitled Diagnosis of Cyclonic Systems at the
cylone workshop in Monterey
 Both projects
• Should consider NWP and climate models
• Benefit from Transpose AMIP activities
• Develop proposals that can be put forward to WGNE
Actions: „Model error diagnosis“ workshop
 Report workshop results in upcoming meetings
26th session of WGNE (Dave Burride)
Cyclone workshop in Monterey (no presentation)
AWI/IUP block seminar (T. Jung, model error diagnosis)
EGU Vienna 2011 (T. Jung, Relaxation diagnostics in seasonal
• THORPEX European regional meeting (T. Jung, model error
• WWRP-JSC meeting in late winter 2011 (Mark Rodwell?)
 Publish workshop report in BAMS
• Chris Capella from BAMS has been contacted
• First response (although late) was positive
• Later Chris became concerned given that the workshop report
has been published
• Chris wanted to tallk to editors (no response yet)
Impact: New convection scheme
Jung et al. (2010), QJRMS
Extratropical cyclone composites
 Short-range forecasts (old
and new convection)
 ERA-Interim period
 Archiving of tendencies
 Selection of 100 most
intense winter storms
 Compositing
Mean 6-hr wind-tend 925hPa
Hodges and Jung, work in progress
Extratropical cyclone composites: New-old
6-hr T-Tend Diff Conv 700hPa
Z500 Diff
6-hr T-Tend Diff Cloud 700hPa
Diagnosis of cyclonic systems
 Work on producing extratropical cyclone composites for
simulated physical processes has started.
 Composites for mean analysis increments have been
produced (interpretation does not seem straightforward
→ collaboration with Mark Rodwell)
 Produce composites for other quanitities
 Ensemble spread (see also work by Simon Lang)
 Observation usage
 Considerable progress possible
Handover to Mark Rodwell
Thank you!