Climate Change in LLDCs: The National Adaptation Plan process Adaptation Programme, UNFCCC secretariat.

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Climate Change in LLDCs: The National
Adaptation Plan process
Adaptation Programme, UNFCCC secretariat
The NAP Process
• Established at UNFCCC COP 16 as a process for LDCs, with the
opportunity for non-LDC developing countries to also participate
(unlike the NAPAs of the last decade)
• The COP mandated the GEF to support LDCs undertake the NAP
process through the LDC Fund
• The COP also requested the GEF to consider how to support
interested non-LDC developing countries through the Special Climate
Change Fund (SCCF)
• The NAP process is therefore the main opportunity for LLDCs to
undertake adaptation, and besides the Convention funds, there are
various opportunities for support through multiple channels
• Below, we give more details about the NAP process and the recently
completed Technical Guidelines published by the LDC Expert Group
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process
Established by the Conference of the Parties in 2010
As a process to enable LDCs to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs), building
on NAPAs, as a means for:
Identifying medium- and long-term adaptation needs, and their integration into development
Developing and implementing strategies and programmes to address those needs;
Other developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support the NAPs in the
elaboration of their planning efforts.
Progress so far … including
Initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs adopted by the COP in 2011
The LEG was mandated to develop technical guidelines for the NAP proces
The LEG mandated to provide technical advice and support for the NAP process in LDCs
The Adaptation Committee asked to look at modalities for supporting non-LDC developing countries
Financial support for formulation of NAPs through the LDC Fund, managed by the GEF (for LDCs, and
through the SCCF for non-LDC developing countries)
LEG has introduced the NAP process and guidelines to LDCs etc during NAP Expo, an event in June
2013 in Bonn
LEG has also introduced the NAP process to LDCs during regional training workshops
NAP Central - a web system to support NAP teams
Objectives of the NAP process
The objectives of the NAP process are
a) To reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, by building adaptive
capacity and resilience;
a) To facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation, in a coherent manner,
into relevant new and existing policies, programmes and activities, in particular
development planning processes and strategies, within all relevant sectors and
at different levels, as appropriate.
Ref: UNFCCC Decision 5/CP.17, paragraph 1
Guiding principles of the NAP process
 Continuous planning process at the
 Enhancing coherence of adaptation
national level with iterative updates and
and development planning
 Supported by comprehensive
 Country-owned, country-driven
monitoring and review
 Not prescriptive, but flexible and based
on country needs
 Considering vulnerable groups,
communities and ecosystems
 Building on and not duplicating existing
adaptation efforts
 Guided by best available science
 Participatory and transparent
 Taking into consideration traditional and
indigenous knowledge
 Gender-sensitive
LDC Expert Group support to the NAP process
The LEG has produced the technical guidelines for the
NAP process; they are being disseminated in English,
French and Portuguese
The LEG identified ways it could further support the
LDCs over the next 2 years to undertake the NAP
process based on inputs and feedback from LDC Parties
The LEG found out that LDCs are ready to embark on the
NAP process, and that addressing the support needs
identified, will be part of the national activities of the NAP
As part of its ongoing work in providing technical support to
LDCs, the LEG has started to incorporate training on
NAPs in the ongoing training workshops on adaptation
The LEG organized the event NAP Expo: Launching of the
NAP process in LDCs, 9 June 2013 from 10:00 to 18:00
hrs, in Beethovenhalle, Bonn City
Initial guidelines
Decision 5/CP.17, annex defined four elements and indicative activities for the NAP
process in LDC Parties. The four elements are:
A. Laying the groundwork and addressing gaps
B. Preparatory elements
C. Implementation strategies
D. Reporting, monitoring and review
The initial guidelines formed the basis for the technical guidelines that have been
prepared by the LEG.
Introduction to the NAP technical guidelines
Mandate to the LEG
The COP requested the LEG to
• To prepare technical guidelines for the national adaptation plan process, based on
the initial guidelines, included in the annex to decision 5/CP.17;
• To arrange a review of the above-mentioned technical guidelines;
• To identify support needs for the process of formulation and implementation of the
national adaptation plans.
(Ref: Decision 5/CP.17, paragraphs 15 and 16)
Introduction to the NAP technical guidelines
The technical guidelines
 The guidelines are not prescriptive – countries will scope what exists and what
needs to be done, in creating workstreams for their work at the national and
subsequent levels
 They showcase examples, case studies and recommend key references – these
will be updated often through an online version
 Provide for countries to build on existing activities and to “enter” the NAP process
at appropriate points
 Many of the activities can and will be done in parallel, and no mandatory sequence
is suggested
Introduction to the NAP technical guidelines
The technical guidelines
 Draw upon existing national adaptation strategies and plans
 Encourage the enhancement of capacity in countries to address adaptation on a
long-term basis and sustainable manner
 Suggest steps and indicative activities for under each Element of the initial
 The numbering is for ease of reference, and does not imply a particular
D. Reporting, Monitoring
and Review
1. Monitoring the NAP process
2. Reviewing the NAP process to assess progress,
effectiveness and gaps
3. Iteratively updating the national adaptation plans
4. Outreach on the NAP process and reporting on
and effectiveness
C. Implementation Strategy
1. Prioritizing climate change adaptation in national
2. Developing a (long-term) national adaptation
implementation strategy
3. Enhancing capacity for planning and implementing
4. Promoting coordination and synergy at the regional
level and with other multilateral environmental
A. Laying the groundwork
and addressing gaps
1. Initiating and launching of the NAP process
2. Stocktaking: identifying available information on
climate change impacts, vulnerability and
and assessing gaps and needs of the enabling
environment for the NAP process
3. Addressing capacity gaps and weaknesses in
undertaking the NAP process
4. Comprehensively and iteratively assessing
development needs and climate vulnerabilities
B. Preparatory Elements
1. Analysing current climate and future climate
change scenarios
2. Assessing climate vulnerabilities and identifying
adaptation options at the sector, subnational,
national and other appropriate levels
3. Reviewing and appraising adaptation options
4. Compiling and communicating national
adaptation plans
5. Integrating climate change adaptation into
national and subnational development and sectoral
LEG’s recommendations on next steps
What does it mean to have embarked on the NAP process?
a) Declaring a coordinating or spearheading mechanism for the NAP process
b) Scoping of required activities to drive the NAP process (mandates, institutions,
relevant stakeholders, resources), recognizing ongoing NAP-relevant activities
c) Clustering the NAP process into workstreams with respective leadership
d) Arrangements for support
e) Compilation and communication of a roadmap or strategy, including milestones,
for the initial phase of the national process
• Practically, a country would make a submission, or can communicate through other
means, to make it known that they have initiated the NAP process, giving
government contacts for those interested in supporting the national efforts for the
NAP process
A sample flow of
activities for a NAP
process …
Thank you
Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)
UNFCCC secretariat
P.O. Box 260124
D-53153 Bonn
Phone: (49-228) 815-1000
Fax: (49-228) 815-1999
E-mail: [email protected]