That Funny Bird—The Flamingo by Jacqueline S. Cotton 1 Which sentence from the selection is an opinion? Ο A.

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Transcript That Funny Bird—The Flamingo by Jacqueline S. Cotton 1 Which sentence from the selection is an opinion? Ο A.

That Funny
by Jacqueline S.
1 Which sentence from the selection is an opinion?
Ο A. They are afraid of loud noises.
Ο B. It looks like she’s doing a silly dance.
Ο C. Thousands of flamingos feed in the same lake.
Analysis 10: Analyze author’s purpose (including distinguishing
between fact and opinion) and evaluate effectiveness for different
audiences (Reading GLE 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4)
2 Based on the information in the Glossary Box, which statement is
Ο A. Red dye is called preen.
Ο B. Red dye is called migrate.
Ο C. Red dye is called carotene.
Analysis 6: Informational/Functional Specific:
Demonstrate understanding of authors’ use of text features (titles,
heading, captions, maps, charts, tables, graphs, pull down menus, etc.)
(Reading GLE 2.2.2)
3 What is the meaning of the word squirt in paragraph 2 of the
Ο A. Drop
Ο B. Spray
Ο C. Bubble
Comprehension 4: Understand and apply content
vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text
(Reading GLE 1.3.2, 1.2.2)
4 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
Comprehension 05: Order steps, sequence, and/or
events/process from the text (Reading GLE 2.2.1)
2 A 2-point response provides three text-based steps, in order, that
flamingos take to eat.
Example: First they scoop up the muddy water. Then squirt out the
water to trap the shellfish.
1 A 1-point response provides two text-based steps, in order, that
flamingos take to eat.
Provides three text-based steps, not in order, that flamingos take to
Text-based steps may include, but are not limited to:
Stomps the ground / stirs the mud
Turns head upside down
Scoops up a mouthful of muddy water
Uses her thick tongue to squirt out water
Traps shellfish / what is left in the mouth is food
14 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
1 A flamingos staps her webbed feet in the
murky, salty lake. 2 After staping the
ground, she truns her head upside down. 3
Flamingos get there pink color from the
shellfish they eat. Shellfish have red dye
called carotene in them. The more shellfish
they eat the darker pink they get.
A. …staps her webbed feet…
A. After staping the ground…
B. …she truns her head upside down.
4 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
stomps her feet. Then turns her head
and scoops up the mukcy water.
she uses her tongue to squirt the
out and trap the fish
A. She stomps her feet.
B. …turns her head upsidown
C. …scoops up the mukcy water.
D. …uses her tongue to squirt the water out…
E. …trap the fish
04 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
They first look for a shellfish #2 They put
it in their mouth #3 they eat it.
This response is too vague to earn credit.
14 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
A flamingo stomps around in the water to
fing shellfish. Flamingo scoop up the water
with thear bills.
Flamingos stand on one leg while they rest
A. …stomps around in the water…
C. …scoop up the water with thear bills.
The final detail does not support the question.
Flamingos stand on one leg while they rest
24 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
The three main steps flamingos take to eat
are that first they stamp their feet in the
murky water. Then they turn their head
upside-down. As soon as that she grabs a
mouthful of mud with her curved bill. Then
she squirts out the water and eats the
shellfish inside.
A. …stamp their feet…
B. …turn their head upside-down.
C. …grabs a mouthful of mud
D. …squirts out the water…
04 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
use their bills to scoop up water. They
around in the mud to mix it up. When
eat shellfish their feathers turn pink.
C. …use their bills to scoop up water.
A. …walk around in mud to mix it up.
04 Describe, in order, the three main steps flamingos take to eat. Use
information from the selection in your answer.
eat shellfish
eat out of the same lake.
like living in large groups.
This response provides no text-based details to explain the steps
flamingos take to eat.
5 Provide another cause for the given effect.
Flamingos migrate
Cause #1
Food supply
Cause #2
Loud noises from airplanes
runs out
Analysis 8: Make connections (cause and
effect) within a text (Reading GLE 2.3.1)
A 1-point response provides the following correct answer:
Food supply runs out
6 According to the selection, what is the difference between where a
flamingo eats and where a flamingo bathes?
Ο A. It eats in salt water; it bathes in fresh water.
Ο B. It eats in cold water; it bathes in warm water.
Ο C. It eats in calm water; it bathes in rough water.
Analysis 7: Compare and contrast elements of the text(s)
(Reading GLE 2.3.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.6)