Ad Hoc Committee for Drake General Education Curricular Reform Preliminary Report to Faculty Senate Sandy Henry, chair School of Journalism and Mass Communication S.

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Transcript Ad Hoc Committee for Drake General Education Curricular Reform Preliminary Report to Faculty Senate Sandy Henry, chair School of Journalism and Mass Communication S.

Ad Hoc Committee for
Drake General Education
Curricular Reform
Preliminary Report to Faculty Senate
Sandy Henry, chair
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Committee & Charge
S Spring 2014 UCC Report
S Two alternative models suggested for
S Viability Study
S Membership elected or appointed
S Final report to Senate Exec in March
S Review Models and revise as necessary prior to
data gathering
S Must fulfill promise of Drake Curriculum
S Must fit within credit hour limitations
S Education: 6 hours in multiple endorsements
S CPHS and CBPA: a few at 24, mostly 27 hours
S Met with Dean’s Council and CAAD
Integrated Core
retrieved from on
February 25th, 2014.
A 2-semester First
Year seminar
3 interdisciplinary
courses within a
defined theme
Upper Division
Cluster =
3 courses related to
the SINQ theme,
taken any time
Senior Capstone=
probably continues
to look like our
current Senior
Integrated Core
Curriculum =
27 hours
Majors/Minors Model
retrieved from on October 4th, 2014.
Majors/Minors Model
S Four areas of study
S Humanities and Fine Arts
S Social Sciences and History
S Natural Science and Mathematics
S Professional Studies and Enhancements
S Students complete 1 major and 3 minors of 12
hours each, each must be in a different area
Majors/Minors Model
S Four areas of study
S Humanities and Fine Arts
S Social Sciences and History
S Natural Science and Mathematics
S Professional Studies and Enhancements
S Students complete 1 major and 3 minors, each
must be in a different area
Drake Majors/Minors Model
S Students complete 1 major and 2 minors
S At least 1 minor must be interdisciplinary
S Traditional minors do not change
S New minors can be developed
S Interdisciplinary minors are developed and
include the FYS
S Questions provided via email prior to face-to-face
S Gather information from academic and
administrative units
S Quantitative review
S Must be as objective as possible
Our “Areas of Inquiry”
S Human Resources
S Capital Resources
S Student Impact
S Assessment/Outcomes
S Justification to Strategic
Plan and Mission
S Faculty and Staff
S Broader Impacts
Early Results
S Preliminary discussion of information
S General sense of approval for each model
S Many questions regarding specifics
S “if,” “might,” “could”
S Common theme: funding
S People, Technology, Classrooms
S Also: outcomes, university identity
Committee Concerns
S Leadership transition
S Administrative program review
S “Mission creep”
New Considerations
S Basic operational precepts
S Basic understanding of outcomes
S History of AOIs
S Consider crafting new model
Thank you for your time
S Questions?
S [email protected]