Web Development CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Learning Outcomes  Describe Necessary Web Skills, Functions, & Jobs  Understand the System Development Life Cycle  Describe.

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Transcript Web Development CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS Learning Outcomes  Describe Necessary Web Skills, Functions, & Jobs  Understand the System Development Life Cycle  Describe.

Web Development
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Learning Outcomes
Describe Necessary Web Skills, Functions, & Jobs
Understand the System Development Life Cycle
Describe the Activities in
Compare Website Goals To Results
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Development Options
Make (Create In-house)
More Control
Buy (Outsourcing)
Lower Overall Cost
Higher Quality
Faster Implementation
Less Staff Required
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Web Operations Manager
Oversees Strategy & Operations
Content Creation & Maintenance
Develops Business Plan & Annual Budget
Accountable for:
Product & Service Delivery
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Administration: Level 1
Performs Research
Assists in Determining Practices for Admin & Ops
Hardware & Connectivity Requirements
Monitoring Technical Integrity
Create Proposals
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Administration: Level 2
Connectivity Requirements
Intranet, LAN, WAN
3rd Party Liaison
Implement Security Measures
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Administration: Level 3
Develop & Administer Processes
Site Monitoring
Quality Assurance Reviews
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Content: Level 1
Updates Content Based on Standards
Posts Documents to Site
Review Site for Outdated Content
Repurpose Brochures, Newsletters, White Papers
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Content: Level 2
Modify & Create Content
Review Content for Accuracy & Quality
Grammar & Consistency
Provides Direction for Converting Text to Pages
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Content: Level 3
Support of Web Content Strategy
Strategic & Creative Development
Ensures Development & Implementation Standards
Content Submission & Approval Procedures
Oversees Content Changes
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Design: Level 1
Documents Project Plans
Researches Competing Sites
Design Elements
Unique Features
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Design: Level 2
Creates Project Plans & Standards
Direct Implementation of UI
Approves Layout
Builds Prototype & Verifies Usability
Work w/ Developers
Special Effects, Animation, Graphics
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Design: Level 3
Develop UI
Organizational Structure, Navigation
Labeling Conventions
Search Systems
Final Review of Graphics, Layout, Clarity
Approves Layout & Verifies Usability
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Development: Level 1
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Java
Formulates Site Scope for Web Apps
Assists in Preparing Detailed Specs
Test, Debug
Analyze/Revise Logic & Documentation
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Development: Level 2
Devises Capabilities to Solve Complex Problems
Prepares Detailed Specs
Technical Resource
Codes Complex Routines
Oversees Testing, Debugging
Guidance & Training for Less-Experienced Staff
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Development: Level 3
Defines Scope & Objectives for Web Apps
Responsible for Technical Design and UI
Leads Development of Specs & Project Plans
Oversees Program Design, Coding, Testing, Docs
Performs Quality Assurance Reviews
Directs Team Members
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Marketing: Level 1
Monitors Site Activity
Prepares Analysis for Management Review
Marketing Research Support
Coordinate with Print, Radio, & Television
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Marketing: Level 2
Channels, Strategic Partners
Branding, Marketing, Hyperlinks
Assists in Developing Marketing Plans
Identify Revenue-Generating Opportunities
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Marketing: Level 3
Develop/Implement Web Promotion Strategy
Develop Strategic Partner Relationships
Significant Service/Product Marketing Experience
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Project Manager
Plans, Schedules, & Controls Activities
Establishes Scope
Goals, Objectives, & Expectations of Project
List Required Activities
Time Required
Cost Estimate
Order & Dependency
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Project Job Roles
Graphic Designer
Determines Appropriate Use of Color & Graphics
Designs Wireframes
Creates Logos & Images
Optimized for Web
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Consulting Tips
Communicate Through Chain of Command
Don’t Stop at Your Contact
Gain Knowledge Regarding Your Client’s Business
Outline Decisions, Present Options
Communicate Progress, Show Results
Get Sign-offs, Document Decisions
Know When to Fold ‘Em
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
System Development Life Cycle
Project Definition
Site Structure
Visual Design
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
System Development Life Cycle
Site Development
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Conduct Client Survey Interview
Purpose of Project
Launch a Business Presence
Selling Goods or Services
Increase Brand Recognition
Product Information
Provide Operational Instructions
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Conduct Client Survey Interview
Target Audience
Measurable Goals
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Conduct Client Survey Interview
Branding/Perception Goals
Signifies Goods/Services
Color Scheme
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Conduct Client Survey Interview
Content Source
Initial Technical Specs
Web Benchmarking
Other Sites that Your Users Frequent
Paradigm Shifts
Offer Comparable Features / Capabilities
Communication Strategy
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Write Project Brief
Derived from Client Survey
Your Understanding of:
Project Goals
Audience Profile
Audience Perception
Primary Message
Competitive Advantage
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Develop Persona(s)
Derived from Client Survey
Fictional, Yet Realistic, Description of Typical or Target User
Photo, Name, Quote, & Description
Technical Profile
Top Three User Goals
Top Three Business Objectives
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Persona Benefits
Provide an Easy Way to Describe Target Audience
Used as a Guide for Expert Reviews
How Each Persona Would Deal with Process
Determine Potential Issues within Interface
Consider as Template for Prospective UX Study Recruits
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Write Technical Specifications
Establish Requirements
Screen Resolution
Browser Compatibility
Download Time
Web Standards
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Develop Project Plan/Timeline
For Each Phase of Project
Establish Timeline for Deliverables
Establish Timeline for Tasks
Assign Due Dates
Assign Resources
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Planning — Project Definition
Document Maintenance Considerations
Develop Web Site Maintenance Plan
Document How Site Will Be Regularly
Set Clear Expectations Regarding Support & Maintenance
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Analysis — Site Structure
Content Outline
Create List of Existing Content
Brainstorm Content that Needs to be Added
Trim Anything that Does Not Match Goals
Group Content Into Categories
Card Sort
Create Outline of Content
Review with Clients for Accuracy
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Analysis — Site Structure
Site Diagram
AKA Sitemap, Flowchart
Visual Representation of Content Outline & Site Structure
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Analysis — Site Structure
Page Description Diagram (PDD)
Display Content that Belongs on Page
Display Priority of Each Piece of Content
Use Horizontal Axis for Priority
First Column Lists High Priority Content
Second Column Lists Medium Priority Content
Third Column Lists Low Priority Content
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Analysis — Site Structure
Layout of Web Page
Depict Containers for All Major Page Elements & Functionality
Functional Elements (e.g., Search)
Created for Home Page
Each Unique Second Level Page
Any Other Significantly Different Page On Site
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Design — Visual Design
Project Brief
Brainstorm Design Solutions
Branding Guidelines
Technical Requirements for Screen Resolution
Browser Compatibility
Download Time
Web Standards
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Design — Visual Design
Implement Design Principles
Use Design Elements
Point / Line
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Design — Visual Design
Most Frequently Produced Deliverables
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Design — Visual Design
Most Effective Deliverable For Each Audience Type
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Technical Plan
Targets Designed For or Supported
Operating Systems
Display Resolution
Connection Speed
Page Download Size
30K and Under
30-80K (Typical)
80-100K (Heavy)
100K+ (Requires Broadband)
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Functional Plan
DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
JavaScript, CSS
XHTML (Extensible HTML)
Includes Features of HTML & XML
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Elements Describe Data Passed to Client
Ties Database Data to Web Pages
Client, Rather Than Server, Processes Data
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Functional Plan
WML (Wireless Markup Language)
Design Pages Specifically for Wireless Devices
Uses WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
Create Interactive Web Applications
Designed To Provide Immediate Response
Google Maps
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
Server-side Database Access
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Functional Plan
Create Web Applications
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
Defines how Server Communicates with Clients
CGI Script
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)
Web Design Software
Create Web Pages Without Programming
Generates HTML / Some JavaScript
Dreamweaver, Expression Web
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Functional Plan
Rich Media
Audio / Video
Secure Credit Card Transactions
Backend Technologies
Database, CMS, Personalization, Login
Web Analytics
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Site Development
Project Plan
Target Dates with Deliverables
Build Site
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Testing
Quality Assurance Lead
Create Realistic QA Plan
Manage Testing Process
Prioritize Issues
Ensure High Priority Issues are Solved
Conduct Final Review
Release Site
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Testing
QA Testing
Accurate, Understandable, Spelling, Grammar
Conducted by Content Contributors / Content Editors
Review Site For Linkrot
Broken Links
Does Site Perform Functions Defined in Project Definition
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Testing
QA Testing
Section 508 Tests
Browser / OS / Resolution
Validate HTML / XHTML / CSS
Test Site on Target Browsers
Connection Speed
Get Analysis & Recommendations on Page Speed/Size
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Testing
QA Testing
Informal or Formal Testing with Target Audience
Search Engine Optimization
Load Testing
Contact Server Administrator to Discuss Techniques
Review File Authorizations
Review Authentication Method
Conduct Authentication Test
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Testing
Prioritize Issues
Priority 1
Must be Fixed Before Launch
Priority 2
Would Enhance The Site, Can Go Live Without It
Address as Soon as Time Permits
Priority 3
Nice Idea / Feature, Future Enhancement
Will Consider For Future Release
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Launch
Style Guide
Visual Design Standards
Naming Conventions
Logos, Colors, Typography (Keep Site on Brand)
Files, Directories, CSS, Images, Titles
Site Structure
Document Site Diagram
Indicate How Structure is Built to Handle Growth
Provide (X)HTML Templates and CSS
Indicate Layout, Typography, Size, Color, Navigation, Menus
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Implementation — Launch
Minimize Downtime
Consider Current Web Site Traffic Patterns
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Everyone on Team is on Call
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Support — Maintenance
Decide What Content Needs Updating
Determine Frequency
Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Annual
Who Maintains Site Content
Who are Content Contributors
How Will Site be Updated
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Support — Maintenance
Analytics (Collect Statistics)
Number of Visitors
Pages Viewed
Views Per Visit
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Support — Maintenance
Analytics Uses
Issue Indication
Diagnose Specific Issues
Clues to Guide Further Investigations
Measurement Plan
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Support — Maintenance
Analytics Uses
Prove/Disprove Theories
Traffic – Increase/Decrease Due to Referrer
Technical – Page Not Loading Properly
Content – Does Not Effectively Communicate
Visual Design – Distract from Calls To Action (CTA)
Navigation – Specific Links/Buttons Not Being Clicked
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Domain Names
Company Name or Business Description
Be Brief
Avoid Hyphens
Choose Appropriate TLD
.com, .net, .biz, .us, .mobi, etc.
.org for Non-profits
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Domain Names
Brainstorm Potential Keywords
Avoid Trademarked Words or Phrases
Know the Industry / Competition
Use Searches
Verify Availability
Register Domain
Private Registration
Additional Fee
Personal Info is Kept Private & Out of WHOIS Database
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Web Hosting
Allows Website to be Accessible Via the Web
Space Allocated on an Owned or Leased Web Server
Future Growth & Scalability of Web Host
Operating System
Types of Server-side Processing Supported
Bandwidth of Internet Connection
Guaranteed Uptime
Technical Support
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Web Hosting Types
Virtual Hosting
Server is Divided into a Number of Virtual Domains
Multiple Websites are Set up on the Same Computer
Dedicated Web Server
Exclusive Use of a Rented Computer & Internet Connection
Housed in the Web Hosting Company's Premises
Can be Configured & Operated Remotely
Can Pay the Web Host Provider to Administer Site for You
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS
Web Hosting Types
Co-Located Web Server
Computer Your Organization has Purchased & Configured
Rent Space at Web Host Provider's Location
Server is Located & Internet-connected at Provider Location
Your Organization Administers the Computer
CIS 1310 – HTML & CSS