BITs, RTAs and Non-Equity Modes (NEMs) and their impact on Transfer of Technology WTO Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology Geneva,

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Transcript BITs, RTAs and Non-Equity Modes (NEMs) and their impact on Transfer of Technology WTO Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology Geneva,

BITs, RTAs and Non-Equity Modes (NEMs)
and their impact on Transfer of Technology
WTO Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology
Geneva, 8 November 2012
Legal Expert, IP Unit
The notion of NEMs of investment
The rationale behind NEMs
Determinants of NEMs – the role of BITs & RTAs
NEM and technology transfer
Policy recommendations
– UNCTAD « World Investment Report 2011: Non-Equity Modes of
International Production and Development »
– UNCTAD-WHO-ICTSD: « Local Production of Pharmaceuticals
and Related Technology Transfer in Developing Countries »,
NEMs of investment
• Contractual relationship between TNCs and partner firms
• Control over host-country business by means other than
equity holdings (as opposed to FDI)
• NEM types that are relevant for technology
– Licensing (intellectual property rights/IPRs)
– Franchising
– Contract manufacturing/services outsourcing
Main areas: e.g. pharmaceuticals, automotive
components, IT services, electronics, etc.
Non-equity modalities: A middle ground
between FDI and trade
WIR2011 aims to bridge the gap in policy analysis
Figure IV.1, WIR11, p. 125.
Estimated worldwide sales by type of NEM, 2010
(Trillions of dollars)
Figure IV.3, WIR11, p. 132.
International licensing, which is not confined to any one industry, has grown
significantly in the past decades
(NEM-related licensing sales in billions of dollars)
NEM advantages for TNCs…
• Low upfront capital expenditure needed
• Results in reduced risk exposure
• Greater flexibility in adapting to changes in business
cycle and demand
• Externalization of non-core activities
– Example: outsourcing of R&D and/or clinical trials in
pharmaceutical value chain to generic producers in
Argentina, India
… and local partners
• Sharing of benefits
• Better access to technology, skills, etc.
• Technological & productive capacity building
• Core pre-condition: absorption capacity !
Locational determinants
• Relevant for both FDI and NEMs (examples)
– Economic, political, social stability
– Infrastructure
• More relevant for FDI decisions
– Bilateral & international investment protection (BITs & IIAs)
– Investment promotion & incentives
• More relevant for NEM approaches
– Stable commercial & contract law
– Intellectual property protection (TRIPS, FTAs, RTAs)
– Upgrading of technological capacities of local partners
NEMs & technology transfer (TOT)
• NEMs can diffuse technology & skills to local partners
– NEMs are part of TNCs’ global value chains
– TOT to some extent desired by TNCs
• Example: pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh acquired
initial capacity through licensing agreements with TNCs
• Extent of technology uptake depends on local absorptive capacities
– Example: TNCs left Colombia before skills were fully transferred
to local pharmaceutical industry
– Not all NEMs involve programs for training
– Importance of domestic skills building
Example: ELEA/Argentina
(producer of pharmaceuticals, biotech vaccines)
• Three sources of technology:
– (1) In-house R&D
– (2) Alliances with universities & research centers in
Argentina & Cuba
– (3) Licensing agreement with US firms Warner
• Know-how for product formulation, not new product
• Blockbuster Lipitor ® only for distribution
• Transfer of plant & personnel
• Imposed standards for GMP & drug quality
NEMs & TOT – the role of IPRs
• IP protection may encourage investor to opt for NEMs (e.g. licensing
to local partner) rather than FDI
– Role of TRIPS, FTAs, RTAs for investor
– But only one element in investment consideration (example
• IPRs complicate use of reverse engineering and domestic capacity
building through informal means of TOT
– What is the importance of formal or informal means of TOT in a
– Balanced implementation of TRIPS in developing countries:
flexibilities (patentability standards, research exception,
competition law & policy, etc)
– FTAs, RTAs and « TRIPS-Plus »
WIR 2011 recommendations: how to maximize
development benefits from NEMs
• Embedding NEM policies in overall development
• Building domestic productive capacity
• Facilitating and promoting NEMs
• Addressing negative effects (e.g. local partner remains
locked in basic technology)