PRC-Japan Relations Historical Legacies and Current Issues Historical Legacies: I • Cultural influence in ancient times – written characters – architecture – calendar – ...

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Transcript PRC-Japan Relations Historical Legacies and Current Issues Historical Legacies: I • Cultural influence in ancient times – written characters – architecture – calendar – ...

PRC-Japan Relations
Historical Legacies and
Current Issues
Historical Legacies: I
• Cultural influence in ancient times
– written characters
– architecture
– calendar
– ...
Historical Legacies: II
• Similar experience of Western invasion in
19th century
Historical Legacies: III
• Rise of Japan in late 19th century
• Japan’s territorial gains from China
– 1895: Taiwan
– 1931: northeast China
– 1937: north & east China
– 1944: central China
Rape of Nanking (1937)
• Tillman Durdin of the New York Times:
– ``… to get to the gate I had to just climb over
masses of bodies accumulated there … one
of the great atrocities of modern times.”
• Christian missionary, John Magee:
– ``… every prisoner they could find but also a
vast number of ordinary citizens of all ages …
were shot down”
Peace Treaty with Japan
• 1951, Peace Treaty with Japan was
signed in San Francisco
– neither PRC nor ROC was invited
• 1952, Republic of China (Taiwan) signed
Peace Treaty with Japan
– ``state of war between the Republic of China
and Japan is terminated”
Contacts before 1972
• Sporadic, unofficial contacts between PRC
and Japan before 1972
Diplomatic Relation (1972)
• Turning point: Nixon visited Beijing and
Shanghai in February 1972
• Japan’s Prime Minister visited Beijing and
signed Joint Communiqué in September
• Diplomatic relations were established
between Japan and P.R. China
Joint Communiqué (1972)
• Japan ``fully understands and respects”
that ``Taiwan is an inalienable part of the
territory of the People's Republic of China”
• neither Party will seek regional hegemony
• both shall oppose any attempt by any
other country or group of countries to
establish regional hegemony
Peace Treaty (1978)
• Treaty of Peace and Friendship between
the People's Republic of China and Japan
• Deng Xiaoping visited Japan
War Reparations
• 1951 Peace Treaty at San Francisco
– John Foster Dulles sought to eliminate war
– feared that heavy reparations burdens would
similarly cripple Japan as did Germany in
– make it vulnerable to Communist domination
• 1972, PRC government waived the claim
of war reparations against Japan
Japanese Loans to PRC
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Japanese government loan
energy loans
Japanese free aid
trade surplus loans
After Cold War
• Relative rise of U.S. and China
• Relative decline of Russia and Japan
Current Status
• Washington-Tokyo-Beijing triangle
– PRC & Japan regard relationship with each
other as 2nd in importance to that with US
• Japan plays significant role in integrating
PRC into world economy
• Japan has a vital interest in PRC’s
development and stability
PRC’s Trade Partners 2013
• Japan is Mainland China’s third largest
export destination and second largest
import source
• Total trade volume: US$313 billion
• 7.5% of Mainland China’s total foreign
• Total imports from Japan: US$162 billion
• 8.3% of Mainland China’s total imports
Japan’s Trade Partners 2012
• Mainland China is Japan’s largest source
of imports and largest export destination
– Exports: China 18.1%, US 17.6%, S.K. 7.7%
– Imports: China 21.3%, US 8.6%, Austra. 6.4%
• PRC (including both Mainland China and
Hong Kong) became Japan’s largest trade
partner in 2004
– surpassing the US for the first time
Japan's Top Trade Partners (Total Volume, in trillion yen)
Mainland China
Hong Kong
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Japan’s Direct Investment
2nd largest investment source
31,855 projects
US$66.6 billion
1 million employees
Current Issues
• Yasukuni Shrine
– worship of Class-A war criminals of WWII
– visits by Prime Ministers and high officials
• Japan recognized its aggression against
China for the first time in 1998
• Japanese history textbooks
– minimize Japan’s aggression in Asia
Other Issues
• destruction of Japanese chemical
weapons in China
– a memorandum was signed in 1999
• Rape of Nanking
– Japanese nationalist extremists claim that the
rape of Nanking was a fabrication
Territorial Dispute
• Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands in East China
Lack of Understanding
• China:
– does Japan ignore or deny wartime atrocities?
– may extremists revert Japan to militarism?
• Japan:
– is China a military threat?
• mutually reinforcing misunderstandings
• both need public relations efforts abroad