Celiac Disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) Introduction • Celiac Disease is a chronic disease of the digestive tract. • It interferes with the digestion and absorption.

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Transcript Celiac Disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) Introduction • Celiac Disease is a chronic disease of the digestive tract. • It interferes with the digestion and absorption.

Celiac Disease
(gluten-sensitive enteropathy)
• Celiac Disease is a chronic disease of the digestive
• It interferes with the digestion and absorption of
food nutrients.
• People with celiac sprue cannot tolerate gliadin, the
alcohol-soluble fraction of gluten
• Celiac disease is caused by an autoimmune reaction
to gluten.
• The root cause of celiac disease is unknown, but
inheritance is a risk factor.
• Celiac Sprue is a lifelong disease, and if untreated it is
associated with increased mortality .
What Is Gluten ?
• “Gluten” is a general term for a composite of
the storage proteins gliadin and glutenin.
• These proteins (conjoined with starch) comprise 80%
of the total protein in wheat/rye/barley seed .
• Corn (maize), sorghum, and rice are considered safe
for a patient to consume. They do contain types of
gluten that do not trigger the disease
• Approximately 3 million people in Europe and
another 3 million people in the United States are
estimated to be affected by celiac sprue.
• The highest prevalence of celiac sprue is in Ireland
and Finland and in places to which Europeans
emigrated, notably North America and Australia.
• The incidence of celiac sprue is increasing among
certain populations in Africa, Asia (India), and the
Middle East.
• Celiac disease can be seen first time in any
part of life.
• Usually, this disorder can be discovered in
childhood .
• Celiac Disease has a strong hereditary component.
• The prevalence of the condition in first-degree
relatives is approximately 10%.
• A strong association exists between celiac sprue and
two human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes (DQ2
and DQ8).
• Damage to the intestinal mucosa is seen with the
presentation of gluten-derived peptide gliadin,
consisting of 33 amino acids.
• Helper T cells mediate the inflammatory response.
• People with celiac disease have abnormally high
levels of associated antibodies like: anti-gliadin, which
unite with antigens (toxic amino acid sequences) that
are found in wheat, rye, and barley.
• In people with celiac disease, the immune system
treats gluten as a foreign invader and produces
elevated levels of antibodies to get rid of it, causing
symptoms and associated discomfort.
• As a result, intestinal villi gets damaged (shortening
and villous flattening)
How does gluten cause negative effects?
• Certain Pro- and Gln-rich gliadin peptide fragments
survive the digestion process & make it to the gut
• These peptides are deamidated by tissue
transglutaminase (tTGase)
• APCs in HLA-DQ2 or –DQ8 positive individuals
express these deamidated peptide fragments on
class II MHC molecules
• The resulting CD4+ T-cell mediated immune response
can eventually result in the development of celiac
• Therefore, the only currently recognized
treatment for celiac disease is complete
abstinence from food grains containing gluten
proteins .
Risk Factors
• Having a risk factor for Celiac Disease makes the
chances of getting a condition higher but does not
always lead to Celiac Disease
• Celiac Disease can be associated with disorders such
as thyroid disease, Anemia of unknown cause,
type I diabetes or other autoimmune disorders.
• Family history of Celiac or autoimmune disorders.
• Race: Celiac sprue is most prevalent in Western
Europe and the United States. The incidence is
increasing in Africa and Asia.
• Sex: Incidence of celiac sprue is slightly higher in
females than in males.
• Age: The age distribution of patients with celiac
disease is bimodal, the first at 8-12 months and the
second in the third to fourth decades. The mean age
at diagnosis is 8.4 years (range, 1-17 y).
• Italian race : celiac is common in Italy and
• Large amounts of gluten at weaning are associated
with an increased risk for developing celiac disease.
• Finally, repeated rotavirus infections in infancy
appear to be associated with a higher risk of
developing celiac disease autoimmunity in
genetically predisposed individuals
Histology of Celiac Disease
• The histological lesion of gluten sensitivity
primarily affects the proximal small bowel.
• the damage caused by celiac disease can be
more extensive than once thought, and that it
likely affects the entire small bowel, rather
than just the lamina propriaand crypt regions.
• The lesion is described as subtotal villus
The difference between normal (left) and abnormal (right) Mucosa
We can see counts of lymphocytes and plasma cells in lamina of damaged Mucosa
• Celiac Disease has wide spread symptoms.
• The list of signs and symptoms of Celiac
Disease includes about 35 symptoms .
• Symptoms in children may differ from them in
• The most common symptoms in adults are :
1-abdomenal pain
3-Pale stools
4-Weight loss
• The most common symptoms in children are :
1-Delayed growth
4-Weight loss
5-Bloating abdomen
Celiac Disease in Children
• Older children with celiac disease who present
with GI manifestations may have onset of
symptoms at any age.
• The variability in the age of symptom onset
possibly depends on the amount of gluten in
the diet and other environmental factors
• Physical findings depend on extent of celiac disease.
• Celiac disease may occur in asymptomatic individuals
without any positive clinical findings
• Bloating of the abdomen is a relatively common
finding .
• Dry mucosal membranes with vomiting or diarrhea
indicate the degree of dehydration.
• Some extraintestinal manifestations of celiac
disease can be shown in some patints.
• The most common signs we can see are:
1-weight loss
2-fluid retention
5-bruising easily
6-peripheral neuropathy
8-muscle weakness
Dermatitis herpetiformis:
• A blistering skin rash that involves the elbows,
knees, and buttocks are associated with dermal
granular IgA deposits .
• Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare occurrence in
childhood and is described almost exclusively in
teenagers and adults.
Dental enamel hypoplasia:
• These enamel defects involve only the permanent
dentition and may be the only presenting
manifestation of celiac disease.
• Often, GI symptoms are minimal or absent.
Short stature and delayed puberty:
• 10% of children with idiopathic short stature may
have celiac disease that can be detected on serologic
• Adolescent girls with untreated celiac disease may
have delayed onset of menarche.
Arthritis and arthralgia:
• Arthritis can be a common extraintestinal
manifestation of adults with celiac disease, including
those on a gluten-free diet.
• 3% of children with juvenile chronic arthritis may
have celiac disease.
Psychiatric disorders:
• celiac disease can be associated with some
psychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety.
• These conditions can be severe and usually respond
to a gluten-free diet.
 First, a thorough physical examination is
conducted, including a series of blood tests.
Second, a duodenal biopsy is performed with
multiple samples from multiple locations in
the small intestine.
 And third,the gluten-free diet is implemented
• Physical Examination:
1-pallor (due to anemia)
2-hypotension (low blood pressure)
3-edema (due to low levels of protein, [albumin] in
the blood)
4-dermatitis herpetiformis (skin lesions)
5-easy bruising (lack of vitamin K)
6-loss of various sensations in extremities including
vibration, position and light touch (vitamin
7-signs of severe vitamin/mineral deficiencies which
may include:
-diminished deep tendon reflexes
-muscle spasms
• Serologic Tests
– EMA (Immunoglobulin A anti-endomysium
– AGA (IgA anti-gliadin antibodies) Some people do
not produce IgA antibodies.
– DGP (Deamidated gliadin peptide antibody)
– tTGA (IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase)
• It is the key of diagnosis.
• a biopsy of the small intestine [jejunal] is
called for.
• the tissue samples are examined under a
microscope for signs of injury
The biopsy can be taken by inserting a tube through the mouth and throat
Celiac Disease
• Under the microscope, we see the atrophy of
Mucosa and Elevated numbers of T-cell
lymphocytes .
• The small bowel biopsy samples of persons
with dermatitis herpetiformis often show
similar damage.
• The prognosis for patients with correctly diagnosed
and treated celiac sprue is excellent.
• The prognosis for patients with celiac sprue who are
not responding to gluten withdrawal and
corticosteroid treatment is generally poor.
• Mortality is usually associated with water and
electrolyte depletion.
• There are two main ways to treat and control
celiac disease:
1- Diet
2- Corticosteroids
 Diet:
• Complete elimination of gluten-containing grain
products, which include wheat, rye, and barley, is
essential to treatment.
• After an initial period of avoidance, oats might be
reintroduced into the diet of patients with celiac
• These patients should be monitored carefully for
recurrent symptoms.
Avoid the gluten
Gluten-free food
These days you can find meals made
especially for celiac disease patints,
which have no gluten content.
• Corticosteroids have anti-inflammatory properties
and cause profound and varied metabolic effects.
• These agents modify the body's immune response to
diverse stimuli.
• Prednisone: Can be used in patients with
refractory celiac sprue
 Adult:
30-40 mg/d PO; taper off completely in 6-8 wk
 Pediatric:
1 mg/kg/d PO; not to exceed 30 mg/d; taper off completely
in 6-8 wk
The End
By: Usef Bada