An Overview of the Grant Application Process at Rowan University Presented by University Advancement and the Office of Sponsored Programs.

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Transcript An Overview of the Grant Application Process at Rowan University Presented by University Advancement and the Office of Sponsored Programs.

An Overview of the Grant Application Process at Rowan University

Presented by University Advancement and the Office of Sponsored Programs


University Advancement  Deanne Farrell, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, x5418 [email protected]

 Wesley Allen, Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, x2408 Office of Sponsored Programs (Glassboro/Camden)  Sarah Piddington, Director, x5482 [email protected]

   Stephanie Lezotte, Assistant Director, x4124 [email protected]

Kristy Carpenter, Post-Award Specialist, x5497 [email protected]

Eric Gregory, Compliance and Contracts Specialist, x4058 [email protected]

Office for Research  Dr. Shreek Mandayam, Vice President for Research, x5333 [email protected]  Tech Commercialization Mina Zion, Director, x5097 [email protected]  Research Compliance Dr. Sree Murthy, Chief Research Compliance Officer, x5853 [email protected]

*If you are a CMSRU employee, please talk with Harry Mazurek to get a copy of their Flowchart, as it differs slightly.

Internal Processes

 Required internal paperwork 1.


Project Description Template (UA only)-. Submitted to UA. Used in the process of finding appropriate funding opportunities.

Project Summary Form (CMSRU only) – Submitted to Harry Mazurek. Used to approve CMSRU projects.


Internal Proposal Authorization Form (IPAF) – Submitted to OSP. Filled out after the budget has been finalized. Requires departmental and institutional signatures as noted. Proposals cannot be submitted without fully signed paperwork. Electronic grants management system is coming!

 For now, forms can be at found:

Internal Proposal Authorization Form (IPAF)

Project Name: Primary Contact: Associated Department within the College: Total Project Cost: Timeline, if any: Project Status: (Is this a new or ongoing project? Has it been approved by your Dean?)

Project Background/ History

(Briefly describe the proposed project and its history.)

Constituency Served

(Describe who and how many individuals will benefit, directly or indirectly, from the project. Provide demographic information such as gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, etc, if available. Feel free to use a table with percentages or other visual aid.)

Current Need

(What problem or challenge will this project address?)

Project Goals/ Objectives

(What do you intend to accomplish?)

Anticipated Outcomes/ Deliverables

(Provide measurable, action-oriented, time sensitive, specific outcomes. Outcomes are usually defined as changes in behaviors. Identify the specific deliverables from your project. Deliverables are products such as databases, software, curricula, flyers, reports, etc.)

Method to Accomplish Goals/ Workplan

(What activities, when, by whom – including key staff bios)


(Summarize how you will determine the achievement of your outcomes and measure overall effectiveness of the project.)

Other Sources of Support

(Briefly describe any sources of financial support for the project.

Use the Project Budget Template to detail expenses.


For Prospective Donor Research Purposes Key Word Search: Suggested Areas of Interest/Applications of Research:

Required for requests for prospect research through University Advancement

Project Summary Form

Project Summary Form Date: _______________ CMSRU Faculty Principal Investigator (PI): __________________________________________ Dept: ______________________________ Email: _____________________________ Short Title


______________________________________________________________________ Funding Agency: _______________________________________________________ Grant Submission Due Date: _______________ Length of Grant (years): _______________ Proposed Percent Effort for the PI to be Covered by this Grant: _______________ Expected CMSRU Resources Needed

: Space (e.g. open or closed lab and square feet)


Personnel (e.g. co-investigators or technicians)


Special equipment or instruments


Laboratory animals (type and number)

______________________________________________ Human Subjects

(yes or no)

_______________ Simple Estimated Budget

: Personnel costs _______________ Equipment _______________ Supplies _______________ All other direct costs


Estimated Total Direct Costs

_______________ Project Abstract


Please e-mail completed form to

: [email protected]

Required for all CMSRU faculty submissions

I want to submit a Letter of Inquiry

Pre-proposals, preliminary applications, or letters of inquiry.

Although OSP or UA do not required signed internal paperwork for these types of submissions, please notify our offices so we can assist. Guidelines vary.

I want to submit a proposal

 Only UA or OSP may submit proposals or grant applications on behalf of the university. Proposals that are not approved prior to submission or submitted by a non authorized representative:  Can be rejected by the university if awarded with unfavorable terms or conditions.

  May not include the full protection of the university under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act.

Significantly delays processing time. Even with an award notice, project work cannot begin until university approval is acquired.

Exceptions: PIs may submit proposals on their own for money that will be awarded directly to them, not managed by Rowan (i.e. monetary awards, travel funds, fellowships, scholarships.)

Things to Remember

    Depending on your project, one or more training modules may be required Research Regulatory committees – IRB, IACUC, BSC Electronic portal registrations Allow time for signatures


Q: I’ve come from another university. How do I transfer a grant awarded to me?

A: Since grants are awarded to institutions, not individuals, your former institution must relinquish rights by contacting the sponsor. OSP will work with both the former institution and the sponsor to ensure a smooth transfer.

Q: How can I find grant opportunities?

A: Rowan has access to two funding databases: InfoEd International and the Foundation Directory Online. Contact an OSP/UA representative for instructions on signing up and accessing these sites. You can also check for federal opportunities and

for NJ funding opportunities.

Upcoming Workshops

9/29 Finding Grant Funding

10/8 Intro to Grant Budgeting

10/16 & 11/11 Writing Winning Proposals

10/29 Effort Reporting

11/7 Creating Complex Grant Budgets

11/13 Promoting Your Project

 

11/21 Administering Your Award 12/1 Stewardship and Reporting

Check Rowan Announcer for locations and times!
