The German National Focal Point Good cooperative practice Publications  National Reitox-Reports  Articles in Journals and Books  Conference papers and posters Federal Centre.

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Transcript The German National Focal Point Good cooperative practice Publications  National Reitox-Reports  Articles in Journals and Books  Conference papers and posters Federal Centre.

The German National Focal Point Good cooperative practice
 National Reitox-Reports
 Articles in Journals and Books
 Conference papers and posters
Federal Centre for
Health Education
Institute for Therapy
& Coordination
German Centre for
Addiction Issues
together form the
German National Focal Point
 Public expenditures on illicit drugs (2008):
First time estimation in Germany on public
expenditures on illegal substances
Main challenges: federal system  relevant
expenditure in many different budgets; estimation
of non-labelled expenditures
First estimation of public expenditure on drugs in
Germany for 2006 varies between 5,2 and 6,1
billion EUR
 National register of treatment facilities (ongoing):
Complete coverage of all treatment facilities in
Germany for valid estimation of client response
Involvement of all treatment organisations and
services in Germany
It is planned that in the end of 2009 an up-to-date,
accurate and complete register of all treatment
facilities in Germany will be available
 PharMon (ongoing):
Monitoring system for pharmaceutical misuse of
problem alcohol and drug users
Gathered information is integrated in national and
European early warning systems
National Meetings & Conferences
 REITOX Academy on prevention and treatment of
cannabis-related disorders in the EU, Berlin (2007)
 Expert Conference on Cannabis Prevention and
Treatment in Germany (2008)
 Half yearly meetings of the German National
Focal Point partners
 Yearly national expert meetings on
 General population surveys
 Incidence of problematic drug use
 Treatment demand documentation
 Drug-related infectious diseases
 Drug-related deaths
 Early warning system
DBDD Staff:
 Dr. Tim Pfeiffer-Gerschel,
Director DBDD, IFT
 Gabriele Bartsch, DHS
 Alicia Casati, IFT
 Dr. Stephanie Flöter, IFT
 Angela Grübl, IFT
 Krystallia Karachaliou, IFT
 Ingo Kipke, IFT
 Peter Lang, BZgA
 Christiane Lieb, BZgA
 Peter Raiser, DHS
 Beate Süss, IFT
DBDD – Deutsche Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht
c/o IFT Institut für Therapieforschung
Parzivalstr. 25 | D – 80804 München
Tel: +49 89 360 804 41 | E-Mail: [email protected]