How To Do a DBQ What is a DBQ??  The document based question (DBQ) is designed to enable students to work.

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Transcript How To Do a DBQ What is a DBQ??  The document based question (DBQ) is designed to enable students to work.

How To Do a DBQ

What is a DBQ??

 The document based question (DBQ) is designed to enable students to work like historians, analyzing and synthesizing evidence from a variety of sources and media. Students will be evaluated on their ability to interpret such factors as purpose, source, bias, date and place of origin, tone, etc. In order to receive a satisfactory score, students must establish and prove a thesis through accurate and sophisticated utilization of the available documents.

   All of the information you need to write the essay is contained in the documents It is your job to organize, interpret, and analyze the documents Writing a DBQ essay is a skill that requires practice

   The first ten minutes of the exam are to be used to organize and prepare to write the essay.

First, read the question and underline the words in the question that relate to the task required.  Analyze, explain, etc.

Example question:  “Using the documents, analyze the social and economic effects of the global flow of silver from the mid-16 th century to the 18 th century. Explain how another type of document would help you analyze the effects of the flow of silver bullion in this period.”

What did you underline?

   Social Economic Global flow of silver  These key words will be a unifying link throughout the essay

Historical Background

 This sets the stage for the documents to put them into context.  You get no points for using the information in the historical background information

Read the Documents

     Make note of the date and source—they will help you group documents Read the documents in the context of the question.

For the example essay question do the documents refer to economic or social?

Use the margins to write notes, underline key phrases and begin to organize your documents into categories Re-read the question to make certain you are on the right path


 Look at the instructions on the exam that come before the question.

 These outline briefly the requirements for the essay  Look at the rubrics prior to the exam to refresh your memory of what you need to do


   Introduce your thesis Be sure to link the thesis back to the question.

The thesis should be at the end of the introduction paragraph  A good thesis   Specifically addresses the terms of the question Sets up the structure for the rest of your essay [specific information]

Evidence to support your thesis

   You must analyze the documents not just list them Don’t quote the documents—that does not show understanding Cite which document you referred to at the end of the sentence—[doc 1] or [1]  This assures you that you have used all of the documents

Pictures, charts, etc

 Analyze the pictures, charts, etc. to the same degree that you analyze the documents

4-6 sentences


Establish TIME & PLACE.


Create a clear, THESIS STATEMENT.


Allude to the SUB-TOPICS or categories you will discuss to support your thesis statement.

No “Laundry List”!!

7-10 sentences per paragraph 1.

Identify your sub-topic or category in the first sentence. (Topic sentence) 2.

Include the documents that are relevant to support the ideas in the paragraph.


Use ALL of the documents provided and show you understand each by explanation.


Be sure to indicate Point-of-View (POV) *in at least 2 docs (preferably more)


Authorial Point of View

: you show awareness that the gender, occupation, class, religion, nationality, political position or ethnic identity of the author could influence his/her views .


 Balthasar Rusow, a Lutheran pastor, was naturally upset by the celebration of a Saint’s Day since Lutherans don’t venerate saints.


Reliability and accuracy of each source referenced:

you examine a source for its reliability and accuracy by questioning if the author of the doc. would be in a position to be accurate



 Niccolo Machiavelli’s book on the political tactics of a Renaissance prince was probably accurate as he observed the behavior of the prince, Cesare Borgia for many years.


Tone or Intent of the Author

: you examine the text of a doc. to determine its tone (satire, irony, indirect commentary, etc.) or the intent of the author. Esp. useful for visual docs.


 In his great sculpture of David, Michelangelo wanted to convey the confidence, and even arrogance, of Renaissance Florence at the peak of its cultural influence in 16c Europe.

Point of View

      Does the occupation of the author give the document reliability?

Class, religion, national background, or gender can influence what is mentioned.

What type of document is it? Does that affect the content?—journal, private letter, public speech When was it written? Does that affect what is being said?

Who is the intended audience?

What tone is being used? [sarcastic, proud, etc.]

• • • Be sure to separate the documents into 2 or 3 types or groups and use them OBVIOUSLY in that way (positive vs. negative, one society vs. another, before and after etc.) You cannot have a group of one document Documents can be in more than one group

Additional documents

   What type of document would be helpful?

Why would it be useful?

Think about whose voice is missing?

    Merchants Customers Leaders Etc.


Baldassare Castiglione, in The Handbook of the


, said: “………………….” 2.

In document 5 , Erasmus of Rotterdam, a northern Christian humanist, agreed with…..


The 19c historian, Jacob Burkhardt, felt that ………………….

(Doc. 9)


Start with a “concluding phrase.” (NOT “In conclusion…” or “As you can see…” ) 2.

This is a great place to discuss the “missing document”. Be SURE to explain how it would have helped to support your thesis