Math 010 online work that is due today at the start of class: • Gateway Homework #3 (turn in worksheet now, while I.

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Transcript Math 010 online work that is due today at the start of class: • Gateway Homework #3 (turn in worksheet now, while I.

Math 010 online work that is due
today at the start of class:
• Gateway Homework #3 (turn in
worksheet now, while I take roll)
• Section 1.2/1.8 Online Homework
Any questions on the
for Sections 1.2/1.8
before we start
today’s review for the
Gateway Quiz?
Homework Assignment due at start
of next class:
• Take the Practice Gateway at least once before class.
(You can take it as many times as you like, and only
your best score counts for points.)
• You should also try Practice Quiz 1 at least once
before the next class period. (This is different from
the Practice Gateway quiz.
• You have until the class session after next to re-do
Practice Quiz 1 as many times as you want, and you’ll
have a chance to ask about any problems on it before
we take the Gateway Quiz at the next class session.)
Quiz coming up next class session:
Gateway Quiz, first try:
8 questions, 35 minutes.
Online, but you’ll get a paper worksheet for showing your work
No calculators
We’ll be reviewing for this in class today.
• Answers must be completely correct, with fractions in simplest form.
– Passing the Gateway Quiz with a 100% (8/8) score at some point
during the semester is a requirement for passing this class.
– You may take the quiz multiple times until you pass.
– Only your best score out of all attempts on the “real” gateway will
count towards your overall grade. (And since you’ll eventually get
100%, there’s 80 points towards you course score!)
– The second attempt will also be given in class 3 weeks from now. After
that, there will be weekly opportunities to take the quiz outside of
– In previous semesters, all students who have passed the other
requirements for the course have also passed the Gateway
requirement. (The average student took 4-5 attempts to pass.)
You have had a number of practice Gateway questions mixed in
with your regular homework assignments, but you should also
take Practice Gateways before the next class session:
• 8 questions, same type as on the actual Gateway.
• Time limit of 35 minutes, same as the actual Gateway.
• Can take it as many times as you want.
• Best score counts for that percent of 8 points. (Each time
you take the practice quiz, your overall course score will be
updated to only include you best attempt.)
• Additional paper versions of practice Gateways can be
picked up in the open lab from any TA or teacher.
REMEMBER: Gateway study/help available every
MTWTh from 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. in Room 203 JHSW..
Quiz coming up the next class session
after the Gateway Quiz:
Quiz 1 on sections 1.2 through 1.8
15 questions; 50 minute time limit
Taken in class, but via the online course web site, with Lockdown Browser
Worth 60 points
1 attempt
No calculators allowed
Practice Quiz 1 should be taken at least 2-3 times before the quiz day:
15 questions; 50 minute time limit; can take it anywhere
Worth 6 points
Unlimited attempts, only best score counts
Each time you take it, you will get a different set of questions, so the more times you
take it, the more chances you’ll have of seeing all the types of questions that might be
on the real quiz.
• Don’t use a calculator, since you can’t on the real quiz.
REMEMBER: Come to the open lab in 203 if you need help.
M – Th: 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Review for the Gateway Quiz:
• You’ll get a chance to take an 8-point Preview
Gateway in class to practice for the 80-point
Gateway that will be given at the next class
• If you don’t finish the preview Gateway by the
end of this class session, you’re welcome to stay
after class and finish it in the open lab next door.
• You should go over any problems you miss on this
preview quiz with a teacher or TA in the open lab
to make sure you know how to do them all before
the “real” Gateway Quiz at the next class session.
To take the In-class Gateway Preview:
• Put your calculators and cell phones away and close all
tabs/windows on your laptop.
• Log in to Pearson’s My Lab and Mastering
• Click on “Quizzes & Tests”
• Click on In-class Gateway
• Then select In-Class Gateway Preview.
• Enter the password (on whiteboard).
• Click on the button that says I am ready to
• Your time clock doesn’t begin until the loading
process is finished and your first question
appears on the screen.
Now we will install the Lockdown Browser.
• You will then have 35 minutes to complete the
quiz. (If you finish early, feel free to get started on the Practice
Gateway Quiz assignment.)
• Make sure you show all steps of your work for each
problem in complete and clear detail on the paper
No calculators of any type
may be used for this quiz.
• When finished, click “submit” and then write your score
on the answer sheet.
To take the Practice Gateway Quiz:
In the Quizzes & Tests folder:
• Click on the bottom link (Practice Gateway Quiz)
• No password is needed
• You can take this practice quiz as many times as you like.
• Don’t use a calculator, since you won’t be using one in class.