i>clicker quiz #20 Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Black holes emit Hawking radiation which can be characterized as black-body radiation with.
Transcript i>clicker quiz #20 Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Black holes emit Hawking radiation which can be characterized as black-body radiation with.
i>clicker quiz #20
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Black holes emit Hawking radiation which can be characterized
as black-body radiation with a temperature that is proportional
to the black hole’s mass
The radius of the event horizon (Schwarzschild radius) of a
black hole, the region over which it can trap light, is
proportional to the black hole’s mass
“A black hole has no hair” is a statement that describes the loss
of identity of matter when it is swallowed by a black hole
The gravitational field of a black hole extends out to an infinite
i>clicker quiz #21
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Radio jets and lobes are lit up by synchrotron radiation produced by
charged particles moving along spiral paths in a magnetic field
The typical mass of a super-massive black hole that powers the
nucleus of a quasar is about five million times the mass of our Sun
The light-emitting region of a typical quasar is roughly comparable in
size to our Solar System
Quasars and AGNs can be 100 to 1000 times more luminous than our
Milky Way galaxy
Most galaxies have massive black holes at their centers
Expansion of the Universe
• Natural consequence of the basic field equations of the
General Theory of Relativity (GTR)
• When GTR was first developed in the 1920s, everyone
thought the Universe was static
• Albert Einstein’s static solution: He arbitrarily introduced
a cosmological constant Λ (later called it his “greatest
• Edwin Hubble’s observations of receding galaxies led to
the discovery that the Universe is expanding
• Hubble’s law: v = H0 d
H0 ~ 70 km/s/Mpc (Hubble constant)
— where
Hubble’s Law
Nature of the Universal Expansion
• Hubble’s law implies the Universe is expanding
• Expansion of Universe can be thought of as the
expansion of space itself
• Observed redshift of distant galaxies —
wavelength of photons “stretched” by the
expansion of space
• Not everything is expanding — if it were, we
couldn’t detect the expansion since our rulers
would be expanding in proportion to everything
else in the Universe
i>clicker quiz #22
Which of the following statements most accurately describes
what happens when I HOLD A PIECE OF CHALK IN
A gravitational force and an electromagnetic force are
canceling each other
Only a gravitational force is acting on the piece of chalk
Only an electromagnetic force is acting on the piece of
A gravitational force and a strong nuclear force are
canceling each other
The Big Bang
• Reverse extrapolation of Universal expansion → There must
have been an instant of infinite density and temperature → The
• Phrase “Big Bang” was derisively coined by Fred Hoyle, but the
name stuck!
• It was not like an explosion: it happened everywhere!
• Universe has a finite age:
t ~ 1 / H0
• We are not allowed to ask the question:
What happened before the Big Bang?
The Future of the Universe
• Is the expansion slowing down (i.e., decelerating) because
of the mutual gravitational attraction of all the matter in
the Universe?
• Is the expansion speeding up (i.e., accelerating) because of
a repulsive anti-gravity force (analogous to Einstein’s
cosmological constant Λ?
• One of the most exciting developments of the last
decade is the discovery that the Universal
expansion rate is actually ACCELERATING!
i>clicker quiz #23
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Hubble’s discovery that most distant galaxies are receding
from us tells us that we are at the center of the Universe
The Universe started with the Big Bang and will end in the
Big Crunch
The expansion rate of the Universe is speeding up because
of a repulsive anti-gravity force
The Andromeda galaxy is moving away from the Milky
Way galaxy as a result of the expansion of the Universe
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
• Critical density of matter needed to barely halt the
Universe’s expansion: ρcrit ~ 10-30 g/cm3
• Most of the matter in the Universe is DARK — total
density of matter in the Universe ρ may or may not be
equal to this critical density: Ωmatter ≡ ρ / ρcrit
• How much DARK ENERGY (anti-gravity) is present in
the Universe?
• Determination of Ωmatter and ΩΛ are major goals /
achievements of modern cosmology
• Methods:
Density/dynamics of galaxies in the Universe
Geometrical properties of the Universe
Expansion rate in the Universe’s past
Search for dark matter particles / physical origin of dark energy
Olbers’ Paradox: Why is the Night Sky Dark?
• Assume uniform and infinite distribution of stars — night sky should be
infinitely bright(!), but is observed to be dark
• Paradox phrased by Olbers in 1823, though already well known for about a
hundred years at the time
• Stars are distributed over a finite volume (our Galaxy, for example) but the
argument can be extended to the distribution of individual galaxies
• Can absorption by dust in galaxies solve the paradox? NO! Dust would heat
up and glow as a black body radiator
• Universe has finite age t → observable Universe has a horizon at a finite
distance ct — this is the most important factor in solving Olbers’ Paradox!
Alternative to Big Bang theory:
Steady State Cosmology
• Cosmological Principle: Universe is homogenous and isotropic
— the same everywhere in space
• Perfect Cosmological Principle: Universe is the same at all
times also — our Universe probably does not obey the Perfect
Cosmological Principle
• Steady State theory proposed as alternative to Big Bang by
Bondi, Gold, & Hoyle in 1940s — a theory is based on Perfect
Cosmological Principle
• Requires that galaxies constantly be created at the expense of
energy out of the so-called C-field
• Not widely believed — discovery of the Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation is considered definitive evidence
against Steady State cosmology
Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation (CMBR)
• Relic of the Big Bang (“afterglow” of initial
fireball) predicted in late 1940s
• Discovered by Penzias & Wilson in 1965 — they
won the Nobel Prize for this discovery
• CMBR studied in detail by satellites (COBE,
• Radiation comes from era of decoupling of matter
and radiation in the early Universe (~300,000
years old) when neutral H atoms first formed
i>clicker quiz #24
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Black holes emit Hawking radiation which can be characterized
as black-body radiation with a temperature that is proportional
to the black hole’s mass
The radius of the event horizon (Schwarzschild radius) of a
black hole, the region over which it can trap light, is inversely
proportional to the black hole’s mass
“A black hole has no hair” is a statement that describes the loss
of identity of matter when it is swallowed by a black hole
The gravitational field of a black hole only extends out to an
finite distance, its Schwarzschild radius