UNECE Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators Item 3 (f) Average Age of Road Motor Vehicle Fleet.

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Transcript UNECE Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators Item 3 (f) Average Age of Road Motor Vehicle Fleet.

UNECE Joint Task Force on
Environmental Indicators
Item 3 (f)
Average Age of Road Motor Vehicle
Importance of age of vehicle fleet
• According to the EEA, road transport is
responsible for 17.5 % of overall greenhouse gas
emissions in Europe and its emissions increased
by 23 % between 1990 and 2009.
• The age of a road motor vehicle has an impact on
the amounts of the various types of emission.
• According to the EEA, average CO2 emissions for
new cars registered in 2011 were 3.3% less than
new cars registered in 2010.
• See http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/transport
UK Experience
• Road transport accounts for 19% of UK green
house gas emissions.
• Estimate of how emissions of different gases per
km vary depend on vehicle speed for different
vehicle types/ fuel type/ year of first registration
(used as a proxy for Euro emissions class)/ engine
size/ etc
• http://assets.dft.gov.uk/statistics/series/energyand-environment/climatechangefactsheets.pdf
Regulatory Changes
• To help achieve reductions in transport
emissions, strict targets have been introduced in
the European Union and other major economies
for vehicle fuel efficiency.
• Manufacturers are committed to achieving in a
definite programme over time specific and
gradually tighter fuel consumption levels for the
new vehicles they produce
• The size and importance of these economies has
implication for all world vehicle manufacturers
Technical Advances
• Motor manufacturers have responded by
improving the efficiency of vehicle engines
and the aerodynamics of the vehicle to reduce
fuel consumption.
• Each generation of vehicles is more fuel
efficient and emits fewer emissions than
earlier vehicles.
• The average age of the vehicle fleet in a
country is therefore a helpful indicator of the
level of emissions created by that country’s
• Vehicle fleet
• Age of vehicle
Vehicle fleet
• All motor vehicles licensed to operate on a
country’s roads at a given date
– Passenger cars
– Motor coach, bus or trolleybus
– Truck
– Road tractor
Vehicle Register
Date of first registration
• Countries maintain registers of vehicles licensed
to operate on their roads for
– Police
– Taxation
• It is important for this indicator that these
registers contain the date when the vehicle was
first licensed for use
• This date of first registration is normally the date
to be used to calculate the age of the vehicle
• Used vehicles from abroad
• The date of first registration in the country
accepting foreign used vehicles will not
properly reflect the date of manufacture or of
first use
• It will therefore underestimate the age of the
vehicle and its emissions performance
Date of first registration
• This should be the earliest date of first
registration of the vehicle in any country in
which it has been registered.
• The Harmonised Registration Certificate
records this information for foreign second
hand cards for all EU countries.
• A Mercedes was registered in Austria with
Austrian number plates for the first time in 2008
• In 2012, it was exported to Albania where it was
reregistered and given Albanian number plates.
• Two dates of first registration
– 2008 Austria First country registration
– 2012 Albania Second country registration
• Chose the earliest i.e. 2008 if known or, if this is
available, from the harmonised registration
First country registration not known
• Adjust the date of first registration by some
Provision of statistics
• For every year’s data to be provided, a copy of
the vehicle register is needed as it stood on a
specific fixed date within the year e.g.
– 1 January
– 31 December
– 30 June
• Which of these is appropriate depends on the
arrangements with the keeper of the register.
Age distribution (1)
• For each vehicle on the vehicle register
– Determine its age from the date of first
– Allocate each vehicle among the age groups
Age <= 2 years
2 years< age <= 5 years
5 years< age <= 10 years
Age > 10 years
Age distribution (2)
• Compile the totals for each age group and
calculate the percentage each group
represents of the total
• This allows the calculation of an average age
for the vehicle fleet
Thank you