Testing a Claim Chapter 11 1.1 Intro  “I can make 80% of my BBall free throws”.

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Transcript Testing a Claim Chapter 11 1.1 Intro  “I can make 80% of my BBall free throws”.

Testing a
Chapter 11
1.1 Intro
“I can make 80% of my BBall free throws”. To test my
claim, you ask me to shoot 20 free throws. I only make
8  and you say “aha! Someone who makes 80% of
their free throws would NEVER only make 8/20!” But I
say, ‘hey, what if I’m having a bad day, or am injured,
or the ball is dead, or the hoop is bent…” Since all of
these are possibilities, you say “OK, well I’ll decide how
likely your claim is based on the probability that
someone who genuinely makes 80% would shoot 8/20
on one trial run”
(In actuality, the probability that someone who makes
80% free throws only hits 8/20 is .0001 or 1/10,000. This is
enough to convince you I’m lying!)
This is the basics of hypothesis testing: an outcome
that would rarely happen if a claim were true is good
evidence that the claim is not true.
Stating a hypothesis
statistical test starts with a careful
statement of the claims we want to
compare. Because the reasoning of tests
look for evidence against a claim, we
start with the claim we seek evidence
This is called our NULL HYPOTHESIS.
The claim about the population we are
trying to find evidence FOR is our
ALTERNATIVE hypothesis
Example (one-sided)
Attitudes towards school and study habits on a
national survey range from 0 to 200. The mean
score for US college students is 115 with a standard
deviation of 30. Assume normality in this
population. A teacher suspects that older
students have better attitudes towards school.
She gives the survey to a SRS of 25 students.
We seek evidence AGAINST the claim that Mu =
 Null: H0: μ= 115
 Alternate: Ha: μ> 115
*Be sure to state the hypothesis in terms of
population b/c we are making inference/claims
about our pop!
One vs. Two sided hypoth
If the previous example said the teacher
thought that seniors had a DIFFERENT attitude
towards study habits (but didn’t specify better
or worse), we would be doing a two sided
hypothesis because the alternate is that
μcould be > or < 115. So we state it as:
Ha: μ≠ 115
**The alternative hypothesis should express the
hopes or suspicions we have before we see the
data. It is cheating to first look at the data and
then frame Ha to fit what the data show!
Conditions for Significance
The same 3 conditions from Chapter 10 should
be verified before performing a significance
test about a population mean or proportion.
1. SRS
2. Normality:
For means (data)- population distribution
Normal, or large sample size (n>30) or smaller
sample with normal
histogram/boxplot/probability plot
 For proportions- np > 10 and n(1-p) > 10
3. Independence (10)(n)< population
Test Statistic
The significance test compares the value of
the parameter (true pop mean, as stated in
the null) with the calculated sample mean.
Values of the sample far from the true
parameter give evidence against H0
To assess how far the sample statistic is from
the population parameter, we have to
standardize it (to make comparison)
Test statistic = (sample value = mu)/standard
deviation of sampling distribution
this is either sigma/square root n or
Sx / square root n, depending on if you know
sigma or not
Z test
We will focus on the Z test first, which is when we
know sigma, so the Z test statistic formula is:
In that last example, lets say the mean (X bar) of
the 25 seniors sampled was 125. Our calculated Z
would be (125 – 115)/ (30/√25) = 1.67
Where does that fall?
 The
p value is the probability of getting your
observed statistic, assuming the null is true.
The smaller your p value, the less likely it is,
and the more confident you are in rejecting
your claim (the null).
The p value is the area under the curve from
your calculated test statistic, to the tail end.
In the previous example, that’s a little less
than .1 or 10%.
Statistical Significance
We typically compare the P-value with a fixed P
value to make our decision whether or not we the
probability (or P-value) is small enough to reject
our claim. We set a P value before calculating
our observed test statistic and we call this our
significance level.
Most commonly we choose .05 as our cutoff point
(meaning we need our calculated p value to be less
than .05, indicating there is a less than 5% chance of
obtaining our result had our original claim been true.
αis the symbol for our chosen significance level we
need to beat. So we would say α=.05
Determining significance
 If
our calculated (or observed) p-value is less than
or equal to our alpha level, we say that the data
is “statistically significant at level α”
“significant” doesn’t mean important! It just means
you are rejecting your null hypothesis
In the previous example, our P value was .1 which is
bigger than α=.05, so we would FAIL to reject our
null (meaning our sample didn’t provide enough
evidence to reject the claim that seniors have the
same attitudes as other students)
 (or
accept the claim that seniors differ significantly)
Typical alpha levels
 Just
like confidence intervals, our most
typical are .1, .05, .01
 It is possible to have results that are
significant at the .05 level, but not the .01
level (example: calculated p value = .04)
 If significant at .01, significant at .05 and .1
too (example: p = .003)
Final Step: Interpreting results
in context
 We
make our official decision to reject H0
or fail to reject H0 based on whether we
“beat” our chosen alpha level (remember
to ‘beat’ it means our calculated p-level
was smaller)
*warning! In real life, always set alpha level
BEFORE analyzing your data!
11.2 Carrying out significance
 The
process is very similar to constructing
confidence intervals. Follow the 4 steps
on the following slide (sometimes referred
to as our “inference toolbox)
 Step
1. Hypothesis: Identify the population
of interest and the parameter you want to
draw conclusions about (usually the mean,
mu). State hypothesis (null and alternative,
with appropriate symbols)
 Step
2: Conditions: Choose the appropriate
inference procedure (in this case/chapter, Z
test). Verify the conditions for using it (these
are the same 3 conditions as before: SRS,
Normality, Independence
 Step
3: Calculations: If conditions are met,
carry out the inference procedure.
Calculate the test statistic
Find the P-value
 Step
4: Interpretation: Interpret your
results in the context of the problem
Interpret the P-value or make a decision
about rejecting H0 using statistical
*3C’s Conclusion, Connection and Context!
Example Executives’ blood
pressure P. 706
Director of a company concerned about
effects of stress on employees. According to
national center for health, the mean blood
pressure for males 35 to 44 years of age is 128
and the standard deviation in this population
is 15. The director examines the medical
records of 72 male executives in this age
group and finds that their mean blood
pressure is 129.93. Is this evidence that the
company’s male execs is different from the
national average?
What do we know?
Population: Males 35-44 μ= 128 σ = 15
Sample: n = 72
= 129.93
1. Hypothesis (words and symbols!)
H0: μ= 128 male executives at this company
have a mean blood pressure of 128
Ha: μ≠ 128 male executives at this company
have a mean blood pressure that differs from
the national mean of 128
Step 2: Conditions
SRS: not told in sample, so we must assume it
was an SRS to proceed
Normality: We do not know that the population
distribution of blood pressure among male
execs is Normally distributed, but the large
sample size (n = 72) guarantees that the
sampling distribution of the means will be
approximately normal by the CLT.
Independence: We must assume that there at
least 10x72 =720 middle aged male execs in this
large company (b/c this is the population we
are making inferences about…not ALL male
execs in the world!)
Step 3: Calculations
 Test
Statistic: we know sigma, so we do a Z
= (129.93 – 128)/(15/√72) = 1.09
 P-Value:
draw a picture
NormalCDF(1.09, 1000)
=.1379 (this is area in
one tail)
multiply by 2, p = .2757
Step 4: Interpretation
 More
than 27% of the time, an SRS of size 72 from
the general male population would have a mean
blood pressure at least as far from 128 as that of our
sample. The observe mean 129.93 is therefore not
good evidence that middle aged male execs at
this company have blood pressure that differs from
the national average.
If we had originally stated we wanted an alpha level
of .05, we would say “fail to reject the null at .05 alpha
level. Results non-significant”
Confidence intervals and
testing for significance
 If
you wanted to test for significance using a
confidence interval, you would construct your
interval (as before) and check to see if μfalls in
our interval. If it does NOT, then we reject the
null and say we have found significant results.
Remember to construct your interval based on
the alpha you set. So if you want α = .01, you
have to construct a 99% CI etc.
 lets
do the previous one, but using a CI and
a 90% α level.
Construct interval around
σ = 15
=129.93 using our
129.93 +/- (1.645)( 15/√72) = (127.02, 132.84)
Our true population mean μ= 128 does fall in this
interval, so we FAIL TO REJECT the null. Results
11.3 Uses and abuses of
significance tests
 Cautions:
Statistical significance is not the same as
practical importance.
A few outliers can produce highly
significant results (or destroy the
significance of otherwise-convincing data).
Beware of multiple analysis (running
multiple alpha levels to attain significance
11.4 Using inference to make
 Type
I vs. Type II error: when we make a
decision based on a significance test
(reject vs. fail to reject), we hope our
decision is correct, but it may in fact be
wrong (we really have no way of knowingif we did, we wouldn’t have done the test in
the first place).
 Sometimes we get a rare freak sample and
reject the null when it’s actually true, or we
might fail to reject when it’s truly a false
H0 true
Ha true
Reject H0
Type I error
Correct decision
Fail to reject H0
Correct decision
Type II error
 What
if, after doing the study with the male
execs and blood pressure, you find out that
the 72 people in your sample just came back
from a week long spa vacation and were
extra relaxed. Had you tested them during a
typical work week, their stress levels and blood
pressure would have been MUCH higher.
So the fact that we failed to reject the null, when
in reality we should have rejected it (had our
data been accurate), is a type II error
Which is more serious? Type I
or Type II?
 Depends
on the study. If we’re talking
about a drug for example, failing to reject
the null might have disastrous
Error probabilities
 While
we never can know if we are
making a type I or type II error, we can
calculate the probability of making an
Probability of making a type I error is just
alpha! So if your alpha is .05, the probability
of rejecting the null when it is in fact true is
Power and Type II error
Power is the probability of correctly rejecting
the null. We want power to be high (meaning
when we do a test or experiment, our goal is
to reject the null and find something
interesting, but in the grand scheme that is
meaningless if when you reject the null your
probability of it being an erroneous rejection is
Since making a type II error is the probability
of failing to reject the null when you should
have rejected, power is the opposite (or
converse) probability.
1 – probability of a type II error.
Beta βis our symbol for a type II error
power = 1 – β
High power is desirable. Along with 95% CI’s
and .05 significance tests, 80% power is
Many US govt agencies that provide research
funds require a the tests to be sufficient to
detect important results 80% of the time using a
significance test with alpha = .05.
Increasing power
Increase α. A test at the 5% significance level will have
a greater chance of rejecting the null than a 1% level
because you have a smaller critical value to beat (aka
the strength of evidence required for rejection is less).
Increase the sample size. More data provides more info
about x bar, so we will have a better chance of
distinguishing values of mu.
Decrease sigma (same effect as increasing sample
size…more info about x bar).
Improving the measurement process and restricting
attention to a subpopulation are two common ways to
decrease sigma.
Best advice?
 to
maximize power, choose as high an
alpha level (type I error probability) as you
are willing to risk AND as large a sample
as you can afford.
You will not compute power or type II error
in this course unless one of them is given to
you (then you can calculate the other).