BioFresh: Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity Data Aaike De Wever Contact: [email protected] Co-ordinator: [email protected] © J. Freyhof, A.

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Transcript BioFresh: Integrating Freshwater Biodiversity Data Aaike De Wever Contact: [email protected] Co-ordinator: [email protected] © J. Freyhof, A.

BioFresh: Integrating
Freshwater Biodiversity Data
Aaike De Wever
[email protected]
Co-ordinator: [email protected]
© J. Freyhof, A. Hartl
The BioFresh project (2010-2014)
Biodiversity of Freshwater Ecosystems:
Status, Trends, Pressures, and
Conservation Priorities
EU FP7 project, 18 partner institutions,
Co-ordination: Klement Tockner at IGB Berlin
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
BioFresh rationale
Freshwater biodiversity information hub
– Thematic GBIF node / Freshwater SCAR-MarBIN/OBIS
Main components of the “BioFresh-platform”
– Data portal comprising metadatabase and occurrence
– Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas
– Resources and research outputs, blog,…
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
BioFresh metadatabase
Tailored for freshwater data
Pro-active mobilisation of metadata
Export to EML
– E.g. for use when uploading data through IPT
Exchange with other initiatives planned
– EnvEurope - LTER
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
BioFresh occurrence database
Data model
– Set off with GBIF data (due to project design)
– <-> Hosting own data first (cfr. Canadensys)
Data sources
– ‘BioFresh’ data through BioFresh IPT (digitised data, partner
– Freshwater datasets shared with GBIF: if possible direct
harvesting from source IPT
– ‘Mixed’ datasets: harvested through web services based on
a list of freshwater species names (FADA)
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
BioFresh Information Platform
Bring freshwater biodiversity data together in a network of
interoperable databases and make these (meta)data public
– Primary biodiversity data / species occurrences
(data available through GBIF and mobilised by BioFresh,
which are to be exchanged with GBIF)
– Implies use and promotion of GBIF tools such as
Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and possibly the
Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit (HIT)
– Topical freshwater GBIF node
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
Key products of BioFresh
- Freshwater Biodiversity Matrix
- Contemporary and Climatic Freshwater
Biodiversity Models
- Climate Vulnerability Index
- Comparative biodiversity trend analysis
- Invasive species spread
- Response signatures
- AquaMaps
© J. Freyhof, A. Hartl
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
BioFresh and GBIF
Establish Memorandum of Collaboration with GBIF secretariat
– Promote GBIF informatics processes and tools
– Promote incentive mechanisms (data paper, data citation…)
– Demand-driven data discovery
Engage with (EU) GBIF participant nodes
– Possibility to jointly mobilize data and publication
through GBIF country nodes
– Explore possibilities of joint freshwater theme for data
mobilization activities
– Possibility for joint workshops to encourage institutional
data providers to set up and publish data through an IPT
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu
Forschungsverbund Berlin, FVB.IGB, Germany
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, BOKU, Austria
WorldFish Center (formerly ICLARM), WorldFish, Malaysia
Institute de Recherche pour le Développement IRD, France
Universität Duisburg-Essen, UDE, Germany
The International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Switzerland
Oxford University, UOXF.AC, UK
Universitat de Barcelona, UB, Spain
Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung, UFZ, Germany
University College of London, UCL, UK
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, UCBL, France
Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse 3, UPS, France
Ecologic GmbH, Institut für Internationale und Europäische Umweltpolitik,
Ecologic, Germany
Commission of the European Communities - Directorate General Joint
Research Centre, EC-JRC, Italy
University of Debrecen, UD, Hungary
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, NRM, Sweden
EU Nodes – March 2013 –Joensuu