Give It a Boost ! Presented by Sandra L. Owen, BSN, MEd, FASHA Clinical Instructor, Emerita Georgia State University.

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Transcript Give It a Boost ! Presented by Sandra L. Owen, BSN, MEd, FASHA Clinical Instructor, Emerita Georgia State University.

Give It a Boost !
Presented by Sandra L. Owen, BSN, MEd, FASHA
Clinical Instructor, Emerita
Georgia State University
What is the first-line barrier
against bacteria?
The skin
Vitamin A plays a major role in the
production of connective tissue, a
key component of the skin. When
you eat foods containing betacarotene, your body changes it into
vitamin A
A half-cup serving of sweet potatoes provides
40% DV of vitamin A. Other good sources are
carrots, squash, and cantaloupe
What habits weaken the immune system?
Eating or drinking 100gms.of sugar reduces
WBC’s ability to kill germs by 40%.
Being overweight or obese affects the
ability of WBC’s to multiply, produce
antibodies, and rush to the site of
For adults, drinking 3 or more drinks suppresses the ability
of WBC’s to multiply, inhibits the killer WBC’s, and lessens
the ability of the macrophages to devour invading
undesirable germs.
* one drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine,
or 1 ounce of hard liquor.
Let Us Now Refresh our
Understanding of the Immune
The Human Immune
Five Stages of Immune Response
1. Macrophages identify the invaders
2. Helper T cell calls for help.
3. B cell tags the invaders with antibodies
4. Killer T cells destroy the invader.
5. Memory T and B cells remember
the invaders
What are free radicals
and how do they weaken
the immune system?
An atom or group of atoms with at least one
unpaired electron; in the body it is usually an
oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will
stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a
nearby molecule.
Three ways free radicals weaken the
immune system
1. All of the immune cells are
damaged by free radicals as they
loose electrons to the free
2. Free radicals knock out
communication between immune
cells affecting proper operation
of the immune cells during the
five stage response.
3. Free radicals cause an over production of nitric
oxide in the macrophage damaging the macrophage
thereby impairing its ability to fight off invaders.
Antioxidants to the Rescue!
1.An antioxidant is a molecule
capable of slowing or preventing the
oxidation of other molecules.
2. Oxidation is a chemical
reaction that transfers electrons
from a substance to an oxidizing
3. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals,
which start chain reactions that damage cells.
Thus we can boost the immune
system through nutrition!
1. Vitamin C prevents the
production of free radicals
and reduces DNA damage in
immune cells.
2. Some sources of vitamin C
include berries, cantaloupe, kiwi,
red, green, or yellow peppers,
sweet potatoes, tomatoes,
broccoli, brussels sprouts, and
Boosting the Immune System
Through Nutrition
1. Vitamin E is a powerful fatsoluble antioxidant. It protects
cellular membranes of the immune
system and other cells by trapping
free radicals and enhances the
effectiveness of white blood cells.
2. Some sources of vitamin E include mustard and
turnip greens, nuts, spinach, broccoli, carrots,
sunflower seeds, mangoes, papaya, and pumpkin.
Boosting the Immune System
Through Nutrition
Vitamins B6 and B12
indirectly contribute to
antioxidant defenses having
considerable influence on
the immune system. A
deficiency of these vitamins
will create abnormalities in
the immune system.
Some B6 sources include tuna, banana, chicken,
turkey, salmon, cod, and snapper.
Some B12 sources include salmon, shrimp, scallops,
halibut, lamb, and snapper.
Boosting the Immune Through
Metallic micronutrients such as copper,
zinc, and selenium reduce oxidative
stress due to free radicals and increase
production and activity of WBC’s.
Deficiencies in children have been linked
to immune deficiency and infection.
Copper sources include beef, beans, potato,
cooked Shitake mushrooms
Zinc sources include beef, turkey, chicken, milk,
cheese, peanuts, beans, whole wheat bread.
Selenium sources include garlic, snapper, halibut,
salmon, shrimp, and turkey.
What About Probiotics ?
Intestinal tract relies on live
bacteria to help support a
robust intestinal immune
Some sources of probiotics include yogurt, aged
cheese, and buttermilk that includes lactobacillus
which stimulates natural immunity by improving
phagocytic and natural killer immune cell activity.
Additional sources are pickles, sauerkraut, and sour
dough bread.
What is your plan of action?
Take the challenge to
incorporate antioxidant
foods in your family’s
meal plan and Boost Your
Immune System
increasing the likelihood
For better health!