Building Capacity at the State, District & Building for Wraparound at Tier 3 Ami Flammini, IL PBIS Network Maura Burns, Frost Middle School.

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Transcript Building Capacity at the State, District & Building for Wraparound at Tier 3 Ami Flammini, IL PBIS Network Maura Burns, Frost Middle School.

Building Capacity at the State, District & Building for Wraparound at Tier 3

Ami Flammini, IL PBIS Network Maura Burns, Frost Middle School

In this session

Team development

Data based decision making

Describe the Wraparound Process

Family engagement

Fidelity checks using dat

An experienced wraparound facilitator

School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model

Academic Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions

•Individual students •Assessment-based •High intensity

Tier 2/Secondary Interventions

•Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response •Small group interventions • Some individualizing

5-15% 1-5% 1-5% 5-15% Behavioral Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions

•Individual students •Assessment-based •Intense, durable procedures

Tier 2/Secondary Interventions

•Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response •Small group interventions •Some individualizing

Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90%

•All students •Preventive, proactive

80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions

•All settings, all students •Preventive, proactive

Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at

SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~5% ~15% Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students

Positive Behavior Support

Supporting Staff Behavior Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making ٭ PRACTICES Adapted from “What is a systems Approach in school wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at http://www . Supporting Student Behavior

Description of Tier 3 Interventions

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Tier 1/Universal

School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems

ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc.

Tier 2/ Secondary

Check-in/ Check-out Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc.

Tier 3/ Tertiary

Social/Academic Instructional Groups Individualized Check In/Check-Out, Groups & Mentoring (ex. CnC) Brief Functional Behavioral Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex FBA/BIP



Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 2009 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004

Deciding Which Tertiary Level Intervention is Most Appropriate • Complex FBA/BIP (T200): Brief FBA/BIP was not successful • Wraparound (T300+) : Youth with multiple needs across home, school, community & life domains AND • Youth at-risk for change of placement • NONE of Wraparound criteria are present • The adults in youth’s life are not well) effectively engaged in comprehensive planning (i.e. adults not getting along

Team development

Universal Team

Plans SW & Class-wide supports

3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) Secondary Systems Team

Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness

Problem Solving Team

Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time

Tertiary Systems Team

Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness

Universal Support CICO SAIG Group w. individual feature Brief FBA/BIP

Sept. 1, 2009


Teaming at Tier 3

• • Tertiary Systems Planning ‘conversation’  Monitors effectiveness of Complex FBA/BIP & Wraparound supports  Review data in aggregate to make decisions on improvements to the interventions themselves  Students are NOT discussed Individual Student Teams 

FBA/BIP Team per student

Wraparound Team per student

Student-Specific Teams

 Wraparound Team:  Family of child and all relevant stakeholders invited by family. Wrap facilitators are trained to effectively engage families so that they will see that these teams are created by and for the family, and therefore will want to have a team and actively participate. School staff involved are informed that their presence is uniquely important for this youth and invited to participate.  Individual Youth FBA/BIP Team:  Like the wraparound team, this team is uniquely created for each individual child in need of comprehensive planning and the families are critical members of the team. All relevant individuals/staff are invited.

Tertiary Systems Planning Team Mtg Agenda • • For Complex FBA/BIP and Wraparound: # of youth in interventions ( record on TT )?  Number of youth responding (record on TT)?

 * Consider Wrap OR use of WIT for all youth not responding Number of new youth potentially entering intervention?

If less than 70% of youth are responding to any of the interventions, the Tertiary Systems Team should review the integrity of the intervention and make adjustments as needed.

Process Data based decision making

Data-Based Decision-Making

Intervention integrity or process data is used:  To monitor the effectiveness of the intervention itself  To make decisions regarding the continuum/menu of interventions/supports 

This data is monitored by the Secondary Systems Team

Systems-Response Tool

“Finding” Students in Need of Tertiary Supports • Records the “system’s response” to youth behavior/circumstance • Administrators and team members need to find the #s of youth that meet each criteria  Using the tool IS engaging in a ‘systems-reflection’  Prevents the hiding or mis-labeling of youth (ex. “We don’t have any kids that need Wraparound”)

System Response Options

A. Students being monitored by Secondary Systems Team (ex. CICO, CnC, FBA/BIP) B. Students being monitored by Tertiary Systems Team (ex. Complex FBA/BIP, Wraparound) C. Students being considered for Special Education Testing D. Students with Special Education process in progress (being tested, placement being considered, etc.) E. Students that were tested and did not qualify for Special Education F. Students suspended on one occasion G. Students suspended on two or more separate occasions H. Students placed (or at risk of placed) in separate setting or “Safe School” (ex. Alternative to suspension program) I. Students in Special Education setting, out-of-home school J. Students in “short-term” restrictive placement in clinical setting (hospitalization) K. Students with expulsion hearing in progress L. Students expelled

Total # of Students in Category for Time Period: List date at top of column & total # of youth in each box

Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Outcome Data based decision making

Data-Based Decision-Making

Student outcome data is used : a) To identify youth in need of support and to identify appropriate intervention b) For on-going progress-monitoring of response to intervention c) To transition youth out of interventions at the appropriate time

Data Used to Identify Youth in Need of Tertiary Support • • • Universal Data by Student (ODR’s, # of absences, # of ISS or OSS) Universal Screening Data – SSBD, etc.

Request by Family Member, Teacher or Student •


referral to Tertiary Systems Team from Secondary Problem Solving team after Brief FBA/BIP was not successful

Data Used to Progress-Monitor Tertiary

 DPR (Daily Progress Report) points earned each day (data entered into Excel or SWIS)  Office Discipline Referrals  Suspensions  Attendance  Tardies  Follow-up questionnaire for teachers, family member, or student who made referral  Recommendation : SIMEO (Student Information Management of Educational Outcomes)

Recommended Time-Frames for Data Review

Tertiary Interventions:

Student outcome data:

 Intervention facilitators to review individual student data at least weekly  Process data (Intervention effectiveness):  Student aggregate data should be reviewed at least once a month by Tertiary Systems Team

Wrap Process

What is Wraparound?

 Wraparound is a process for developing family centered teams and plans that are strength and needs based  (not deficit based)  across multiple settings and life domains.

Features of Wraparound

used with individual students

plans reflect voice , priorities of youth and family

based on unique youth and family needs

culturally relevant teams and plans

plans include natural supports

built upon youth, family and provider strengths

uses traditional and non-traditional interventions

encompasses multiple life domains

unconditional - if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan

Deciding Which Tertiary Level Intervention is Most Appropriate

• Complex FBA/BIP (T200): Brief FBA/BIP was not successful • Wraparound (T300+) : Youth with multiple needs across home, school, community & life domains AND • NONE of Wraparound criteria are present • Youth at-risk for change of placement • The adults in youth’s life are not well) effectively engaged in comprehensive planning (i.e. adults not getting along


The purpose/reason for demonstrating a specific type of behavior within a specific context/routine.

• Specific behaviors have been strengthened by consistent reinforcement.

• Family voice is not necessary to identify function of behavior in the school setting.

• Once Function is correctly identified, putting a plan in place can produce rapid behavior change. This can be accomplished in a single meeting.

Big Need

The underlying reason preventing successful experiences/interactions in multiple settings/contexts/routines • • • When a big quality of life need is unmet, it impacts perception/judgment, often resulting in chronic problem behavior.

Family voice is necessary to identify the Big Need for the school setting.

Once Big Need is identified, it takes a while to achieve and involves action planning across multiple life domains. Meeting the big need always involves multiple Child & Family Team meetings.


Function is identified through structured interviews focusing on the problem behavior, antecedents, consequences, and setting events •

Big Need

Big needs are identified through open-ended conversation and use of SIMEO tools with those engaged with the youth on a regular basis.

• • Focus is on developing function-based support plan (replacement behavior, antecedent, consequence, and setting event supports).

• Big Need statements motivate a family to participate on the team (know we are working on something ‘bigger’ than specific behaviors).

When achieved, situations improve for the youth or those engaged with the youth on a regular basis (e.g., the family, the teacher). • If met, the need will improve quality of life for the youth or those engaged with the youth on a regular basis (e.g., the family, the teacher).

SIMEO Database Features

 Systematic Information Management of Education Outcomes  Database system for individual students being supported by Tertiary-level interventions  On-line data collection system  Access to this data through a virtual connection 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;  With graphing capacity (line & bar graphs)  Password protected

Wraparound Case Study “Ozzie” cont.

Getting to Strengths and Needs at Baseline Using Data and Voice & Choice

Educational Information Tool (EI-T) Example of School Behavior Data Line Graph

Family engagement

   

Points to Remember about Engaging Families

Apply RtI to Family Engagement: don’t keep doing what hasn’t worked up If engagement didn’t happen, how would you change your approach to effectively engage?

professionals don’t get to choose or judge how families raise their kids.

Always start with a conversation ( not a meeting) with the family, getting their trust and permission before talking with others.

Establish Family Voice & Ownership

Communicate differently …

 No blaming , no shaming  Start with strengths  Family’s needs are priority  Listen to their story before the meeting  Validate their perspective

Examples of Opening Questions to Assist in Initial Conversations

 “Please tell me about your child…”  “What will it look like when life is better?”  “What is your hope, dream, vision of success with your/this child/family?”

Checking for Family Voice & Ownership



team members •Team meets when & where family is


•Family (including the youth) feels like it is

their meeting


their plan

instead of feeling like they are attending a meeting the school or agency is having about them.

Fidelity checks using data

Checking for Fidelity

Tier 3 Systems Team The Wrap-Around Integrity Tool

Wraparound Example

District Perspective Building Example


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