Research Ethics Western University Non-Medical Research Ethics Board Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 Grace Kelly Ethics Officer [email protected]

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Transcript Research Ethics Western University Non-Medical Research Ethics Board Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 Grace Kelly Ethics Officer [email protected]

Research Ethics
Western University
Non-Medical Research Ethics Board
Tri-Council Policy Statement 2
Grace Kelly
Ethics Officer
[email protected]
Non-Medical Research Ethics Board
• Please note that the following slides and the information
contained on these slides ONLY apply to the NonMedical Research Ethics Board.
• If you wish to learn more about the Health Sciences
Research Ethics Board please attend my sessions on
the HSREB which are scheduled for later this week.
Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 (TCPS2)
TCPS2 is a guideline created by the Interagency Agency
Panel on Research Ethics for the Tri-Council
Agencies(CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC).
To be eligible to receive and administer research funds
from the Agencies, institutions must agree to comply with
Agency policies, the TCPS2 being one of those policies.
Researchers funded by the Agencies are expected to
adhere to the TCPS2.
Today’s Agenda
•When is ethics approval required? (Chapter 2)
•Which Research Ethics Board to use?
•Where are you required to submit? (Chapter 6)
•The Consent Process (Chapter 3)
•Protocol submissions and Review Process
•Question and Answer Period
When is Ethics Approval Required?
Chapter 2
ALL research involving human participants is subject to
ethics review by an REB, even if approval may not be
If you are doing research with humans and are unsure of
whether or not ethics is required, please contact our
office first.
When is Ethics Approval Required?
Chapter 2
The following require ethics review by an REB before
the research commences:
• (a) research involving living human participants;
• (b) research involving human biological materials, as
well as human embryos, fetuses, fetal tissue,
reproductive materials and stem cells. This applies to
materials derived from living and deceased individuals.
When is Ethics Approval NOT Required?
Chapter 2
• Quality assurance and quality improvement studies,
• Program evaluation activities,
• Performance reviews or testing within normal
educational requirements when used exclusively for
assessment, management or improvement purposes,
• Course or program planning or development,
• Development of case studies for teaching purposes
Where are you required to submit?
Chapter 6
All Western University students, staff and faculty must
obtain research ethics approval from Western University
to do any research at any location.
If you are doing research at Western and at another
location you may also need to obtain ethics from that
institution. Please contact the institution for confirmation,
based on your particular project.
Which Research Ethics Board to Use?
Chapter 6
Western University has two main Research Ethics Boards.
The board being discussed today is the Non-Medical
Research Ethics Board (NMREB). This main board is
divided further, based on the level of risk indicated in the
• Full Board, Delegated Board, Sub-REBs
Delegated Review
Chapter 6
Research that is deemed minimal risk or lower and
does not use vulnerable participants, children or in
some cases elderly.
Minimal Risk: Research in which the probability and
magnitude of possible harms implied by
participation in the research is no greater than
those encountered by participants in those aspects
of their everyday life that relate to the research.
Sub-REBs and Delegated Review
Chapter 6
The REB delegates research ethics review to an individual
or individuals. Delegates are selected from among the
REB membership with the exception of the ethics review
of student course-based research. This can be
delegated to the department, faculty or equivalent level
Chapter 6
Therefore, if your project is eligible for Delegated Review
and you belong to one of these faculties, you should
submit to the Sub-REB
Education / Music
Political Sciences
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
Arts and Humanities
The Consent Process
Chapter 3
Letter of Information
The Consent Process should be thought of as a process,
not just a letter and a form that the potential participants
The Letter of Information document should not cause the
potential participant to:
Feel overwhelmed by institutional approval
Fear loss of benefits, employment or educational status
Feel an obligation to participate
Believe there will be financial gain
The Consent Process
Chapter 3
• Subjects must be told exactly what is going to happen to
them (full disclosure)
• Subjects must agree to participate
– Letter of Information
– Consent Form
– Assent Form
The Consent Process
Chapter 3
Obtaining Consent
This can happen in a number of ways:
– Written Consent (Letter of Information + Consent to sign)
– Explicit Consent (Letter of Information + Completion of Survey)
– Explicit Verbal Consent (Telephone Script + Agree to Interview)
You still need a Letter of Information or script for ALL of these
forms of consent.
Protocol Submissions & Review Process
The Office of Research Ethics sets deadlines for each
of its major boards
Full Board – Deadlines
Delegated – No deadlines
Protocol Submission & Review Process
NMREB Delegated
– Protocols can be submitted at anytime
– Reviewed within 2 weeks of being submitted
– Recommendations sent out within 5 days of review
NMREB Full Board
– Protocols are submitted on the deadline date
– Reviewed at the meeting date indicated online
– Recommendations sent out within 5 days of review
Protocol Submission & Review Process
The REB provides initial review and approval to a
research project and the REB and the ORE provide
ongoing post-approval review to research revision,
We are currently in the process of going electronic with
our submissions - ROMEO
Question & Answer Period
Thank you!
We are always here to help.
If you have any questions please contact
Grace Kelly at 519-661-2111 ext. 84692 or
[email protected]
Julie Pfeiffer at 519-661-2111 ext. 86811 or
[email protected]