Hofstra University’s Office of Parent and Family Programs Meeting Goals and Missions Through a Social Media Strategic Plan + Hofstra University Team Leader: David Prevost Team Members: Christina King,

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Transcript Hofstra University’s Office of Parent and Family Programs Meeting Goals and Missions Through a Social Media Strategic Plan + Hofstra University Team Leader: David Prevost Team Members: Christina King,

Hofstra University’s
Office of Parent and Family Programs
Meeting Goals and
Missions Through
a Social Media
Strategic Plan
Hofstra University
Team Leader: David Prevost
Team Members: Christina King, Jacklyn Blaney, Joseph Bennethum
Social media:
Students as our demographic
Average Age of a
Hofstra Student: 18-34
18-34 age group is 51%
of current
Facebook users
Social media:
Parents as our demographic
Average Age of a Hofstra
Parent: 45+
45+ age group is 20% of
current Facebook users
We need to bridge
the gap!
+ Office of Parent and Family Programs
Hofstra’s Office of Parent and Family Programs, in collaboration with offices
across the University, serves as a resource for parents and families while they
support their students to take increasing responsibility for their journey in
learning and personal growth. Our programs, publications and events strive to
make parents and families part of our community.
We are committed to:
•Providing Hofstra parents with timely information about Hofstra's services,
programs and opportunities that could further their student’s academic success
and well-being as well as benefit members of their family.
•Courteously serving as the first-stop inquiry center for Hofstra parents and
•Promoting meaningful engagement of parents and families in the life of campus
by developing programs and events of interest to parents, especially those that
help with the transition to college.
http://www.hofstra.edu/parfam/, Retrieved February 2011.
Current Technology-Based Services
• Website: www.hofstra.edu/parents
• E-newsletter: monthly e-mail to parents
 Students have to sign up parents for newsletter during
admissions process!
• Family Connection: newsletter published each semester
 PDF accessible online (via office home page)
• Parent and Family Handbook: Handbook of “all things Hofstra” sent
to parents, for parents.
Consider the Possibilities …
Our Proposal
• Expand what the Office of Parent and Family Programs is already
doing to incorporate social media.
• Create social media accounts in several platforms (Twitter, Tumblr,
Facebook, Blogspot, etc.) to achieve short-term goals and facilitate
long-term goals.
• Create a long-term plan to extend value of social media incorporation
into the Office of Parent and Family Programs.
• Reflectively assess programs and re-align goals upon assessment.
Expand on What We Already Do
• Parent and Family Handbook (updated twice a year):
 Include section on social media: How our office is currently using it,
including account information.
 Expand HofstraSpeak (a glossary of Hofstra-specific terms) to
HofstraSpeak of the Week across all social media platforms.
• Parent Orientation:
 Include an interactive parent tutorial and market the help that is
available to parents via social media.
 Have parents create Facebook and Twitter accounts to receive
information; provide on-site technical support at the conclusion of
• Parent Survey:
 Expand Parent Survey to include questions about social media to
enhance services to parents/families.
 Solicit quantitative and qualitative feedback from parents via
discussion forum and data polling.
• Parent Voice:
 Add “Parent Voice” (articles written by parents) to Blogspot and
Short-Term Goals
• Enhanced Response to Campus News
 Serve to replace or expand call center in event of campus
 Increase timeliness and effectiveness of crisis communication by
posting notifications via social media platforms.
Assessment: # of hits website gets; focus group with parents; percentage
of parents using website for campus alerts
 track at the conclusion of every semester
Short-Term Goals (continued)
• More Effective Advertising for Events/Programs
 Create events via Facebook.
 Upload pictures/recap on Tumblr within 24 hours of event.
 Provide countdowns to events on Twitter.
 Invite parents to submit blog entries regarding their personal
experiences at events.
Assessment: # of those who attended events; # of RSVPs on Facebook
Short-Term Goals (continued)
• More Efficient Communication With and Among Parents and Families
 Create Facebook group (i.e., “2013 Parents”) to monitor discussion
board and hold real-time chat with administrators.
 Send out daily updates and reminders (i.e., “Room Selection Is
Today!”) via Facebook and Twitter statuses.
 Establish a parent advice column or discussion board via Facebook
on college parent issues.
Assessment: parent/family poll (track at the end of each semester)
Short-Term Goals (continued)
• Increase Sibling Involvement
(Especially teenagers – potential recruitment opportunity)
 Create discussion thread on Facebook for Hofstra family teens.
 Direct invites on Facebook for sibling/family events to teens.
Assessment: # of incoming first-year students that are related to current
Hofstra students (track once per academic year); # of siblings who
attend family events
Long-Term Outcomes/Goals
Retain alumni who become parents.
 How? Encourage feedback through social media; encourage
alumni participation in family events organized through our office.
 Future outcomes? Recruitment; increased fund-raising
 Assessment? # of alumni who participate; # of children whose parents
are alumni
Create a full-time social media coordinator for Office of Parent and Family
 How? Hire and train a professional with social media and/or
marketing experience; higher education experience is preferred!
 Future outcomes? Other student services offices/departments can
retain full-time social media administrators.
Establish a personal identity for Hofstra siblings.
 How? Through social media and events targeted at siblings
 Future outcomes? Increased enrollment and family satisfaction!
 Assessment? # of Hofstra siblings who enroll for studies
Benefits of Proposal
 Provides instant notification/campus updates for parents/families.
 Statistically driven – can determine effectiveness and necessity of
individual platforms by finding out how many use it!
 Supports “going green” efforts and sustainability -> the more done
online, the less printed on paper!
 Increased empowerment of parents -> they will feel more part of the
campus culture and community!
 Increased satisfaction  increased generosity?
 An informed parent decreases unnecessary parent
involvement in other offices!
 Lowered costs -> more done online for free!
 Informs parents without violating FERPA
 Increased parent self-efficacy
Potential Challenges
Many parents are still unfamiliar with or may be resistant to
computers/Internet/social media.
Extra work for an already small staff
Maintaining and moderating comments for relevance and appropriateness
Not enough content during slow times of year  Many prefer a reliable,
consistent posting schedule.
Too much content during busy times of year  Parents may become
overwhelmed with too many posts in a short period of time (and may
overwhelm their student!)
+ How to Overcome Challenges
• Many parents are still unfamiliar with or may be resistant to
computers/Internet/social media.
 Learn and implement full, accurate use of social media features by
office staff to demonstrate uses and benefits to parents/families.
 Include an “Introduction to Social Media” component during Parent
Orientation. Introduce various services and their features,
demonstrate their use, and assist with social media account creation.
 Post “Helpful Hints” for using social media  post across platforms.
 Still provide all traditionally printed materials, with the option to “opt out” of
paper mailings.
+ How to Overcome Challenges (cont.)
• Maintaining and moderating comments for relevance and
 Encourage office staff to regularly contribute to ongoing discourse
across social media platforms.
 Make office goal of getting back to all parents within 1 to 2 business
 Marketing intern, undergraduate and/or graduate assistant and
office staff will check accounts on a regular basis (consistently) to
ensure content and comments are relevant and appropriate.
+ How to Overcome Challenges (cont.)
• Not enough content during slow times of year  Many prefer a reliable,
consistent posting schedule.
 Allow parents to submit content (contingent upon office staff
 Create informational posts in advance (i.e., Hofstra stats/facts, fun
trivia, history of campus, etc.).
 Schedule to automatically post at a later, specified date; keep on
file for slow periods.
 Provide updates on simple points of pride on campus.
 Post about cultural events offered on campus throughout summer
and January intercession.
+ How to Overcome Challenges (cont.)
• Too much content during busy times of year  Parents may become
overwhelmed with too many posts in a short period of time (and may
overwhelm their student!)
 Offer an undergraduate and/or graduate internship (preferably a
PR/marketing/graphic design major) to maintain social media
 Provides relevant “real-world” experience to a Hofstra student.
 Can serve as a pilot program for other offices/departments on
campus to implement similar positions.
 Consolidate efforts and use available services (i.e., TweetDeck,
HootSuite, or other built-in features) to post to multiple platforms
 Share login/account information with all office staff; make office
staff “administrators for accounts.
+ Goals and Missions, Revisited!
We are committed to:
•Providing Hofstra parents with timely information about Hofstra's services,
programs and opportunities that could further their student’s academic success and
well-being as well as benefit members of their family.
Timely information is now INSTANT!
•Courteously serving as the first-stop inquiry center for Hofstra parents and families.
Inquiry center is now convenient, 24-hours-a-day, and GREEN!
•Promoting meaningful engagement of parents and families in the life of campus by
developing programs and events of interest to parents, especially those that help with
the transition to college.
Advertising of events is available, and programs are tailored to help parents
catch up to and work with their millennial student!
http://www.hofstra.edu/parfam/; Retrieved February 2011.
+ References
December Data on Facebook’s US Growth by Age and Gender: Beyond 100 Million.
InsideFacebook.com., Retrieved 2/12/11
“Our Mission.” Office of Parent and Family Programs Web page. http://www.hofstra.edu/parfam/,
Retrieved February 2011.