Sponsored Effort Nuts and Bolts at UD How to ensure accurate data for effort certification…make your life easier!

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Transcript Sponsored Effort Nuts and Bolts at UD How to ensure accurate data for effort certification…make your life easier!

Sponsored Effort Nuts and Bolts at UD

How to ensure accurate data for effort certification…make your life easier!

Meeting Objectives

• Introduction to the web process • How do we employ the transactions to do the work for us?

– Proposal submission data awarded effort – ProjectID Chartfield – Journal Vouchers – LAM • The live process


• You have attended the Effort certification training session • You are knowledgeable about your faculty workload policy • You are, or you will work closely with, the effort administrator in your unit (GMQ_DEPT_EFFORT_ADMIN)

Web Process

• Web-enabled process effective March 1, 2005 • All certification and adjustments will be handled electronically • 2 effort periods – September – February – March – August • Summer months in same effort period

Web Process

• Effort administrators will receive notification of release on or about 3/15/05 and then every 6 months thereafter • Certifications should be routed promptly and must be completed in 60 days

Let’s see it!

Administrative Maintenance

Administrator View

Administrator View (dollar)

Administrator View (percentage)

Administrator View (dollar)

Administrator View (process JV)

Cost Transfers (JV’s)

• Must be appropriate/allowable • Should be within 90 days • Not needed if within 5% variance • Recalculate upon ‘refresh’

Effort Journals

• UD WebForms FINJournal Voucher – restricts users from submitting a journal for a ‘closed’ effort period – Forces the use of the effort certification process to manage these corrections – ‘closed’ effort periods are restricted • ‘Open’ effort period cost transfers can be handled on the UD WebForms FINJournal

Effort Journals

• Journals processed for transactions Prior to PS data (July 1, 2002) will be handled a bit differently – Pull down menu “Prior to PS” – Routes to OVPR for approval – Requires revised paper SAR

Admin View (approval)



(2) “review and certify” are necessary to complete the process – Effort admin reviews and certifies accuracy and forwards to employee – Employee reviews and certifies •


employee is no longer at UD, then effort admin can select “certify for former employee”

Annual YTD view (dollars)

Annual AYTD view (percentage)

Employee View (percent)

Employee View (approval)

Employee Annual YTD View

Maintaining Good Data

Employing the transactions to do the work for you

Where does the data live?

Proposed effort

is added to the proposal budget at submission stage in the Grants System by department administrators •

Committed effort

is added to the award budget screens in the Grants System by OVPR staff • All the data from the pay


and any Journal is captured in the UOD_Trans_DTL table

Effort is proposed Proposed Effort Salary is charged

Proposal stage

• Data is added to the detail budget screens in UD Grants System for all UD employee whether PI, Co-PI or senior personnel, listed as


on your grant proposal • Data should include effort percent and whether it is a summer month(s) • Data inputted at the proposal budget can be queried in GMQ_EFFORT_BY_PI_PROPOSED

Resource page

Budget Line Summary

Budget Line Detail

Effort is proposed Awarded Effort Salary is charged

Award Stage

• Once awarded, OVPR confirms the proposed effort has not changed and enters the effort percent on the appropriate Grants System panel • Data can be queried in GMQ_EFFORT_BY_PI_CURRENT

Effort is proposed Transactions Salary is charged Effort is Certified

Project Chart Field

• Speedtypes include inherited chart fields • ProjectID is auto-included with grants and contracts • Include ProjectID on non C & G speedtype transactions to relate the transaction to the award (grant or contract)

Labor Allocation Module (LAM)

• Use the LAM to discern workload • Use the LAM to delineate the research workload portion into grant related effort and match • LAM is per pay • LAM Percentages remain in effect until changed

Effort Percentages

How much to commit for whom and when???

Effort Percentages

• Effort entries in your project budget on the personnel salary and benefits detail page are used for faculty work loads • The minimum amount of effort allocated to a project allowed is 1% for each of the key personnel listed on the proposal (or the minimum required by the program if greater than 1%) • The vast majority of project budgets are for one (1) year. Regardless of what type of appointment (9 month, 10 month, or 11 month) held by a faculty member, the base for calculation of effort is one year (12 months).

Effort Percentages

• On the most basic level, efforts are calculated as follows for a typical 9 month faculty member with 3 months of summer research: – 1 month = 1/12 = 8% effort – 2 months = 2/12 = 17% effort – 3 months = 3/12 = 25% effort • For portions of a month, use the decimal equivalent of the fraction (or the percent ) of the month and divide by 12 – ½ month = 50% of month = .5, so 0.5/12 = 4% effort – ¼ month = 25 % of month = .25, so 0.25/12 = 2% effort – 1/3 month = 33% of month = .33, so 0.33/12 = 3% effort

Effort Calculations

Or… 50 ways to calculate one month

Workload Example

• Dr. Dots has a workload that combines teaching and research • Dr. Dots has a 9 month academic year faculty appointment • Dr.Dots teaches 3 courses in the first semester and 2 in the second semester • Each course is 3 credits

CBA 11.9

12 credit contact hours or 18 teaching contact hours per week per semester constitutes a 100% workload for the semester for the academic year.

Assignment of a workload of other credit-contact hours per week or teaching contact hours per week per semester will be prorated as a percentage of workload for the semester, e.g. 9 credit-contact hours per week per semester constitutes a 75% workload for the semester for the academic year; 6 credit-contact hours per week per semester constitutes a 50% workload for the semester for the academic year;

3 credit-contact hours per week per semester constitutes a 25% workload

semester for the academic year. for the


September October November December January February March April May June July August

Faculty Workload

monthly distribution

Teaching .75








Research .25












Summer Month X X X

How much is a month?

Number of Months in Appointment 9 % if +3 summer months 8% % if +2 summer months % if +1 summer months 9% 10% 10 11 12 N/A N/A 8% N/A 8% for any month 9% 8%

Workload Calculation Month

September October November December January February March April May June July August Totals

Teaching .75








5 Research .25












7 % Teaching 6% 6% 6% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 40% % Research 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 8.4% 4.3% 4.4% 4.3% 4.4% 8.3% 8.4% 8.3% 60%

Workload Category Research (regardless of funding) Instruction and internal service Public Service

Dr. Dots Example

Percentage 60% 30% 10% • Dr. Dots has agreed to spend – 60% of his time (effort) performing research related activities, – 30% of his time providing instruction through teaching or advisement of students and – 10% of his time providing service to the public or the institution. • The total workload needs to total 100%.

Dr. Dots Example Proposal/Grant Title

A —Happy Widgets B —Sad Widgets C —Mad Widgets Total committed Total uncommitted

Amount Budgeted

$4,000 $0 $2,000 $6,000

Research Effort Committed


Related Months

1 (S – contract) 2% 4% 14% 46% .5 .25


• So this is good news. We only have 14% committed for Dr. Dots. We still have 46% left to commit or leave uncommitted.

Dr. Dots LAM Example

1 Speedtype


Project Program INST1 % for LAM Distribution 40% 2 3 4


C —Mad Widgets Total B —Sad Widgets C —Mad Widgets INST2 RSCH6 RSCH6 54% 2% 4% 100%

LAM example (left)

LAM example (right)

LAM (left-more typical)

LAM (right-more typical)

How do I verify the accuracy of my data?

• GMQ_EFFORT_BY_PI_CURRENT • GMQ_EFFORT_BY_PI_PROPOSED • C & P (other support report) accessible off of the UD Processes menu


Did you say C&P???

• • YES!!!

Current and Pending is available in 2 formats – NIH – NSF Navigate in FIPRD – UD Process> UD Grants Reports

PS Current & Pending Option

• Selection of included projects • At resource detail panel

Tips and Hints

Tips & Hints

• Always LOGOUT before ending your session – This allows a refresh at next log on which will enable any changes to be viewable • Be VERY careful where you send screens – This is salary data and in the wrong hands could be embarrassing – OVPR can redirect to the correct user – Once the WRONG recipient has received it, that person will ALWAYS be able to view it even if redirected

Tips & Hints

• Must refresh after a journal is processed to see the recalculated amounts • Use standard udel.edu email addresses, not secondary email servers (ee.udel.edu)


• New process starts March 1, 2005 • Use tools available to maintain accurate data – Use Project Chart Field to delineate cost share and direct sponsor charges • Reduce cost transfers and other corrections through attentive discussions with faculty about effort

Effort is proposed Salary is charged Questions?

Contact/Info: www.ovpr.udel.edu


Effort is Certified