Suzanne Bevans, Principal Beth Nuckles, Assistant Principal Sarah Willey, ITC Kevin Rock, Librarian Karen Holbrook- Kindergarten Teacher Jennifer Bush.

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Transcript Suzanne Bevans, Principal Beth Nuckles, Assistant Principal Sarah Willey, ITC Kevin Rock, Librarian Karen Holbrook- Kindergarten Teacher Jennifer Bush.

Sarah Willey, ITC Kevin Rock, Librarian Karen Holbrook- Kindergarten Teacher Jennifer Bush. 1 st Grade Teacher Laurie Waller- 2 nd Grade Teacher Merle LeDuc, 3rd Grade Teacher Suzanne Bevans, Principal Beth Nuckles, Assistant Principal Zide Hafizyar, TSSPEC Misty Mudryk, 4 th Grade Teacher Jen Bowersox, 5th Grade Teacher Dr. Molly Oria, Special Education VISION Henderson Elementary School’s vision is that teachers will effectively integrate technology in all curriculum areas by acquiring, analyzing and disseminating information so that students become independent learners.

Staff will generate a positive connection with family and community through joint participation in technology education at Henderson Elementary School.

Henderson Elementary School Technology Plan

Goal I: Improve teaching and learning through the integration of technology.

Target 1.1: Teachers collaborate to improve and enrich instruction using technology.

PWCS Strategic Plan Goal 1: All students meet high standards of performance.

PWCS Technology Plan Goal 1.2: Provide equitable access for students to challenging opportunities that will prepare them for the future. STRATEGIES

Objective Person Responsible Time Line Resources

ITC Provide time for Teachers, Encore, Librarian and Specialists to discuss ideas and plan technology integration activities. Administrators,team leads ITRT and Staff Provide professional development on a consistent basis, with flexible times and topics Document the use of technology in weekly lesson plans Teachers Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing ITC ITC, NETS*T PROGRESS MEASURES • Administrative evaluations on walk-abouts and formal observations • Teacher surveys • Student surveys

Henderson Elementary School Technology Plan 2014-2019

Goal I: Improve teaching and learning through the integration of technology.

Target 1.2: Teachers effectively integrate instructional technology.

PWCS Strategic Plan Goal 1: All students meet high standards of performance.

PWCS Technology Plan Goal 1.2: Provide equitable access for students to challenging opportunities that will prepare them for the future. INTEGRATION STRATEGIES

Objective Person Responsible Time Line Resources

Provide mini-workshops, one-to-one support as needed, and large group professional development continuously throughout the year ITC Ongoing Smart Resources, iPad training, Smart Responders, Document Imaging Cameras Provide a Technology Binder to all classroom teachers with tabs for PowerTeacher Gradebook, a Technology Guide, Technology Standards and Screen Shots. ITC, Staff Provide a Technology Guide for reference for new staff members, and easily accessible for all staff members as a resource for help ITC Distributed in August 2014 to all classroom teachers. Ongoing Complete and published by August 2014; updated yearly The binder will come with directions to get to SMS on the intranet, a PowerTeacher Gradebook manual, Technology Standards for K-2 and 3-5. Other resources will be provided by the ITC and staff members are expected to put them into their binders.

Chancery SMS, PT Gradebook, Novell, Technology resource teachers are expected to use for technology integration. Provide directions for completing mandatory technology tasks, such as Interim Reports and Report Cards, including screen shots and emailed to all staff for use at home or at school. ITC Ongoing ITC help documents and resources


• PROGRESS MEASURES • Successful completion of reports, attendance, and other mandated technology programs Teacher surveys/ Student surveys

Henderson Elementary School Technology Plan 2014-2019 INTEGRATION

Goal I: Improve teaching and learning through the integration of technology.

Target 1.3: Teachers understand and model the acceptable use of technology in teaching and learning.

PWCS Strategic Plan Goal 1: All students meet high standards of performance.

PWCS Technology Plan Goal 1.2: Provide equitable access for students to challenging opportunities that will prepare them for the future. STRATEGIES

Objective Person Responsible Time Line Resources

Identify and present the acceptable use policy to staff at the beginning of each school year, and make it available on the teacher shared drive. Coordinate various presentations on Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying for students throughout the school year. ITC, TSSPEC ITC, Counselor, Teachers Beginning of the school year in detail, then ongoing IWB in Library, whole-staff presentation in PowerPoint, PWCS website On-going NetSmartz Kids, various resources provided by PWCS and the Instructional and Informational Technology Departments and Staff members PROGRESS MEASURES • • • Homeroom discussions during Olweus meetings Teacher surveys Student surveys

Henderson Elementary School Technology Plan 2014-2019 INTEGRATION

Goal I: Improve teaching and learning through the integration of technology.

Target 1.4: Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum.

PWCS Strategic Plan Goal 1: All students meet high standards of performance.

PWCS Technology Plan Goal 1.2: Provide equitable access for students to challenging opportunities that will prepare them for the future. STRATEGIES

Objective Person Responsible Time Line Resources

Share integration strategies with all grade levels ITC, Teachers Model technology-rich lessons with teachers ITC, Specialists ,Teachers Ongoing Ongoing Professional Development and support with all technology hardware, software, online resources, available to the Henderson staff ITC, Vendor Educational Consultants, PWCS courses, webinars and online training Ongoing User Guides published and easily accessible to staff members ITC Ongoing Staff meetings, grade level planning meetings, email, classroom websites Grade level planning meetings; Co-Teaching ITC, Vendor Educational Consultants, PWCS courses, webinars and online training Technology Binders, H:drive, HES website Technology webpage • • • PROGRESS MEASURES Number of technology-enriched lesson plans created by teachers Observation of classroom integration activities Teacher comfort level with technology integration will increase

Henderson Elementary School Long Term Plan and Objectives

Long-term Goal: To replace outdated and unsupported technology at Henderson by the year 2017. Objectives: 1. Prioritize the technology that needs to be replaced, and replace the oldest technology first. A. Funding resources will include: PWCS 50/50 matching funds (completed); PTCO funds, and school flex funds. B. The TSSPEC has a list of the model numbers and serial numbers of all of the computers in the building that will need to be replaced.

2. During the school years 2014 – 2017, the remaining outdated computers will be replaced as funds become available. 3. We will explore options for purchasing more iPads. We presently have 20. With the move to Microsoft we are looking into the possibility of purchasing Microsoft compatible tablets.

4. We are exploring providing document cameras for all classroom teachers.